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Ok and now here is the Rail Golem:










Red dot on shoulder was to help line up the arms.




Size Comparison (Beckoner):


Surprisingly simple to put together. Not much clean up work was needed. Arms are a little fiddly to line up correctly so that the hands look like they are holding the beam correctly. Not many flash lines either, and almost no gapping problems, especially compared to the Dark Debts box.

I was just reading over his stuff and I don't know how well he will actually synergies with Ramos but we will see, he might be a subpar choice for this crew but at the very least he will look like the most badass subpar choice ever.


Well that concludes all of the new minis that I got, I can take pics of anything else you want with them, angles, size comparisons, ect. But if you just came for the new stuff that is the end of the line. I will be working on the rest of the minis I got now but I am not going to put up pics like I did for the ones above. Just finished pics after they are primed. Check back later in the week and I might have painted pics of the new minis or feel free to keep following along and I will keep posting pictures at significant intervals.

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Yes there are no extra pieces on the Rail Golem and it would actually be a bit challenging to repose him as the joints are pretty detailed and would take some sculpting to do in a different position. I don't know if you can actually use more than one of him (still learning the rules) but that could be a downside as unless you are a fairly competent sculptor you will probably just have different colored Golems in the same pose. You could always just use the torso and use different pieces for his legs, like the legs from a Sisters of battle Penitence Engine might work well.

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Yes there are no extra pieces on the Rail Golem and it would actually be a bit challenging to repose him as the joints are pretty detailed and would take some sculpting to do in a different position. I don't know if you can actually use more than one of him (still learning the rules) but that could be a downside as unless you are a fairly competent sculptor you will probably just have different colored Golems in the same pose. You could always just use the torso and use different pieces for his legs, like the legs from a Sisters of battle Penitence Engine might work well.

i bet the penitence engines legs would look great but it will take a year or 2 if you want them from games workshop took me about a year and a hafe to get one sisters of battle mini with a heavy flamer and that was b4 finecast. so good luck to any who try.

on an other note this post has been very helpfull i may be picking some of the new models and as a little bit of a newer gamer is good to know what i am getting in to.:Hiding_Puppet:

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@col_blitzwell - I am brand new to this game too, like I just got the rule book and my first minis two days ago. I would say over all that the Dark Debts box can be a little tricky to get looking the best it can if you are new to the hobby, but it is still easily doable, it will just take a bit more time to clean everything up and fit things correctly. Though most new games might not even notice some of the smaller issues I was pointing out in the minis and be fine with them right out of the box.

I actually thought of the idea of using Penitence Engine legs because im looking at two boxes of them that I never put together for my sisters army that no longer gets any use. If I ever pick up another Rail Golem I might just have to try it out.

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Some test base inlays for Lynch's crew. Going for the marbled tile look of a nicer cosine floor as suggested somewhere else on these forums. Here they are strait out of the oven:



They came out pretty good. Once they cool down I will chisel them some to bring back the hard edges and and get them to the right size, and sand them to make them even again. The baking process shifts some detail around a little.

---------- Post added 08-21-2012 at 12:03 AM ---------- Previous post was 08-20-2012 at 11:26 PM ----------

So here is the prototype. All I have on hand are my metal files and they are not really working to well. Tomorrow I will go get some sand paper to really smooth the edges and top out. Overall I am liking the look of this so far. Painted up nice gaudy colors and we might have a winner.




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@Tadow - Because they are plastic, it should be enough to keep them on the base.

@Viruk - Thanks!

---------- Post added at 11:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:46 AM ----------

Well my one week to complete goal is slipping further and further away. Apparently I was one of the people to get a 40mm base packaged in my Dark Debts box for the Hungering Darkness instead of the 50mm he is suppose to have. I sent in a message to Wyrd about it and I guess they will send me a new base but that might take a while. Well off to see if I have any 50mm bases from Warmachine I can salvage.

Also I put together Ramos and most of the Steam Borge last night.... The SB almost got thrown across the room in frustration several times. I take back everything I said about the Dark Debts box. If you are use to constructing mini's like the SB then Dark Debts will be a walk in the park!

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Yes, that is what I'm working on doing now as well. ZipKicker helps out a lot as well with the assembly. I need to pick up some magnets to use on the spiders. I got some 30mm bases so I was just going to magnetize each spider so that they can be used for swarms and individually.

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Well here is my Jakob Lynch Crew so far with bases.


Some of the bases got burnt a little in the oven but after working with them again they are still usable just black in color for now. I sculpted them in Super Sculpy, baked them, and then sanded cut them to the correct size and to make the tops smooth.

Here are some close ups of the bases.



---------- Post added at 06:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:17 PM ----------

I just used the base that came with the Rail Golem for the Hungering Darkness. When I get another 50mm I will use that on the Rail Golem since I want to play with this crew more right now anyway.

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Haha, SB was irritating me when i put it together, and i didnt have the patience for anything so i just used half a pot of glue and hope no1 turns it upside-down when he is painted and i may get away with it:P

And thanks for this thread, it has been great to see as i have ordered all of the new stuff:)

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Got Ramos's crew mostly assembled.

Here are the bases I made for this crew: (This one is one of the 50mm)


I decided to go with a simple wood floor for the bases. To look like a workshop. I also wanted the base to be unifying for the crew but not distracting with to much detail to it.

Here is the full Crew:


All I have left to do for assembly is magnetizing the spiders and making their 30mm individual bases. I am just waiting on magnets to arrive.

Here is the SB:




I know you have all seen this one before but I am particularly proud of this pose as I think it came out very organic and it took me FOREVER to do it. So since this is my blog you will look at all of my pictures and you WILL like it ;).

Now off to assemble some of the Guild stuff. My brother made me promos he could put together the Lady Justice box and I think he wants to paint that one too so I will just do Perdita's stuff. Also only have two more chapters left in my audio book Dragons of Autumn Twilight.

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