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10 thunders a foerender joint ..


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I like the addition of mutated arm to the Illuminated - makes it look like brilliance has already consumed half of her. The bright blue dress is a nice touch though I think a few stains here and there would make it look even better. And Graves looks very nice too. really like the hat!

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Hit a snag painting the dog so ...


Bath is simple green . The color wasn't turning out the way I was looking to go with it so restarting .

So started to work on Lucas while the dog soaked . Brought out the horses skin a bit , added some white hair patches on the head and the ankles to break up all the brown a bit . Was thinking about painting the horse as a pinto but think the white i added is enough . laid down some more of the base coating as well .




I might Fabricate some of the traps that Lucas comes with while at work

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Thanks all

So I worked on assembling my archers . They where a tad annoying to build and the scarves on there hats are just obnoxious to add on so I just green stuffed my own =).

Definitely an improvement. There really was no need for their heads to be a four piece mess. Two of mine have reluctantly allowed me to assemble them. The third one, the crouching one, is far more recalcitrant.


My sculpting skills are still lacking, so I found another way to ease the process of assembly: I shaved off the tabs that go in the back of his head, and off of one of the two curtains where it meets the hat. Managed to go together fairly smoothly after that.

Edited by i_was_like_you
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I tried shaving off the tabs as well but still wasn't happy with how it was looking so went to the green stuff .

Thanks for the complements everyone .

Been a bit busy so just minor work on the minis , should get some time over the weekend iam looking forward to finishing off that Lucas !

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Small update been super busy .

Had to repair some bad joint lines I thought might not be noticeable on both McCabes shoulders .


After fixing the shoulders I brought out the shirt more , wanna finish this guy today or tomorrow



The simple green went well so the dog is also ready to be repainted


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Thanks everyone

more overtime ( iam not complaining I take it all ) but means it hard to get in some brush time .

I haven't highlighted anything but the shirt yet , I brought the shirt up from brown rather than grey to keep it in the earthy tones of the rest of the fig . I was thinking about making the pants lighter more like English riding pants , but like the darker shade so I am going to highlight them but leave them brown rather than a lighter tan . The vest will wind up a satin red .

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