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Gift for a Rasputina player?


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A Silent One is one of the most useful December themed models, she'd be a safe bet.

A totem would also be a good idea. While the Wendigo fits Rasputina better thematically, it is by most considered inferior to / less useful than the Essence of Power, so probably go for that one.

The Blessed is very similar to the Cerberus, which your friend has already, so I'd not suggest that one for now.

Snow Storm is.. .. Okay, I suppose.. Not nearly as essential to the crew as the Silent Ones or a totem though, in my opinion anyway..

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I would recommend the following, in the following order:

0) spare 50mm bases (to use for ice pillars)

1) essence of power

2) silent one

3) snowstorm

4) rail golem (because it is made of win and is really nice both by itself and as an Ice Mirror target for Tina)

5) second silent one

6) blessed of december

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I would recommend the following, in the following order:

0) spare 50mm bases (to use for ice pillars)

1) essence of power

2) silent one

3) snowstorm

4) rail golem (because it is made of win and is really nice both by itself and as an Ice Mirror target for Tina)

5) second silent one

6) blessed of december

I almost agree with this list. My only difference would be to put the Blessed in at #3 and bump all of the ones below that down one. I'm sure part of that is my personal preference to stay away from any 2-digit costed models....but I think the Blessed is better for objectives than the Storm.....Snow Storm draws a lot of attention.

Just wondering, as ive just got a Raspy crew myself, but how important would you say a second silent one is for her?

I like the 2nd one in certain situations....like when you're really turtling up.....but it's not something you're going to use really often.

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To expand her army I would look at these models.

All around good choices:

essence of power

silent one



blessed of December

large steampunk arachnid: faster than you would thing thanks to being a spider

Anit-ress: They eat corpses

December acolyte



Myranda: the shapechanging ability makes her card dependent but useful, I want more shapechangers you hear me Wyrd

Rail golems are the new thing on block, so lots of people will say to go for it, but if it is given frozen heart it cannot generate the fire it needs to shine.

Snow & Storm, they are two people acting as one, is a good model that makes the army faster but it is expensive, 11 points. I never find it to be worth the points.

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