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Was Malifaux Your First Gaming System?


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Nope, for me it was D&D way back when I had just turned 8 years old (I am currently 37) and after that it was Warhammer Fantasy Battle 2nd edition, from there it's a long line of gaming systems, both RPG, card games and miniature wargaming; plus strategy games, play by post, etc. Malifaux came much later but it is presently my favourite system. I do still play 40k occasionally (not a huge fan of 6th edition Cuddling half my armies to oblivion though) alongside All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Rogue Trader/Black Crusade (we mixed the 2 systems for a rp) and Bolt Action, oh and Magic: the Gathering now and then.

Sadly I am a hoarder so I still have everything I have ever bought, meaning half the attic is filled with gaming stuff, I may have to have a small clear out one day, lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

there's some elements of each game I play I like, alot of it is setting and visuals, part of why i mostly left card games for miniture games for me is the visuals, I like seeing a battlefield and feeling more like I'm comanding around troops (even if it's in miniature) more than i like feeling like i'm pushing cards around a table. but aside from that, every game I play has it's things that appeals to me, Malifaux is smaller scale, skirmished base, interesting mechanic with flipping cards, and (usually) fast paced. Warhammer/w40k are good if you have a weekend clear for just masses of units, in large scale wars, alot of customization both of the individual mini's, and how they play (wargear, phsycic powers, etc.) Battletech is scaleable, you can play it as a small board game, to a huge scale war,

Mageknight back in the day I liked how all the stats were in the base, and the players made the history of the world through the games they played (their library on the site for getting all the background was a headache though)

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  • 2 months later...

Hmmm, lemme see... no.

Warzone 1st ed, $0k (sorry, that shift keeps pressing itself *grin*), WHFB, Necromunda, Man O'War, Space Marine, Epic 40K, more or less everything that was available at the time. Eventually I got tired and lost interest, especially in collecting large armies, I had the most fun with skirmish games.

I rediscovered wargaming with Infinity, tactical, clean, fun, and cyberpunk ^^ After saying I wasn't gonna start a new system I accidentally got a Leveticus box and stopped saying that :V Looks fine so far, I hope I'll like it (I'm planning Ramos/Colette if things go OK)

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  • 2 months later...

It all started with a Halfling Hot Pot...

Warhammer Fantasy > Warhammer 40K > Mordheim > Confrontation > AT 43 > Warmachine > Malifaux - End Stop

Infinity is piquing my interest right now. I feel like it plays a lot like Malifaux in that it has a constant interaction mechanic through the ARO and a lot of strategy built in through the Orders process, and it's a skirmish game and the miniatures are amazing.

Looking forward to whatever Eric has up his sleeve for "Futurefaux" :)

Edited by keeperofgrudges
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  • 3 weeks later...

hummmm let's see

WFB (sold)

W40K (sold)

Mordheim (sold)

Necromunda (sold)

Battlefleet gothic (sold)

Confrontation (I'll keep those forever and I'll be buried with them)

Warmachine/Hordes (still playing cryx and Legion)

Hell dorado (sold)

Urban War (sold)

Alkemy (sold)

Eden (sold)

Infinity (Yu jing but I have no opponents...)

Malifaux (just starting)

puppet war (just starting)

so to answer the question : no

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Not by a long shot.

I started out in the early '80s with battletech, moved on to Rogue trader.

Stayed mostly with GW, playing most of the systems on and off, all the way to the current day where my Necrons came out again (using my 3rd ed army almost in its entirety to great success as nothing is invalidated)

Side forays into Warmachine and Hordes (Cygnar/Trollbloods), FoW (mid war Germans/late war Russians) Dystopian wars, Urban War (Triads) also occurred.

Malifaux is just another in a long line.

I chose it because it has an interesting mechanic (the fate deck) and an interesting look to the miniatures (although I'm not sold on Ten Thunders)

Since I have to travel a lot to play these days I'm more into games where I can download the rules to an iPad and play with a dozen models.

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Nope, my first was Battletech loooong ago.

Then Warhammer Fantasy, 40k, Bloodbowl, Necromunda, Mordheim, Warmahordes, then Malifaux.

I've toyed with the idea of some other games, but its such an investment that I have pretty much stopped all but Warmahordes, Malifaux, Bloodbowl, and I never got rid of my Necromunda.

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I started with D&D when i was 10 that lasted for about a month (Rocks fall everyone dies). Then Warhammer Fantasy 13 years ago and then about a month later switched to 40k bc my older bro was playing it. Stuck with that on and off . Then last year my friend started to DM and that fell through about 3 months later. Then about 6 months ago I started to DM a new campaign. This brought back an itch to play some tabletop games but 40K prices had jumped way to high for me. Thus as I was listening to D6G I heard about Malifaux and decided to try it. Life story in a paragraph lol.

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