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A couple of (mainly) Arcanist questions for the wise



Greetings, fellow Malifaux gamers :o).

A couple of questions arose at last nights minor dispute over a piece of territory down in the sewers (Raspy vs. Viks & The Sewer Rat Pack aka. Von Schill & Freikorps):

1) Does Soulstone Miner's Tunnelling ability allow it to ignore vertical movement penalties due to it's "...ignoring terrain and models...." wording? (e.g. may it be moved from 'groundfloor' up to a position on a Ht5 terrain).

2) Is it possible for models without any specific special abilities (Hans) to shoot through Raspy's (1) White Out hitting the model in the center of the :aura3 ?

2a) ....and it is my understanding, that the Hunter ability has no effect on spells with the obscuring trait (e.g. White Out, Fog), unless it is specifically stated that the spell effect counts as terrain - is this correct ?

3) Does a totem need to connect to a specifik Vik ?

4) Does :blast:blast damage breakable terrain if they touch it ?

5) Does the Gunsmith's Concealed Weapon ability 'reset' every round ?

5a) Does every Strike from the same opponent against a Gunsmith require a Wp->13 duel or just the first one as long as Concealed Weapon is valid ? (e.g. two (1) Strikes from the same model = )

6) May Rasputina benefit from the Surge trigger when casting (0) Biting Chill as it automatically triggers Overpower without any suit requirements, as per the spell description ?

7) When an opponent is required to push his models as a result of Snow Storms (1) Foul Weather, may he deliberately block for other (of his own models) so they cannot complete their push ?

I'm quite new to playing Arcanists so I apologize if these questions have already been asked & answered elsewhere.

(As a sidenote, neither of us had a Rules Manual at hand, probably due to a combination of old age and plain forgetfullness)

Edited by Smoje_DK
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Firstly don't have the rules to hand. So take these answers with a pinch of salt.

1 Yes I think it does.

2 A model in a 3" aura of obscuring is generally unseeable from outside. Hans has special rules that will let him see.

2a Hunter works on Terrain. White out, creepy fog, Vent steam and so forth are not Terrain. So there is no extra distance they can see. They can still ignore cover bonus if you are within 3 " of the edge.

3 No, it connects to both Viks.

4 Would need to read the rules again, but I don't think so

5 no

5aEvery strike

6 No you can only announce 1 trigger per action. Biting chill automatically announces overpower every time.

7 I think you control the push, so no.

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Firstly don't have the rules to hand. So take these answers with a pinch of salt.

1 Yes I think it does.

2 A model in a 3" aura of obscuring is generally unseeable from outside. Hans has special rules that will let him see.

2a Hunter works on Terrain. White out, creepy fog, Vent steam and so forth are not Terrain. So there is no extra distance they can see. They can still ignore cover bonus if you are within 3 " of the edge.

3 No, it connects to both Viks.

4 Would need to read the rules again, but I don't think so

5 no

5aEvery strike

6 No you can only announce 1 trigger per action. Biting chill automatically announces overpower every time.

7 I think you control the push, so no.

:fast:fast Thank you for your input :fast:fast

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1) yes, as far as I know.

2) you can see up to 3" into an obscuring effect or into obscuring terrain - so everthing can see raspy. If the effect is larger, say 4" then you can't see the model at the centre.

2a) correct

3) No. the viks are considered the same master

4) pretty sure its a yes

5) no, once they take a strike, the protection is lost for the encounter.

5a) every strike.

6) If you have a choice of triggers, you may choose which one to use.

7) isn't his push directly towards a board edge? if so, the models simply push back. If they contact somethign they can't mdoe through (a wall, another model, etc.) they will stop, but all models effected move at the same time in the same direction - so a blocking model could only happen if an unaffected model was in teh path of an affected one.

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2- I'm wrong. You can see 3" and Rasputina is by definition 3" in, so can be seen. She will be in cover, but hunter will let you ignore that. Felll the wrong side of the 0.0000001" measurement

Clarification for 6

Whilst you can normally choose your trigger, Biting chill says it will trigger overpower, and since there is only 1 trigger per action, you can't use any other. So whilst what Joel said was right, it doesn't apply to your question

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Thanks for your input.

Regarding 2): The discussion went on the premise of not being able to draw LoS entirely through 3" of obscuring trait. My point was that as the 3" extends from Raspy (or an ice mirror) she'd count as being 'through' the 3".....- but from your responses I guess she's not

Regarding 3): Dagnamit - I just hate them/her/it so much!! :-)

Regarding 5 & 5a): Thank you for clarifying this

Regarding 6): We figured as much but was a little doubtful due to the automatic trigger

Regarding 7): We agreed on using the 'it happens at the same time, so no'-method after one of the sneaky sewer rat b******* (otherwhere known as Freikorps Trapper) tried to wriggle out of his 2" push

But cheers for taking the time to answer *drink*

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3) The Vik's are considered one master for the prupose of strategies and schemes but I'm not sure they both can connect the same totem. I have to agree with Calmdown's interpretation in this very old thread and since I don't remember any official ruling about this question if I had to make a decission I'd say no.

7) I think even if they happen simultaneously you resolve the effects one at a time and the owner of the models decide the order they move. So it is possible that an affected model stops another's push before it is moved away from its original place.

Edited by Csonti
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I still disagree with Calmdown.

The ability on the Viktorias is as follows

“Sisters”: Crews hiring this model as a Master begin the

game with 2 Viktorias. A Crew can have a maximum of 2

Viktorias in play at any time.


I can't see anything there where I hire 1 and it brings the other into play. I Hire Viktoria, and the rules on her card say that this hiring means I have 2 Viktorias in play at the start of the game.

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Re 2. I was having this discussion the other day. The aura is 3" and you can only see 3" into obscuring terrain. So surely you cant see raspy as the obscuring is exactly 3" and therefore even if she is touching it she can't be seen as you can only see to the edge of the terrain and not beyond it, even if it's like a nanometer.

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Re 2. I was having this discussion the other day. The aura is 3" and you can only see 3" into obscuring terrain. So surely you cant see raspy as the obscuring is exactly 3" and therefore even if she is touching it she can't be seen as you can only see to the edge of the terrain and not beyond it, even if it's like a nanometer.

Unfortunately if the model's base (Rasputina's) is exactly within 3" of obscuring (which she is) she can be seen, even if it's just micro mm touch. The aura just gives her cover


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Unfortunately if the model's base (Rasputina's) is exactly within 3" of obscuring (which she is) she can be seen, even if it's just micro mm touch. The aura just gives her cover


2) you can see up to 3" into an obscuring effect or into obscuring terrain - so everthing can see raspy. If the effect is larger, say 4" then you can't see the model at the centre.

Reluctantly I will bow down to your wisdom, and accept that Raspy is a sitting duck inside her White Out - although, secretly of course, I will plot your downfall (*speed-dialling Stephen Hawking to learn more about space-time and Malifaux distance measuring*) *wink*

:fast:fast Thank you all for your input :fast:fast

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