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PytrFenrir's minis


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Hey guys, how are we all?

I posted this on another forum, and haven't had much said about it :D But really should have fired this on home turf.

A few things about this model, one it was the first time I did anything with a base, usually I just use sand and a bit of flock or now just the textured paints from GW (the only paint range I use) not entirely happy with it (you can see the foam is dissolved) but its still better than naught.

Second he has had a unintended surgery. He leapt off my table 4-5 times due to the unstable nature of the bottlecap I had him sitting on while I worked (Which is now rectified) but I guess Karma showed its face after the 6th time and claimed a sacrifice of some digits, he now has a dedicated pointing hand.

Anyway here is the mini, pretty chuffed with him, a bit more than my usual tabletop standard but not by much.





I have more guys done, but more just tabletop, and not photos. I'll keep this more for the ones I put a bit more extra time on.

So let me know what you think, My next big Malifaux project is a Rail Golem, I'm being made to do it as a step by step but really just want to get it done :D perhaps you guys can be the judge if I do that or not.

Anyway way I'll stop rambling and happy malifaux-ing.

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Never really noticed, was trying to copy the box and I guess since I went darker on Storm, Snow stands out a lot more, never the less cheers, always like criticisms, only way to improve and notice things.

Only reason I haven't taken photos and posted the rest as I'm not really a "Show and Tell" kinda guy, in fact posting as many threads and answering threads on here is probably a record for me :D

Working on Lucas box right now for my first tourney (and unless I get some games in beforehand will be my 4th game plus when I do go :D) I'll fire them up since I'm going to put a bit more work into those. I'll perhaps get the other guys snapped up as well, you will probably notice now sporadic my crew collecting and painting is :D

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Dunno about a close up, those are only the photos I took but I do have the how I did it.

I only use GW paints at the moment so can't say for other ranges as to colours and washes..

Basecoat the skin in Dawnstone

Mix Dawnstone and Eshin Grey 1:1 and water this down and apply it to the recesses.

Then take Dawnstone and White Scar 3:1 a layer, blend if you can (I can't), this on for a first highlight.

Basically bring this down to 2:1 then 1:1 and you can do extreme highlights, if you so choose, in pure White Scar.

Storm's skin is the exact same except once done wash the whole thing in Drakenhof Nightshade (Wash) and BAM your done.

Edited by pytrFenrir
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