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underdogs journey of the brush


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Yea they are just the scibor resin pieces added to a base with various bits of other basing materials. In this case coffee stirrers and different grades of sand/marble chips. These were painted really quickly, the use of pigments speeds up the process :)

Thanks for the comments though. Basing is probably my favourite part of the hobby!

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  • 2 weeks later...

So im finaly back from Florida after taking my family away for 2 weeks and managed to finish of my witchling stalker. Not 100% convinced on this model, the way i pictured him in my head seemed alot cooler lol. Maybe im being over critical not too sure?


Any way would love some feedback on how to improve. The sword is definately one of these! Hope you enjoy and look forward to hearing back from you all :)




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Maybe make the sword look a little more bashed up. Other than that I really can't suggest anything

That is a really nice paint job, the natural colours look brilliant and the highlighting is just right, not too subtle, not too garish

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Since your looking for critique I will throw my opinions out there. I haven't taken many art classes so I may not use good terminology:


1. My eye isn't really drawn to one particular area on the model (nothing stands out, which may be what your going for all I know)


2. Her coat is really well done on the back the shading and hilights could not be done better. They blend perfectly. Shadows on the tail of the coat look really good.


3. Really like her base. Has the just the right amount of positive space, not too busy.

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Thanks :)

Its great to get some feed back. Basing is one of my favourite parts of the painting/modeling process. With regards to a focal point on minis. I usually don't aim for this per say. I do it a bit more subtly in this case it was the red waist band and pink hair. I was hoping the hair would have achieved this, but there isn't much of it.

I think on my next model i will try get a strong focal point in one area and see how it looks. Thanks again for the great comments :)

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So heres a few update pictures. I feel the OSL and sword turned out better thanks to the comments and suggestions from some of you guys. The static grass has yet to be cleaned off properly as the glue was still drying. Also included is a pic of the Faction so far.


With regards to the new base this will tie in as the rest of the crew and faction expands, or at least it does in my head





Any way as always critique is sought as i am constantly trying to improve my skills as a painter :)
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I think the swords turned out really well, definitelly have the glowing going on. My only nit pick is that on the base his feet look like he just mowed the lawn. The grass looks more like it is on his feet than him standing on it.

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I havnt cleaned that up yet as i am currently trying to find his foot! It snapped off whilst pinning him and ive lost it :( its some where in the rug. Spent 20 minutes searching but not given up hope just yet :P

glad the sword has came out nicely though. IM sure next time i do the swords ill be able to get the effect looking a bit smoother. Its all a learning process that i am really enjoying :)

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I really like your work over, but I think you need to foresee the end looks of models before painting them all the way through.


Your guardians back is at some strange angle backwards and is not standing straight or leaning forward and that looks odd.


Your witchling handler is very monotone. Why would she dress so monotone and then dye your hair purple or pink to stand out? It looks odd.


All your models are very well painted and well based. The witchling is amazing looking.



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Cheers for all the comments.

@Viruk, thanks for the excellent idea! I gave it a try after reading and unfortunately couldn't find the foot :( my only thoughts are that it got caught in my clothes and it has fallen else where or on my way to work.

@ nighthater, i know where you are comming from. The guardian is positioned so that he is blocking with shield against a height 2 model hence the awkward pose. The legs also snapped just below the hip joints while stripping him so i was ver limitied with how i could balance/position him.

wmWith regards the handeler. I want the entire sonnia crew to have a uniformed look, hence all the browns and beige. The purple hair was more of an impulse to draw attention and break the monotonous look. I guess it works for some and not for others.

I appreciate the feed back greatly and glad you enjoyed at least one of the minis ;) I personally think the crew as a whole with the limited colour pallet is starting to take shape and am pleased with it. Like i mentioned this is all an experiment for me and a learning experience.

Thanks again for the comments folks and i appreciate the critique:) I will hopefully have more for you early next week :)

Edited by underdog6750
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  • 7 months later...

Well i havnt posted on here in a very long (about 7 months) Not much to report in my absent time. Been playing a few other games but mainly decorating the house in preparation for a new arrival to the family, a third daughter :)


Anyways enough excuses for not painting here is a WIP, i have spent about 1.5 hours on here (including a resin base) so far. Quite pleased with the results myself as it is an entirely differnt style of painting for me. I would really appreciate some C&C on these, granted the picture isnt the best. Once she is finished i will post more picture up with my actual camera :)


Thanks in advance Underdog :)


PS yes i am back playing filthy ressers now :P
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Thanks zfiend, i know ressers are the one true faction unlike that crutch faction (neverborn) lol


Any way here is the dirty lady finished. Im sure some people may pick up on the theme I am going for, i will be carrying this through the entire faction through varying degrees :) Anyways comments and critique will be much appreciated.


NOTE. I have uploaded several photos of the model with differnt backgraounds and lighting. If people let me know which one looks best that would also be great.


Thanks again Underdog :)






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  • 3 weeks later...

I've read through more or less your whole thread and your painting has definitely improved over 3-odd years. The most recent figures are solidly done, and I love the highlights and shading on the Stalkers. The issue with the Handler is not necessarily the painting or the hair color - personally I think if you wanted to put a little more work in and add some glazing to tone down from say the waist downwards, that would draw attention to the face and hair because at present she's painted in all lighter shades from top to bottom.


So far as the above pics, I really love the more "pastel" look of the Belle, and I think out of the pictures the very first one shows off the figure the best. I'd recommend maybe a neutral gray background if you've got one. I also see you talking about your photo setup and figgered I'd throw out a link to a light diffusion box I made myself for taking pictures - very cheap to make and still going strong for about 10 years now. (For my own backgrounds, I used to use a blue sheet of paper, then a blue gradient, now I'm using a neutral gray random-pattern image I printed from the Internet on a sheet of printer paper. It really depends on the figure as darker backgrounds play up colors IMO and diminish shading, whereas lighter backgrounds seem to play up contrast and mute colors - the lower ones you posted are way, way too "busy.")


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  • 2 weeks later...

@TINWEASLE thanks very much for the tips/advice. Unfortunately I had already taken pictures of my next few minatures before reading your post and link :( how ever i do promise to have better photos taken for next time!


As always I am always looking for comments and replies to my post. Not for ego boost's but for ways to improve and get an outsiders unbiased oppinion on what works. Over the years since starting on this forum i have had lots of help and some great advice. This has lead me to where I am today so thank you to everyone on here for all the help. It has even lead me to earning a few quid through painting :)


Its also been a great asset to look at other peoples styles and take little bits from everyone. My main goal is not to emulate other people but to finaly develope a technique/style that I am really happy with!


Any way enough of my usual rambelings heres a few pics. Appolagies the quality is far from perfect. Will up date soon












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  • 3 weeks later...

Here is the copy cat killer, unfortunately i didnt have time to set up my camera or a back drop so a tea towel had to sufice lol. Ive gone for a wet look to have the little drain underneath him over flow. I need to get some sort of resin to make a few splashes like he is dancing in the rain. Anyone who has experience doing this your advice would be greatly apprichiated :) I also need to trim the grass slightly as its a bit long still.


As always C & C's welcome





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