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Gubz Malifaux thread


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Here is my first crew assembled this week and primed yesterday. I was able to start the paint last night and will try and get some more this evening. This is my first crew fro Malifaux. Went with Ramos because I loved the Steamborg to be honest. Of course the rest of the stuff is solid to boot so it was a done deal. I realize I will more than likely need more arachnids as well as a mobile toolkit soon but do not have those yet and figured paint what you have.

I will be posting progress as it goes. I have been painting for years but never malifaux, in the que I have loads of Ressers, Seamus, McMourning, Nico, as well as a pretty large Ortega crew that I will be painting for my wife.



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Thanks. I really liked the bases, just seems to fit.

@ttsgosadow, I am thinking that I will be using Purple and Green as the main colors. Will of course have some browns and metallics in there for the constructs. I am looking forward to/hesitant to try some OSL on Ramos. It is not something I have ever done but I think it would look right on the flame he has in his hand.

Looking to get some paint on these tonight so I will post some progress as it is made.


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  • 2 weeks later...

OK here is the steamborg. Woke up this morning to a rain storm so the outside lighting options were limited. I still am thinking I will touch up the green gems on the front a bit and would like to coat the slime on the base in a hardcoat to make it look wet. He is sealed though so not a lot more will be done. This is the first fig I have painted in some time due to school/work. Been around 6-8 months. So far I really like the figures. A bit fiddly at some points but once they are assembled and primed things went well. Comments welcome. Not a master painter by any means but I do enjoy painting.



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Thanks to both of you for the input and the suggestions. I will ask though, what color would work with the stones? I have also done the stones on Ramos' base in the same color. They are sealed but I could work something out on the bases I think. I liked the purple/green/orange combo. More pronounced on Ramos as he has orange hair. The bases were just because I like the look of the red gore with the other colors. I did not even think about the skin tone clashing.

So open to suggestions for the cobbles before I paint the spiders I have waiting on the que.


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Thanks Viruk, needed something to get me back into the painting groove and this thing grabbed my attention quickly. Have seen it a while back and liked it though I had no idea what game it was for at the time.

Metalhed: Gray seems a solid choice. I think that perhaps a blue as the pruple is already used on the metals. I will give it a shot and see what happens. Thanks for the input.

I ave also finished ramos but the cobbles will need a redo as well. Then I have 3 bases of spiers and a swarm plus a Gunsmith. After that perhaps new crew. Thinking McMourning as I have all the pieces to make it work now.

So much to paint sometimes it is hard to pick one and stick.


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