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Colette with no showgirls ?


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I like Colette , but I'm really not a fan of the rest of the showgirls' sculpt.

So, can Colette still be competitive with no showgirls ?

I'm new to Malifaux. I recently got a Kaeris boxset and a lone Colette. Does Kaeris work well with Colette ? What other non-showgirl minions should i add to my crew ?

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At the very least I would get Colette's totems (Mechanical Doves). Colette can Summon them in game, and they are deadly with Magician's Duel and then Kaeris blowing them up.

Johan is always a good choice, as he is only 5ss for Colette to take, and makes for a good melee bodyguard for your Master.

You will miss out on a lot of Colette's movement tricks, and the task is to try and make up for that by turning into a serious damage-dealing crew, with Kaeris laying down the fire, dispensing Burning Tokens, Johan flurrying on anything that gets near and Colette turning key enemy models into Mannequins.

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As others have said, I think it would definitely be possible to make a crew with collette+kaeris.

You might struggle with the movement shenanigans that are a big part of playing collette, but her soulstone manipulation will be great for kaeris, as she can get a lot of mileage out of using SS.

Johan would be good, maybe a LSA, definitely some fire gamin, and I'd take a gunsmith. I'd be running a few desperate mercs in there too, but thats a personal thing :P

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Union Miners are well worth considering, as they can give you back some of the mobility. Especially if your also running both Johan and Kaeris that are both M&SU members. But I think I would still use a Coryphee to give you something to switch with, and I would definitely use Doves.

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Without running other showgirls you significantly hamper many of Colettes in-built abilities. Specifically the following will not work:

  • Her movement tricks. Without showgrils her Illusionist ability becomes useless.
  • Mannequin Replacement Trigger. Unless your opponent is willing to allow you to proxy models, the Mannequin Replacement trigger will not summon a new model.
  • Blinding Flash. This is one of Colette's largest lines of defense. Without showgirls on the table, this trigger becomes useless. You remove a large portion of how Colette is balanced on the defense side, making her much more vulnerable
  • Death defying. This is another spell that becomes useless if there are no showgirls on the table.

Taking her without any other showgirls makes Colette very vulnerable overall.

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I think if your runninng a Collette crew without showgirls you may as well run a Kaeris crew.

The advantage would be that you can use Collette to generate ss for Kaeris to burn but without any showgirls she will be very vulnerable as you will lose out on your mobility and defensive tricks and will be relying on the healing flip to keep her alive (and with only 6 woulds you will need to keep a heap of soulstones to do this)

If you are determined to use no showgirls then, as others have said, you need to at least consider doves but personally I wouldnt do it, I would you say you need at least 1 showgirl of some sort, but hey, give it a go and let us know how you get on.

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You can't run a Colette crew without showgirls. She just doesn't function that way.

That being said a Kaeris crew with Colette may work well. Using Colette to stand at the back and make soul stones and Doves would be fairly effective.

Flying a Dove into the enemy then Overheating it would spread burning love fairly effectively.

Something like this may work for you;

Arcanists Crew - 35 - Scrap

Colette Du Bois
8 Pool

1 Mechanical Dove [2ss]


Student of Conflict [4ss]

  • Fire Gamin

  • Gunsmith

  • Soulstone Miner

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I would agree with Mythic Fox in his description, dont think of it as a Colette crew, as that is not what it would be, it would simply be a Kaeris crew with Collette to make more SS for her if there are cards spare or waste activations, but i think something like what Mythic listed could work or Johan and a second dove over the SS miner for more hard hitting defence for ether one of them. (though no extra SS from the duels)

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Thanks everyone for the advice.

I will definitely buy the doves, and i will make my own Mannequins.

I think I will buy the Coryphees too. The showgirl sculpts are actually quite fine as long as they don't have a face.

So, here will be my first 35ss list:

Colette 6ss pool

Duet - 14ss

Kaeris - 8ss

Student - 4ss

Gunsmith - 6ss

Should i drop the student for a 8ss pool and a dove? I can't drop the Gunsmith for it because i love the model.

And no Cassandra and Performers, hope it won't hinder me too much.

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What a cracking thread. Colette seduced me into this game in the first place, but I got frustrated with not being able to really bring the hammer down and moved on to Ressers.

Running Colette showgirl lite never occurred to me, and I feel pretty foolish now. I am inspired to have a pretty massive rethink about my first Malifaux love. Thanks all !

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I may take you up on that, need to squeeze a couple of Colette games in before I break her out in polite company though, and finish painting her.

I have forgotten everything I ever knew about Miss Du Bois but I can't shake the feeling that with some creative painting Union Miners could do double duty as Crooked Men. I need an intervention.

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