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Trouble with archers.


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I read somewhere the best way to put together the archers but I can't find it. I am having a difficult time as there are no numbers or letters to indicate what goes with what. Any advice?

Im having particular trouble with the heads, hats, and hanging cloth things

Edited by JisaacT
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Nope. No lettering on the smaller sprues, it seems; just the starter boxes. IIRC, my Metal Gamin were the same way.

I haven't had too much trouble with my Archers thus far. The bodies go together pretty well, and which arms/quivers go with which bodies is pretty self-explanatory, as all the tabbies are different.

The hats are giving me fits, as they are not only very tiny, but it seems as if cloth at the back is actually two pieces -- there are six cloth bits on the sprue, and somehow I doubt this is for customization purposes. I'm still trying to puzzle it out. The best trick I've found thus far is to keep the box handy and keep referencing the 3D models. The card art just isn't going to cut it in this case.

This brings up my only complaint about the new plastics (which, to be fair extends to nearly every plastic kit on the market, save Privateer Press, apparently): there is an excess of fiddly bits that are apparently added solely because plastic allows for an excess of fiddly bits. For example, the feet on one of the Metal Gamin is a separate piece. WHY? The models are less than one inch tall. There are no customizable foot pad options. The feet do not get in the way of any other part of the model when painting. Why couldn't the body have been cast with the feet on? It makes no sense to me.

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30 pieces for 3 minis. These took me FOREVER to get together. Not just together, but off the sprue, clean the mold line that runs around both sides of all 30 pieces and then puzzle my way through constructions.

The hats where the hard part, but you can tell which ones are which if you look at them and the head negatives in the back. They all fit together with different tabs styles. I glued the two cloth bits together first and then slipped the head in and glued that in then the hat last, then onto the body. I had to shave the tabs/pins off the top of the cloth and then cut out the female parts in the top of the hat and shave the top of the head down a lil to get them to fit with no gaps. Overall a real PITA/Enjoyable modeling time. (yeah, I complain about the stuff I enjoy doing sometimes) Now to GS them. I think I have about 2-3 hours into geting them assembled and another 30-hour to get them GS'ed up and pretty.

These are really cool models though. I love the dynamic action to two that are drawing. The look awesome, and when I finally get to paint them they will be that much more enjoyable.

Oh yeah, leave some tabs on the feet when you cut them off the sprue! Otherwise you are setting yourself up for trying to pin a tiny foot with flip flops on it.

Edited by Peterdita
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Hmmmm that is a good question. Thanks for the diagram. Very helpfull I managed to get my guys together. It their heads hats and cloth flaps aren't the prettiest. Oh well. They are a bit misaligned and I should have shaved off the plastic tab/dot things to fit better.

A good paint job will clean it right up I hope.

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I had the same issue. Definitely supporting suggestion of assembling cloth and hat and head together before attaching to body. Doing the hat and cloth after head was attached was a pain. Keeping a bit of The tab below the feet is also a great idea. Now mine are assembled, they look great and well worth it. Had I had this information before building mine I'm sure it would have been a smoother process.

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