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35 Lillith Crew

King Mufasa

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So... starting up Lilith crew... I tried to cram as many big this as I could. Which is only three

Here it is

Neverborn Crew - 35 - Scrap

Lilith, Mother of Monsters
8 Pool

Malifaux Cherub [2ss]

  • Desperate Mercenary

  • Desperate Mercenary

  • Nekima, The Dark Sibling

  • Young Nephilim

  • Young Nephilim

Young Nephilim eat the Mercs and attempt to Mature by the time Lilith as a decent position to begin transpositioning models.

I'm still somewhat new, so any thoughts?

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Usually, most people doing a Nephilim growth crew drop the Malifaux Cherub, and hire a Black Blood Shaman, and then use Terror Tots instead of Young Nephilim, since they can grow up to a Young Nephilim anyway:

Neverborn Crew - 35 - Scrap

Lilith, Mother of Monsters -- 7 Pool

Black Blood Shaman [6ss]

Desperate Mercenary [2ss]

Desperate Mercenary [2ss]

Nekima, The Dark Sibling [13ss]

Terror Tot Nephilim [3ss]

Terror Tot Nephilim [3ss]

Terror Tot Nephilim [3ss]

However, in my opinion, you'll have better luck with a Nephilim growth crew if you use Zoraida as your Master instead of Lilith:

Neverborn Crew - 35 - Scrap

Zoraida, the Hag -- 8 Pool

Black Blood Shaman [6ss]

Desperate Mercenary [2ss]

Desperate Mercenary [2ss]

Nekima, The Dark Sibling [13ss]

Terror Tot Nephilim [3ss]

Terror Tot Nephilim [3ss]

Terror Tot Nephilim [3ss]

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Although I agree with Ted I think you really want to go for the Theme of the Sisters in Battle. If that is the case then your list will do really well. The only reason that Zoraida is considered "better" is her control of the board is a lot better. But since Lilith is no Pushover she should be fine.

You could use the lists with the Black Blood Shaman and add the Cherub for the chance to Transposition Lilith.

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Lilith 5 cache

Nekima, The Dark Sibling 13ss

Lilitu 7ss

Lelu 7ss

Tuco 7ss

The list is surprisingly good. I took on a Collette crew including the duet and Cassandra. I lost, but the list is really good, if you use terrain the right way. I probably wouldn't take it against another Neverborn list... But it works very well... And not just in theory.

I did lose... But in my defense, the odds were in his favor. He flipped sabotage and I got contain power.

Unfortunately, I find that Lilith lacks in the synergy deal with nephilim... Aside from the occasional mini-Alpha.

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Lilith 5 cache

Nekima, The Dark Sibling 13ss

Lilitu 7ss

Lelu 7ss

Tuco 7ss

I might be bursting your bubble but I suspect that you used this list with out the Model Errata on the new FAQ stuff. I am guessing you used Nephilim Heart with Nekima to improve your three and get their respective triggers.

Sadly they Errata Nephilm Heart to only work on Terror Tots and Young, though to be honest it was likely to good otherwise. This is why I think it is better to stop at Young rather than go mature if you are going for a Nekima grow list, as the Young still have Flay and do damage like a mature. You can also make several Young for only a couple blood counters.

I am not sure you need the blood shaman if you take Nekima, for those points you can get a totem and perhaps something else. With two Desp. Mercs you generate 4 blood counters, plus an extra one if Nekima hurts herself for a counter and takes the 4 wounds so the Desp. Mercs can heal her. 5 counters can transform several Tots into young and if you want one into a mature. Plus with Nephilim heart being a pulse and her +4 growth range is 10" you can have the Tots sprint one time first turn and mature there, thus getting them up field a bit. Turning 3+ Tots into Young can be kind of scary as Nekima with auto flay can get them into Mature level damage spread. 4/5/7 is scary with a Cb6 with melee expert.

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I've salvaged Zoraida's avatar to use as non avatar, and put her on a 30mm base. Costly, but quite different looking.

Lilith has surprisingly little use for nephilim as stated above, but she does go well with Nekima for a few reasons. Nekima is extremely fragile for her cost, and Lilith has great defence, so Lilith can tackle the models who are a threat to Nekima, while the bigger sister kills her quarry (typically minions she can kill in one turn). With her wicked special rule, alot of opponents will think twice before disengaging from lilith in order to attack Nekima.

Nekima requires tots and youngs to be somewhat worth her cost.

My list:


Nekima (13)

3x tots (9)

2 youngs (12)

5 SS

The tots start around Nekima but sprint away toward objectives. Lilith proceeds toward models that can kill Nekima. These are usually masters or extra killy models (convict gunslinger for example). Nekima and the youngs form a kill squad to tear through anything they cross, preferably to deny the opponent's strategy/schemes. Don't loose all your tots, because the opponent will likely select them if they pick a schemes that require to kill minions.

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@Eternalvoid Nope. No bubble bursted. All errata that my group and I use is up to date. I check the errata personally before every game day and keep up to date on rulings. Nekima's ability to add a suite to her total is - to say the least - amazing. She's got 3 ap to swing and can almost pick whatever trigger she wants. Terrible beauty is amazing and if there's someone that she doesn't want to deal with she can push it to her sister. Everyone gets regen 1 and flight, if they need it and black blood is always a plus. Her trigger "Throw Aside" is great. Anyone that disagrees doesn't have enough terrain on their board. You can also push them anywhere within a 3" radius of Nekima, thanks to her other trigger and still be able to hit them.

Nekima may not fulfill the role of other 13ss models, which sucks... But she isn't a pushover, even without the Nephilim Heart being over the top.

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