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Newish player looking to set up a starter gaming table.

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I am looking to get into playing Malifaux, and teaching it to my crew. I would like to know two balanced crews. One resurrection, the other doesn't matter. Looking for ease of play as well as balance. What are your thoughts, I appreciate all insight. Thanks in advance.


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I am looking to get into playing Malifaux, and teaching it to my crew. I would like to know two balanced crews. One resurrection, the other doesn't matter. Looking for ease of play as well as balance. What are your thoughts, I appreciate all insight. Thanks in advance.

Do you want balanced or do you want easy to learn?

I think Seamus vs Lady Justice is a great starter box combo. Sadly there is not a lot of Seamus love with the more competitive players but for just starting out he is great to learn with.

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I use Seamus and Lady Justice, which usually makes for an interesting game. In spite of the ways that Lady J is set up to beat the Ressers, Seamus actually doesn't run into too many concerns with that just because of his playstyle. If you go ahead and go with this mix, I would really suggest against teaching people the game without using strategies, because Lady J in a straight kill match beats Seamus way too handily for a good demo.

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As all the guys have said Seamus vs Lady J is great fun and super fluffy...we all know Seamus would love Lady J as one of his 'beautiful' belles ;)

Have fun dude, I have found destroy the evidence as a great strategy for demo games as although it gives the choice to kill all on the table, it also opens up more of the rules and aims of the games with terrain interaction :)

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Ah, the Seamus vs. Lady J learning game.

I would echo some of the answers the others have provided.

I'll start with just a strategy like claim jumper, destroy evidence... avoid reconnoiter.

once you're comfortable, then include schemes and other variables (weather, terrain, Carver).

When I was think about starting Malifaux, I was really looking into Seamus... unfortunately, I just watched 2 seasons of the Walking Dead and other zombie related media.. so I was kinda zombied out (plus, it doesn't help I also own Cryx from PP).

So I ended up choosing Lady J for mechanics and obvious model attributes. Plus, she reminded me of that cgi girl from the Animatrix movies.

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