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Indoor Tables


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I'm currently knocking up some terrain for a tournament I'm running in Jan and was pondering making an indoor 'mine' table - I've made a quick plan that looks like this:


White areas are open, shaded are walls/rocks.

Anyone got any experience playing on an indoor table like this? - is there anything I should watch out for playing wise?

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I see you have marked off 12" sections making me assume that you plan to make this modular?

If that's the case, if you make entrances in the same place on all four sides you could create something that you could re-arrange for different set-ups. Also, if you ever want to add new or different areas, it would be easy to follow the same plan.

For example, if you create a man-made mine.....later you could create some natural caves that your mine breached into....or you could go into a more fully constructed area like a sewer system.

Here is a link to a cool cave system that was designed in this way.


I drew up some plans to make my own, but I would use pink insulation foam. I've decided that when I do mine I will put down a 1" layer of foam first, then do my walls and such on top of that.....then I could cut parts out of the bottom layer for when I want to create a chasm or a pit.

In the link, the "doorways" look only 1" wide, ours would need to be bigger to accommodate larger bases....if I remember correctly, I designed mine to be 3" wide.

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Remember to look at all the strategy and schemes before settling on a plan. Things like needing to interact with a terrain piece on each quarter, needing a straight line to the center of the table for supply wagon, etc. I have a sewer table that had to be worked after my first playtest because I didn't think of supply wagon.

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I think it would be really cool to play on a table like that. I've been toying around with different ideas for indoor or urban tables.

Overall the design you've got is good. In fact I like it quite a bit. The only problem is the left side (the side closest to the sketchbook rings). It looks very cut off. There's only one way in from one players side. Effectively it cuts the board down making it smaller. I can't imagine anyone (except a Kirai player like me!!!) finding it useful.

As for static game boards. I think they're a silly idea. Look at what you've got. Clearing and rock walls. You don't need to build a single table with this configuration built in... Just build those wall sections just as you would for any other terrain board. You can make a single, flat, gray table for any urban or indoor encounter you want. That way they can be rearranged each wall section and put it in any configuration. If you build the table as is, then it is stuck in that one configuration.

There is nothing special about that layout you've got that justifies making it a static board. In other words, you don't have trenches or something like that. So you don't need to make it a single board.

Everything I just said about static boards applies to modular boards as well. You don't have to keep making 1'x1' squares, just make the terrain and put it out there.

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Everything I just said about static boards applies to modular boards as well. You don't have to keep making 1'x1' squares, just make the terrain and put it out there.

What I like about this particular style is storage and ease of transport. Having each modular piece only 2" high or so, with flat tops, allows you to stack them. 9 tiles only takes up about 12x12x20....that's a reasonable size box. I have a large box that is kind of a pain to drag around full of terrain...but the terrain gets damaged....it is difficult to store it and move it without damaging it. The mine boards won't suffer that problem half as much.

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I made a similar table for a local tournament (Bayou Wars Sewer Table and duel use Badlands/ Mines table seen here).

About the best advice I can give is to leave the corners open for strategies and such and build it modular so you can reconfigure everything (I prefer the 2' X 2' floor tiles vice the 1' X 1' ones but to each his own).

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