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new to the game, need a little crew advice

Atomic mouse

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i am brand new to the game, and looking for a little advice on a list i have been playing with. i had wanted to start up dr mcmourning, so i wrote up a 35 soul stone list and i wanted to know if i could tweak it at all. so this is what i got.

Dr. mcmourning

-zombie chihuahua

X 3canine remains 6 SS total

nurse 5 SS

Sebastian 6 SS

killjoy 12 SS

5 soul stones left

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i am brand new to the game, and looking for a little advice on a list i have been playing with. i had wanted to start up dr mcmourning, so i wrote up a 35 soul stone list and i wanted to know if i could tweak it at all. so this is what i got.

Dr. mcmourning

-zombie chihuahua

X 3canine remains 6 SS total

nurse 5 SS

Sebastian 6 SS

killjoy 12 SS

5 soul stones left

Add a Necropunk and you got yourself a very handy "Killjoy Delivery System". Basically the gist of the model is to use it very aggressively and when it dies you use his slow to die to summon Killjoy. Be careful where you put Killjoy tho, but aside from that grab a few models for summoning, like Crooked men, Belles and Zombie Punks.

Good luck with your games!

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Firstly, as you say the list you have written comes to 30 SS, leaving you 5.

McMorning starts with a cache of 5, and masters can not start with a cache above 8, so you are wasting 2 ss. The Necropunk is a good model if you are planning on using Killjoy.

I would also make sure you have access to the models McMorning can summon. Probably a flesh construct, or a rogue necromancy.

The list should basically work for several stratgies, generally ones based on holding certain places, or killing. It might not do as well in things like Reconotre and destroy the evidence. Mind you it still has poossibilities in those games.

Whilst a nurse isn't always that popular, it has soem potential for nice synergy in this list.

Its not wrong, and makes quite a change over several McMorning lists, which helps as it can surprise opponents. So my best suggestion is to play it and see.

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Bete noir is a great control piece model. Bringing her into a fight after one of your models has been killed can get real ugly.

I find that Kiljoy is a great model but has a bit more distance in a Nicodem crew, mainly because he costs 1 less stone and gets some nice benefits from bolster undead.

My opinion of a good bulk minion for Mcmourning would be the Rogue Necromancy on a summon. Bring it out after you tear through a few figures with the doctor and use as a counter attacker with him.

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Well, I can't offer list advice just yet. Are you trying to make an all comer's list? This isn't the way Malifaux is intended to be be played but as you are a new player just getting into the game I certainly understand the impulse to do so.

If you aren't making an all comer's list which strategy are you intending to use your list for and with which schemes?

In either case are you looking for a casual list or a competitive list?

In order to better assist you and give you one person's opinion, If this will be your only list for awhile, assuming an all comer's set up, and assuming you want a competitive and not a casual List, for 35 points I'd probably go with something like this:

Ressurectionists Crew - 35 - Scrap

Dr. Douglas McMourning
6 Pool

Grave Spirit [1ss]

  • Dead Rider

  • Desperate Mercenary

  • Desperate Mercenary

  • Izamu, the Armor

  • Night Terror

  • Night Terror

  • Rotten Belles

Not totally ideal, as it doesn't start with 8 stones, but it give you Hitters, Speed, Objective Running, Board Control (both soft and hard), and lots of corpse counters for you to play with.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The above list seems solid although I would trade in one of the 10ss models for a drowned or two or another bell gives you more activations and board control and really imo the dead rider and Izamu fill the same roll in the list .

as for the original list which might be based off models you like I would really try and get in a necro punk like what was said before and at least one drowned I feel in a all comers list the drowned is the ressers best cheap minion .

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