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Hi fellow players,

i'm heading to a tournament at the weekend and i was thinking on my army lists. I usually play Outcast crews but now i want to suprise my local peeps with something new: Guild. Especially talking McCabe.

So i was digging trough the new book and felt in love with the Riflemen and Wastrels.

This is the list i came up:

Guild Crew - 35 - Scrap

Lucas McCabe -- 5 Pool

+ Relic: Glowing Sabre [2ss]

+ Relic: Strangemetal Shirt [3ss]

Drill Sergeant [3ss]

Guild Rifleman [4ss]

Guild Rifleman [4ss]

Guild Rifleman [4ss]

Wastrel [4ss]

Wastrel [4ss]

Wastrel [4ss]

Witchling Stalker [4ss]

So, the basic idea is boost the Riflemen into godlike level with the Drill sergeant lurking nearby them (:+fateflip on attack flips) and with using McCabe's Braying of the Hounds spell which lowers the all enemy models Df via a pulse. So i gave McCabe a shirt, so he wont die quickly. Hopefully.

Well the rest of the crew is another sweet stuff: Wastrels has trigger which makes their damage into godlike level (you can see the pattern now...) but it makes them paralized too, so i've included a Witchling stalker to get rid of those pesky side effects. And again, their attack flips are paired, the lowered Df helps them to hit...

And ofc. companioning is just a cherry in the top of the icecream.

Any thoughts? Worths a shot?


PS: proxy is allowed.

Edited by Yosh
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  • 5 weeks later...
You are at 36ss with that list sir

No, the list is correct. He is at 31. Don't count the Relics, they come out of his Cache of 6.

I don't have a lot of experience with them yet, but Malifaux is more melee than ranged. Riflemen are great (can't wait to get mine) but I think 3 is too many. You face one quick melee crew and you'll be wishing you had more than a long arm rifle.

Pretty much have the same opinion on Wastrels. Awesome, tricky, but too many aren't good.

I would drop one of each and put Sidir in. Link the totem to Sidir...which will boost his melee potential....and park Sidir near the riflemen. His range is about the same and his damage is better....plus he can perform well in melee to keep the enemy off of your riflemen.

Let McCabe and the 2 Wastrels run around doing objectives and let the Stalker hover around the middle....he can perform the purpose you suggested and he can be a decent road block to anyone trying to get into your back field. Keep him out of LoS and enemies will think twice about getting into his charge range.

Of course, this is all just speculation. It will depend on the Strats you have to deal with. I'm in the camp that you can't make an all comers list in this game. Flip strat, then pick crew.

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