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10 thunders a foerender joint ..


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Whats up all my next and second faction (I am a die hard guildie ) is 10 thunders .Thinking about using them for adepticon ! SO here starts a painting progress thread .

I will be working on my guild here and there as well but il try to keep progress on these going smoothly .

I have gotten my hands on dark debt box during gen con weekend so I will start there .

Still need to do some highlighting and shading but she looks good on the table . The purple flame I had sculpted through out there bases part of the " Brilliance " .




started this as well tonight



Thinking about light sourcing the purple light I will work on that when I get threw most of the models .

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The weather hasn't really been good to prime so Santana will have to wait til this weekend .

I worked more on the illuminated , the shirt is going to be white with some grime . the shirt still needs several highlights . I am trying to do a fleshy ( new flesh ) look kinda what you would see if a new limb would start to grow from a body .



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so just the hair and face detail left I like how this guy is shaping up . I want to get this crew on the table so not going to crazy with highlight layers 4 or 5 layers look great on the table and allow me to blast threw most of these .

I painted some glossy varnish on the claw hands to give them a wet raw skin look .



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Finished off the illuminated . Happy with the less highlight layer's the crew is turning out at a good pace and they look great on the table .


Than I started building Yamaziko , I like the plastics But I hope overtime they cut them up for casting a little better cause the amount of green stuffing you have to do on some of the models takes up a lot of time lol .


Since it was late I didn't notice her back foot was off the platform she couldn't fit where I wanted her to otherwise regardless so I fabricated some extra piping on the rear of the base to give her foot a platform lol


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Finished the depleted , I am thinking about making the purple flame aka brilliance a bit brighter and maybe light source it a bit .


started to scuplt a hat for graves planing on a flat cap after it dries I have to add the under brim .



And started my second illuminated , what a purty mouth lol


Happy with what I got done tonight , I ordered the Mcabe stuff for the early birthday release so looking forward to getting a hold of that .

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Thanks all

So I worked on assembling my archers . They where a tad annoying to build and the scarves on there hats are just obnoxious to add on so I just green stuffed my own =).



I also worked on the most unappreciated the disturbing illuminated the girl with the huge mouth . I made her dress a soft blue to pop out and contrast with her deformity . I gave her a wicked looking blade made from her " growths " . I will probably dirty/weather up the dress a bit though .





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