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Alternate Dreamer?


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hey so I love my dreamer crew. me and my mate are going to be converting my nightmare teddy to have 4 arms, using my NIB teddy and an arm from his NM teddy that he didn't use so I can make mine into my LCB for a teddy themed dreamer crew but I want an alternative dreamer sculpt maybe a orphan with a teddy bear or something similar. any ideas?

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I'd go with Hasselfree, the models are decent and a good price.

May be a little bit smaller on the scale but should not be too much, I have the katie model from the juveniles range and she is a wee bit smaller than the dreamer model.

I think the Sarah model could be a good alt. Dreamer with her little Cthulhu doll!!

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I love godspeed's idea. but I have one more request, can anyone find a model of a child in a teddy suit. for example of refrence reverse Annie from LoL. I'm making a teddy crew. and would like the dreamer in a teddy outfit of some kind. as me and my friend are attempting to convert my new nightmare edition teddy into a 4 armed teddy as my LCB. then I am attempting to acquire 3 pw Teddy's for day dreams and I have found an alternative sculpt for my stitches.

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I could have sworn I had seen a figure of the kid from Where the Wild Things Are, which sounds like it would be a great fit, but I can't find it now for the life of me, so it's possible I may be making it up.

EDIT: Ah... I think this is what I was thinking of. Probably won't work after all. Nevermind.

Edited by bjorkgnu
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bump on the post still looking for a child in bear costume.

also getting an Easter slop hauler and replacing its face with coppelius.

Have you considered making your own yet? For example I am making my dreamer out of a GW ogre Gnoblar, the one that is pointing. I extended the legs, currently building them up for more baggy pants, cleaned the chest/shoulders so the head will rest on top rather than come out like a greenskin's and am going to replace one hand. Mind you my dreamer will be more like a Chibi Aladdin from Magi but with the right original pieces you could like make your own child in a bear costume.

The real question would be how would you prefer the 'fur' and design of the costume.

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