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Sub Color Speculation


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So we now have orange but with every spoiler that has been dropped it has also had another color with it. So I have some speculation but first where are we now.

We have our main factions

Red- Guild

Blue - Arch

Green - Ressors

Purple - Neverborn

Yellow - Outcasts

We now have what I will call our first subcolor Orange. I believe that we will in following books add a subcolor a book because it allows for all of the primary factions to recieve 4-6 new models but it also keeps your master choices at 4 masters and 1 henchmen. It gives the added benefit of someone calling ten thunders as their faction though which will allow someone to have a wide range of play styles from different faction but it would also be a limited number of choices because of a smaller total model count with no avatars and maybe no henchmen.

I do think that these subcolors can more be regional in flair ten thunders feels very early San Fransisco to me with the railroad workers and Asian theme. I am predicting other subcolors to be Brown, White and Black. I think those will also be reginal such as a native American block, a middle eastern/India, and a malifaux specific race as white.

If you think I am full of it or am dead on please let me know.

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Indigo is the only basic color in the spectrum left. They could add in other stuff I suppose, but it seems like the most likely option.

What other culture/subgroup needs to be included? I'd be excited to see Britannia represented. The Empire would open up a lot of options for different.cultures to be added in.

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The way I imagine the Ten Thunders faction mechanic working is as such:

TT masters and minions are distributed amongst the factions evenly, and given orange/[secondary faction color] bands. The Masters can then hire minions from their standard faction as well as any orange minions from any other faction (since they would be considered part of the TT faction as well, these non-[secondary faction] models would not cost an additional SS to hire). For instance, a Resser/TT Master could hire Rotten Belles, Resser/TT minions, and Neverborn/TT minions, but not non-TT/non-Resser minions such as Lelu. Doing model distribution this way would allow Wyrd to introduce a new faction without having to devote a book to minions that you couldn't hire with existing masters, and to do so without having to clutter up cards with hiring exceptions.

More minions for everyone, a new cross-faction hiring mechanic, and a new faction! Sounds good all around.

EDIT: Also, I don't see them introducing additional sub-factions. It could make hiring rules too murky, and the Three Kingdoms (and Ten Thunders) characters have already been part of the Malifaux plot/character development.

Of course, it could be done totally differently from this. Guess we'll know soon enough.

Edited by Agnelcow
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My take on the matter is the same as Agnelcow's.

And I agree on the edit. While adding further factions down the road is a definite possibility, I don't think any will be so directly linked as to necessitate another 3-4+ 'sub-factions'. At the rate they're going, it'd be years before such a cycle was completed, and if nothing else the base expectation of 4 masters and 1 henchmen per (give or take) would eat up gigantic amounts of design space trying to keep them individual and flavourful while remaining balanced.

Introducing (presumably) 4-6 new leaders in a book is one thing. Aiming to add dozens of them in the next few years would be a hell of an undertaking.

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I still see Red mixed in with the archers, leaning them towards a Guild mix

Two pieces of evidence suggest that archers are solely 10 Thunders

1) Part number is WYR8002. Guild minis are in the 1000 series. (Rez 2000, Arcanist 3000, Neverborn 4000, Outcast 5000, Books/Accessories 6000).

2) Inksplot behind he archers is only orange. If you look at any of the other "duel faction" crews that have been spoiled you will notice a two colored ink blotch. One of the original faction, and then the orange for 10T. Archers is only orange.

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I also agree with Agnelcow's hypothesis. Also, I think the likelihood of any more new factions after this point is small just based on the colours.

Colour wheel has six colours, so six factions. Unless they use black, white and grey, that's it.

Edit: Not including tertiary colours, of course, cause they don't count.

Edited by Triblayne
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