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Taking Pictures


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Ok so I'm really new to this whole miniatures thing. I have a few crews painted and have been surfing the forums and am super impressed by all the beautiful models and paint jobs. I was going to go out on a limb and post mine for all to see(albeit nervous as crap about it) but before I do I was going to ask...what's the best way to photograph a miniature for the best results ie background,lighting...I want it to look good. It doesn't have to be professional grade stuff but I just want it to look good on the forums. Although I suppose blurry pics mean less punishing critiques :)

Anyway thanks for the advice and help in advanced

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You're welcome. *grin*

If you're new to the site,.. welcome, and nice to meet you. Most folks here are good natured and happy to help with any questions you may have. As for the picture taking,.. I still have problems with it. And a bad picture can ruin a new good paint job.

Also, if you're new to painting minis,.. don't be discouraged if your initial paint jobs don't turn out like some of the ones you'll find on this site. It can take a long time to perfect techniques. I have been painting for several years (ok, a couple decades,.. but who's counting), and even still, I would only consider my work in the "upper-middle" catagory. (that is to say, better then some, worse then others). Even then, my work still pales in comparison to some of the other peoples work. But stick with it, and before you know it, you'll be doing better then you ever thought you could.

No one here started out as a Rembrant or a Picasso.

Hope this helps,..

Your friendly neighborhood Webmonkey.

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No one here started out as a Rembrant or a Picasso.

Ooh, I did, look my eyes are all wonky and my nose is up by my left ear! *grin*

Seriously though, I know what it's like to look at things and think 'damn, I messed that bit up. And that one. And that one.' You'll always think that, sometime down the line when you're a long practised painting master you'll look at your stuff and still feel the same way! Getting pictures up and facing the public eye is surprisingly hard I find, so kudos for actually doing it!

Photography is the bane of mini painters everywhere by the way, setups range from the incredibly complex and precise down to the slapdash lazy method (my preferred one!), and I've seen stunning GD winners and such ruined by bad shots so often it's funny. So don't stress if its not quite perfect.

So long as it's in focus, fills the picture (if you haven't got a good close up lens, crop the wasted space. That's really important), and has a plain non-distracting background, it's all good. I use a sheet of white paper under the model and curving up behind it. Getting the colours close ish is also important, the white backing helps with that too as you can set the white balance to get that right.

If the colours are perfectly accurate that's a happy bonus, but you could spend forever sorting that out!

I'm looking forward to seeing what you've done, good luck getting the photos sorted!

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Thanks Mako...but after seeing your thread I doubt you we ever bad :P

but thank you for your encouragment too...that is one of the reasons I'm going to post them is because for the most part everyone on the forum is super nice and really cool about things. So thanks so much and I'm still waiting to see that green justice cast and painted!!!

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Thanks Mako...but after seeing your thread I doubt you we ever bad :P

but thank you for your encouragment too...that is one of the reasons I'm going to post them is because for the most part everyone on the forum is super nice and really cool about things. So thanks so much and I'm still waiting to see that green justice cast and painted!!!

Me too! Soon I'll get it done. Honest!

And trust me, when I started, getting colours on the right areas was a stretch. It's all just practice from there!

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Dont worry about it :)

I had the same worries when I started doing mine... and well.. I just keep posting!

Omenbringer and Mako are super awesome and supportive.

Don't believe it!!! Omenbringer and Mako are horrible, horrible people,... who like to point and laugh at others mistakes,.. and they ,.. um,.. oh, hey guys,.. didn't see ya standing there,.. *whistles and walks away quietly* (j/k)

In all honesty,.. they are great guys. Though, if you become a regular here, I hope you have a good sense of humor,.. as there is a certain degree of underlying "smack-talk" that's bound to come your way on occassion. (see above for an example of what I mean). As long as you can take it,.. and perhaps dish some out too,.. then you'll fit right in *grin*

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