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Starting my Guild


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The wife and I recently picked up our first starter boxes. While she went for Seamus I went Lady J. I also picked up a few others as well. So here's the beginning of my Guild planning on getting most of the models just so I can pick and choose who and what I want.


sorry about the poor picture quality as I just snapped this quick with my phone.

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So with chores and what-not to do today I didn't get much done but I did get Nino in and did a quick mock up and I thinking I want him doing the whole "action hero" thing and be jumping for cover while firing.

And speaking of that has anyone here used the Armorcast Cinematic Effects to make it look like the gun is firing and if so how well does it look


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That's going to look so sweet painted!

The cinematic effects are nifty, but for it to attach to the barrel you'll have to pin it in, otherwise it's simply prone to fall out at a light collision. I'd look for the Rifle burst effect too.

Having used the Cinematic Effects, my advice for painting it:

Base the effect bit white.

Wash the part near the barrel up to about mid point yellow. You want to leave the tips of the "blast" white.

Wash orange, then red, incrementally closer to the blast part near the barrel.

At this point you can leave it, or just do a light, light drybrush of white over the washed bits. Makes it look nifty!

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so today I was able to get a lot of painting done. Did the touch up on Nino plus got my current contingent of Death Marshals, this WILL be changing "after" Gen-Con, finished(figured I needed to paint some grunts)


And here comes the Judge...


And that means that Lady Justice box set is finished.


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  • 1 month later...

so had a bit of a painting block but tonight the bug hit me again so...


finished my austringer. for some reason I just couldn't get the raptor right.

And EBO bonuses made me pick up Pandora and a few models so here's Teddy(he's not quite done but close)


and the inspiration for teddy was one of my wife's T-shirts


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so got some more work done as i'm waiting for misaki to arrive

first finished my man with the golden mask.

not too happy with him not sure why maybe the pants maybe the boots just something not right


and I did some work on my guild supply wagon. Can't remember who posted using a WFB dwarf cart as a supply wagon but stole that idea and thought it would look cool if an enslaved nef had to pull it around so...


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