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Madame Sybelle vs Molly for Seamus?


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I realized that funnily Seamus was originally considered one of if not the most durable master. Then second book's power creep and massive number of non-living stuff happened and suddenly Seamus became kinda squishy. Just an interesting historical note - he kinda lost his niche.

Totally agree. Thankfully book 4 introduced a lot of new living models that help bring him back a bit.

Well, and its the fact that things are so fast now that Seamus doesn't really have time to dance around like he used to. Add to that once he is locked in Melee he can't use his best abilities.

Agreed again, if being locked in melee is his biggest problem, he can still use what I consider one of his best abilities.....park a Belle or something nearby and use Undead Psychosis......if the enemy is focused on melee models then Undead Psychosis is a killer.

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