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are the models from the new book good looking?


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I've been looking at pictures of the new stuff here and there for the past week or so. The only model that has really caught my interest has been the undead thing that is just a disembodied head. Other than that i'm not really feeling the look of the models I've seen. My favorites now are nytmare teddy and chompy. Nekima, arcane gunslinger,kaeris, and my whole collette crew. Looking at the new stuff, it just seems like it's not even on the same level. Is it more of a thing where I just need to see them in person or maybe i'm just not into this whole asian theme they have going on. What are the most impressive looking models with good detail from the new book?

Edited by ooshawn
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I think one of Malifaux's strengths is the wide variety of themes and styles. Not everyone will love all the models, but most should find some they like/connect with. Maybe book 4 is not your cup of tea. I quite like a lot of the new arcanist stuff, the style of the dark debts, and Misaki's crew are just gorgeous.

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But what model in the book would you suggest I look at to change my mind?

If you don't like the style of the new models they you don't like the style. You will find one that appeals to you. I like all of them. So I'll just suggest anything, lol. Check out the 10T box. All the models in it are posed very well and look amazing.

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Nothing wrong with not liking anything in the new book.

That said, Malifaux, and Wyrd, have always had a hugely eclectic style that meets the variable tastes of a wide variety of people (I myself rather dislike the models you stated). But there's more to book 4 than just 10T. Admittedly if you're a Colette player you'll want to check out the Oiran, but Kaeris loves the Rail Golem (which is an M&SU Asset). If you're a Neverborn player you might want to look at Lynch again, but you won't see much for Nephilim or Nightmares (both of whom have been royally spoilt in the past), but there's plenty gribbly monsters. As for the disembodied head, Yin the Penanggalan (Penny) works great in Seamus and Molly crews if they're more your thing. I don't know if you play Guild but... Nemo, the turbaned dude is somewhat reminiscent of Boondock badassery (maybe glue on some extra guns) and McCabe looks to be quite fun for that kind of theme. But if you don't think a great fat pig wearing a suit of armour made of pots and pans is awesome then I don't know what I can do for you =P

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I was thinking about getting the Dark debt's crew But the hungering darkness and the guy with claws for hands just look funny to me. But I love the other three models. Do they work well with older stuff?

Haven't played Jakob's crew yet, but should work well with older stuff. Jakob seems designed to play differently depending if you start with his totem deployed or not; if you do, you'll want to focus on giving opposing models Brilliance and playing off that; otherwise w/o totem deployed he gets 2 extra soulstones in cache and relies more on drawing and manipulating cards. In that mode he should work well with a wide variety of Neverborn, and even as a Ten Thunders master, he can always take Sorrows, Ht 1 Woes and Stitched Togethers, in addition to his own Brilliance models. I definitely look forward to putting him on the table!

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