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Here comes Willie! (and eventually other MS&U pieces)


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Seriously, too much fun to paint. I can't wait to stick him on the table. My only regret is that the highlights on his black clothing are muted in the photo. Its difficult to photograph a wide array of tones.

Why not have him barreling down hill? I based him on a desert railway terrain piece to mesh with my rail crew. I made the rail piece out of pine sticks from the hobby store. The grain was made by running a model saw along the sticks.



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The base is really well designed and the whole thing looks amazing. I just thought that pushing a wheelbarrow down the hill on the rail tracks where the terrain is uneven would be next to impossible, even for Willie ;) But that's just a minor thing, it's probably the best painted version of this model I've seen so far.

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Wow, such positive responses. It's a pretty strong motivator to get moving on the next one. I'm looking at kang, kaeris, mei feng, and a mechanical rider. not necessarily in that order.

To answer your question, secondbreky:

I did the wood tones in willie's cart with my cheaper paints(DecoArt). I base coated "Country Maple" over a white prime. Then I applied a sepia wash to the recesses/grains. Following that, I reapplied country maple in areas where i was sloppy with the wash. Finally i dabbed an off white color called "Sandstone Gres" in some areas of the wood to give it some lighter spots and a more grain-ey feel.

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The flesh tone looks good. Nice transition of lights and darks.

The scarlet color of the dynamite could be muted a bit with a light wash of green, green mixed with black, and/or green mixed with red, which can be done with any brand of washes or mixing paint with some glaze medium.

Love the base. It's such a fun mini to start out with, but you've done a great job.

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