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Why not Joss

bobby neill

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I am running a Rasputina crew and am new to the game. During research to find models to complete a 35 point crew, I found Injun Joss. I picked him up because I thought he would add some muscle and bodyguard for 'Tina. In trolling the forums, I don't find much mention of Joss and Pull my Finger doesn't list him as good for a 'Tina crew. Can anyone provide me with pros and cons to adding Injun Joss to my Rasputina crew? Thank you.

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Con-He doesn't have Frozen Heart. That's always factor in a Raspy crew since she wants as many models to shoot spells through as possible. He is also fairly pricey, and for around the same cost you could run the Blessed or Snowstorm whom both fit into her style better.

Pros-He's a great bruiser with solid stats across the board. He shines better in a Ramos or Mei crew due to their better interaction with constructs. Him and Jhohan are also a very effective melee team, though pricey.

Overall he's a good model, but doesn't bring anything to a Raspy crew other than being a good model. The Blessed is faster and can bring just about as much melee damage for a point less, and Snowstorm is a powerful model to build an entire list around for 2 points more.

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He is one of those Book 1 models that is now over costed based on what you can spend near the same amount with the new Books.

From an arcanist stand point you can hire the Mechanical Rider (8 stones), Blessed of December (8 stones) and Snow Storm (11 Stones). Although the Snow Storm is very expensive I have seen him perform very well in a 35-40 stone Rasputina crew.

Joss is very squishy even with Df6. If you use his power counters for offense it normally doesnt leave you any for defense (0) Force Field. He is a high priority target for your opponent and doesnt move very fast as well. If you lose initiative on turn 2 or 3 Joss will be dead. Having only 8 wounds, no built in armor, no hard to wound and no defensive triggers makes it hard to keep him alive past Turn 3 unless your hanging him back for the first few turns.

You can try and protect him with Decembers Touch but once again if you dont win initiative to activate Raspy and give him the armor your opponent will seize the oppurtunity to take him out. You also should not be forced to activate you master early in a turn just to try and keep a 9 stone model alive.

There are better options for your 9 stones. Maybe one day he will be adjusted and people will revisit him as an option.

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You can try and protect him with Decembers Touch but once again if you dont win initiative to activate Raspy and give him the armor your opponent will seize the oppurtunity to take him out. You also should not be forced to activate you master early in a turn just to try and keep a 9 stone model alive.

You can also use the Raspy's totem (which ever you take) to cast December's touch on Joss, instead of activating her for that cast.

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One nice thing about book 4 is that there are synergies out the whazoo with a lot of the older stuff. Eg metal gamin to stop joss falling over,many to boost his cb, etc.

A nice crew is a kaeris mob with Johan, kang and Joss as a core

Joss < Rail Golem.

You can also use the Raspy's totem (which ever you take) to cast December's touch on Joss, instead of activating her for that cast.

True dat, 7+ of anything with the Essence isn't bad at all.

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