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Not another Malifaux podcast


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Decided to take the plunge into the world of Malifaux podcasting so have uploaded a very brief introductory episode this morning. Its been submitted to iTunes but I'll have to wait for it to go through the whole approval process, so until then you can access the feed at http://malifools.podbean.com/feed/ or just go to http://malifools.podbean.com and click the relevent links.

Please give it a listen and then either comment here, or hit me up on twitter @oldmanmyke, even if its just to say that I suck and it would be a perfect cure for insomnia.


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Sound quality is good for an introductory episode. How do you plan on formatting the pod cast. Will you have different segments like the Aethervox and Cheated Fates or will be be single topic episodes like the Bayou Broadcast? How long do you plan having each episode be? Also I so was wondering if you were planning on having regular guests of if you were going to go at it alone like the seanhammer podcast.At first it sounded like you were the only one involved with the pod cast but then at the end you started saying stuff like "we will be discussing..." Can you give us a hint on who the "We" is or is it a surprise. Overall so far so good.

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Thanks for the feedback. I don't envisage a fixed format, more likely to be a rambling gamer conversation down the pub type thing, there are enough analyse the models / rules type podcasts already. I certainly don't plan it to be a solo cast, my intention is to get various people from the UK scene involved and I hope that my fellow malifool Conrad will be a regular cohost, if I can drag him away from Warmahordes that is.

I'd like to keep episodes to about an hour in length (perfect commuting time) but if a subject needs longer discussion then thats what it will get.

I shall be recording stuff at this weekends UK Team tournie for the next episode, so if you are there, give me a shout and we'll immortalize your words of wisdom

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