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Kaeris questions


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Had a look around but could not see the answers to these.

So I have been pondering some things that came up in some of my games with Kaeris.

1) When ignite goes off on a severe and does a blast, do models hit by the blast also pick up burning tokens?

2) When immolate goes off and kills a model can you place the hazardous terrain so that it would cover a model that was in base contact (or nearby) to the killed model?


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1. Yes, since they take Damage caused by the Ignite weapon.

I have to disagree based on this:

Are all models touched by a blast affected by its additional effects?

When a Blast is generated by a Dg stat only the original target suffers the additional effects (RM p.45), unless stated otherwise. When the Blast was generated by an effect without a Dg stat, all models touched by the Blast are affected (RM p.21).

Since the Blast is off of the Dg stat of Ignite, I don't believe models hit by blasts will get burning tokens.

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I have to disagree based on this:

Since the Blast is off of the Dg stat of Ignite, I don't believe models hit by blasts will get burning tokens.

I knew I had read something that had made me question.Thought it was in the Rules Manual and then couldnt find again.

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I have to disagree based on this:

Since the Blast is off of the Dg stat of Ignite, I don't believe models hit by blasts will get burning tokens.

I was basing this on a ruling from October last year - http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?25021-Blast-damage-type/page6&highlight=specialist

Now, I don't know quite what effect the recent FAQ has had on this. Are things like counters additional effects? Is magical/ non-magical an additional effect? Do we distinguish between triggers or the effects of spells on the one hand, and the Weapon's Talents on the other (with the former being "additional effects" and the latter not)?

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I would tend to think that "additional effects" as it pertains to weapons, is anything that affects the target, other than damage. So magical isn't something that affects the target, but rather a trait of the attack, whereas tokens (be it poison, burning, or blight) are applied to the target in addition to damage.

But that's just my take on it...

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