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Sidir Alchibal discussion


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Hey all,

The only guild crew I currently run is lucius, or lucius and Lady J. That said, flipping through the new book, I can't help but love the idea of Sidir.

He has a beard, some great abilities, and a kick-ass machine gun. What's not to love? However, he misses some critical things for an 8 point model - 10 wounds, but no protection, no extra AP, leaving him with only 2, arguably his best spell requires an 8+:rams, and even then, targets perform a >12 duel. His CB with his gun is only 5 :/ This is made up for by min damage 3 when target is within 8"

He seems to have a lot of usage with macabe though. His life debt, and macabe abilities seem to work well, however, does this make him useless, or overcosted in other guild crews?

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DF wise he's df5. Comes with a healing flip that receives a positive flip and a 0 spell that boosts DF by 2 and as it has no resist he can cast it on himself.

Read through a few times again, he's a classic situational piece. You'll always have a use for him and yes he is MUCH better with Lucas (-2 df/wp spell from Lucas will make that gun shoot through everything you point it at)

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Sirdir is one tough nut to crack. He is mostly there for his defensive abilities and the save the master abilities. If you get MaCabe into a bad spot dropping camo on him is going to work well. You also have to make sure he is within 5" of the master so using keep up is going to be critical. Don't forget the riposte trigger. Getting Sirdir up to a 7 df with camo and using by your side can cause some nice interactions for you. Just like with justice, hold that high mask for defense and turn the tables on something.

He is a piece that is a big departure from how i normally run guild. Then again most of this book is too. If Sirdir last until turn 4 he has done his job.

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