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My First Somer Tournament


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So, this weekend I'll be taking Somer to the Fire and Ice tournament in Cranfield to see how he fairs. There's some good competition (CunningStunt playing Levi and Oshova playing Zoraida for starters) so not sure what will - ah, who am I kidding, Somer will crush them all! :)

As a disclaimer though, I've only managed four games with Somer so far (too busy with work) and have never used Ophelia, aSomer, Slop Haulers or Hog Whisperers - so it's going to be "interesting". That said, I've done a LOT of theoryfaux and had a LOT of advice from OmenBringer, Dumb Luck and Spiku - so hopefully my having never played a pig ladder won't hold me back too much.

For info, the setup is a 55ss sideboard to pull from and I'm just finalising my list before posting it here. All I can say is there will be NO Ophelia in there as I want it to be a true Somer list (I may be using his 2x Special Forces slots though) - wish me luck lol


So, here's my proposed 55ss (well, 54ss) sideboard -


aSomer 2ss

Skeeter 2ss

Rat 2ss

Rat 2ss

Pigapult 4ss

Pigapult 4ss

Piglet 3ss

Piglet 3ss

Piglet 3ss

Piglet 3ss

Bayou Gremlin 2ss

Bayou Gremlin 2ss

Bayou Gremlin 2ss

Hog Whisperer 5ss

Slop Haluer 4ss

Pere Ravage 5ss

Raphael 6ss

Let me know what you think :)

Edited by magicpockets
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Well Magickpockets I am sure you are more than ready for this. Glad to see you will be running pure Some'r without the little lass, he was plenty competitive before her.

Zoraida and Levi will definately be stiff competition, though a certain Bacon Bombing tactic might help a bit with the former. Pig Ladders might help with the latter by allowing you to get to good positions to kill those delicious Hollow Waifs (when Levi doesn't want them dead).

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But Somer is the worst master in the game. Why would you want to take him?

In fairness though, good luck at the weekend. It will be interesting to see how many turns Levi can survive. And whether I will be able to do anything with Zoraida other than lose. =p

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You cant hold being uneducated against a person.

Well you can, but they won't like you for it.

Also, am I missing something with the pigapults, seeing as both Dumb Luck and Omenbringer find it interesting that there's 2 in there. Where you expecting more? less? none? . . . give me some hints, and stop being so cryptic. =p

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First game with pig lists last night -





Bayou Gremlin


Hog Whisperer

4x Piglets

vs Oshova playing Zoraida with Von Schill (filth list)

I wanted to try Sooey! with pigs and also to see how it went only starting with one Bayou and summoning off that (terrible btw). Ended me winning 6-2, but was a lot closer than that in game.

Some things I found -

1. Zoraida and Hex on a Pigapult is a pain in the ass

2. Sooey! is actually quite good but needs a lot of thinking (or practice to get it second nature)

3. Don't start with one Gremlin, it's way too slow for Somer lol

4. Piglets just running amok on your opponents half of the board are hilarious

Also, question to check I didn't cheat, when your Piglets are stampeding, can you still us eReckless for an extra pig charge?

--- On a side, why the surprise over two Pigapults? They're so versatile for 4AP I think in most schemes I'd take them. I'll post how my idea for using them works out after the weekend.

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It makes sense now that I see there's a Brawl on the Sunday. Just seeing two on a list is a bit of a taker backer.

How do you find turning Gremlins into Piglets, Pockets? With Somer needing three cards to do it, aswell as manifesting for the Avatar I find it awfully slow. In my opinion, I'd much rather start with more Piglets and enough Gremlins to bag me the early Manifest. This typically only nets me four Piglets, which I feel isn't really enough.

And Somer is the worst master in the game. But only I'm allowed to say it.

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It makes sense now that I see there's a Brawl on the Sunday. Just seeing two on a list is a bit of a taker backer.

I'll be taking two in some of my scraps *wink*

How do you find turning Gremlins into Piglets, Pockets? With Somer needing three cards to do it, aswell as manifesting for the Avatar I find it awfully slow. In my opinion, I'd much rather start with more Piglets and enough Gremlins to bag me the early Manifest. This typically only nets me four Piglets, which I feel isn't really enough.

And Somer is the worst master in the game. But only I'm allowed to say it.

Not sure what you mean by three cards tbh - he just needs a crow iirc?

As far as summoning pigs, I tend to only turn the rat into a pig after summoning all my skeeters as it has to die anyway and that way all skeeter heal up. Plus I get a model back for the dead rat :)

Also, I'm thinking aSomer is a turn 4/5 manifest to give me time to build a gunline etc - do you find he works better manifested early?

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His trigger needs a Crow for the Cb and a further two cards dropped to get the Piglet.

When running the Pig Boomerang, I find I spent so much effort trying to get more Piglets or heal up Gremlins to manifest I would generally rather take the extra Piglets in my list to begin with and pop Avatar ASAP.

Building up a gunline seems (to me anyway, I'm not the greatest Pig player) to take away from valuable Pig flying around time. The gunline is more likely to shoot itself than your targets. But I tend to use the Pig list as a very avoidance heavy/hit and run type of list. I leave the gunline spawning tricks for an Ophelia centric list as she handles it much better.

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ASomer is just god anyway. The Skeeters can still drag him around and he hits reasonably hard.

Tried the Pult with a Boomerang list today. Spent ages juicing up a Piglet with Truffles and Stick Him In The Ass. Loaded him up and ... he died. Would have been easier to Skeeter the poor thing up. Not a fan of it with Pigs. Stick me in the Omenbringer camp on that one.

I'm looking forward to seeing people use the Pigs at the ETC. I'm still struggling to work out when it would be more useful a list over the gunline ...

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