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Another Sandwich Model suggestion


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Hey guys, Sandwich again.

I'm pretty actively pursuing a career in creative writing, hopefully for some rad company whose game I really enjoy.

So on the advice of those who have travelled my road before, I'm working on some Fan Fiction to perhaps entice those that need to be enticed into letting me put my foot in the door.

As I sit here writing, eating a sandwich and drinking Vanilla Coke, I had an idea for another Spamable Model, specifically a "Combat-Support" spam model.

We currently have Night Terrors and Canine Remains as our other two Spammable models.

Night Terrors fill the Mobility / Objective niche and Canine Remains are used for

A.) Killing for Corpse Counters

B.) Summoning Killjoy / Bete Noir

C.) Missiles

Which lead me to think about a model that was spammable but brought utility to the table, and of course had a fairly unique mechanism that made them not a copypaste from other models.

(Story eventually)

- - -

The Wayward

Undead, Insignificant

Soul Stone Cost: 2

Wk/Cg: 4/-

Ht: 1

Wp: 4

Ca: 3:crows

Df: 1

Wd: 3

Wayward Stare

Rg: :ranged 8

Cb: 5:crows

Dg: 1/1/1



Wayward Stare: This weapon's Attack Duels are made using Cb->Wp . Models Wounded by this weapon receive :-fate when attacking a The Wayward model.


Lost Souls: When this model is hired by Kirai, it gains the Spirit characteristic until the end of the Encounter.

Without Purpose: This model's spells have no Casting Cost.


Ca(20:crows:crows) Pitiful Horizon [Worthlessness]: Sacrifice this model. Target model receives Paralyzed.



(CC: *:crows / Rst: Wp / Rg: 8)

Target model receives Slow. Increase the Casting Total of this spell by 2 for every The Wayward within 6" of target model.

(1)Horrible Child

(CC: * :tomes / Rst: Df / Rg: 4)

Dg: 1/1/2. Increase Dg by 0/+1/+1 for each Wd this model is missing. If this Spell deals Severe Damage, target a friendly model within 6", that model heals 1 Wd.

(1)Without Love

(CC: *:masks / Rst: Wp / Rg: 12)

Target model does not count as friendly to its crew. Increase the Casting Total of this spell by 2 for every The Wayward within 6" of target model.

Edited by Sandwich
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It looks intriguing and strange.

Why the "No casting cost"? It seems like a fairly minor effect.

"Without Love" seems like it could be hard to track. An opponent may not be aware they should be counting how many models they have killed.

The spells look like they could become very, very hard to resist.

I assume the 20 in the Trigger means you need a total of 20 or more, yes? Which you could get with a Red Joker and two models near the target? Seems rare that it'll happen, but intriguing.

Have you tried this model in play?

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Why the "No casting cost"? It seems like a fairly minor effect.

Probably a combination of the low Ca and the desire to be able to spam the spells without them really being super over powered.

"Without Love" seems like it could be hard to track. An opponent may not be aware they should be counting how many models they have killed.

I am of the same opinion on this one, it seems like yet another thing to track. I think a better option is to just have all of the spells function off of the number of friendly Wayward within a set distance (similar to the way Worthless does).

The spells look like they could become very, very hard to resist.

Though powerful, it is mitigated by their amazingly low Df and Wds. These things have virtually no survivability (it shouldn't be difficult to remove a few every turn).

I assume the 20 in the Trigger means you need a total of 20 or more, yes? Which you could get with a Red Joker and two models near the target? Seems rare that it'll happen, but intriguing.

Definately going to be difficult to set up because of the above, however I dont think that it is necessarily over the top because it also requires the sacrificing of the triggering Wayward.

I do have one question in regards to the trigger though, does it function even if the spell is unsuccessful (not that I think this would make it over the top, just looking to clarify)?

Lastly, this doesn't really feel like a Res model more like a Neverborn Woe.

Edited by Omenbringer
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Looks quite interesting, I like the idea and it is clear that you have put a lot of thought into this model. I lookforward to reading the story. Be careful that it doesn't sound like the dreamer with his vacant stares or the crooligans/stolen as from the sounds of it could be along these themes.

A small extra, ressers also have Necropunks as spammable... :)

I also agree with Tedpro about the "without love" spell being hard to track. The trigger also seems near impossible need to flip/cheat a 13/RJ AND have 2+ additional Wayward within 6". (although I spose it is only a 2SS model :) ).

Have you tried it at all? Which masters & what strategies do you see the most potential with?

Look forward to a story & any updates

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey, thanks for the feedback guys.

It's much appreciated. :)

I'm glad to see that there are people who're actually interested enough to read homebrews and review them, it makes me very giggly. ;D

It looks intriguing and strange.

Why the "No casting cost"? It seems like a fairly minor effect.

"Without Love" seems like it could be hard to track. An opponent may not be aware they should be counting how many models they have killed.

The spells look like they could become very, very hard to resist.

I assume the 20 in the Trigger means you need a total of 20 or more, yes? Which you could get with a Red Joker and two models near the target? Seems rare that it'll happen, but intriguing.

Have you tried this model in play?

I was thinking it was quite... Wyrd... :o

I like games that have a large pool of "Standard" mechanics where most everything follows that pattern, and then you have a few stragglers that introduce a little flavor to the mix without compromising the overall stew of things.

Hence the no CC on spells but a CC on the Trigger.

Seemed pretty rad to me.

The spells could become fairly hard to resist, but for that to happen the player would need to bring at LEAST three Wayward to make each model's Ca stat above average (With 2 additional The Wayward within 6" of your target, the Casting Wayward has a Ca of 7) and the spells reprecussions are fairly minor, though powerful for a 2 SS model, (But no worse than a The Stolen with Hamelin.)

The idea behind the overall model was a very strong weak model that could bring utility to all Ressurectionist masters (Because we desperately need a game designer who seriously loves this faction) to bring our overall faction strength up (We're far behind Outcasts, Guild, and Neverborn) but decently on par with Arcanists currently.

I'd design more neat-o models for Arcanists if I really knew that faction as in depth as I do the Resurrectionists, but alas.

And yes, I do playtest all of my model ideas before I ever post anything up for suggestion. :)

- - - - -

I do have one question in regards to the trigger though, does it function even if the spell is unsuccessful (not that I think this would make it over the top, just looking to clarify)?

Lastly, this doesn't really feel like a Res model more like a Neverborn Woe.

Just quoting the latter half of your post because it's all I really need to reply to;

1. Absolutely. You're losing a model and need to flip high to get it off, if you manage to reach the requirement for the Trigger, you deserve to paralyze a model.

2. Why precisely? I feel it brings something for each Resurrectionist master at a manageable cost and with a unique flair that'll help envigorate the faction beyond Kirai and McM in a broader sense.

- - - - - -

Looks quite interesting, I like the idea and it is clear that you have put a lot of thought into this model. I lookforward to reading the story. Be careful that it doesn't sound like the dreamer with his vacant stares or the crooligans/stolen as from the sounds of it could be along these themes.

A small extra, ressers also have Necropunks as spammable... :)

I also agree with Tedpro about the "without love" spell being hard to track. The trigger also seems near impossible need to flip/cheat a 13/RJ AND have 2+ additional Wayward within 6". (although I spose it is only a 2SS model :) ).

Have you tried it at all? Which masters & what strategies do you see the most potential with?

Look forward to a story & any updates

It makes me happy when people say things like that, thank you. :)

Storywise, I'm thinking more of a little girl who goes into the Slums to have an adventure with her friends, only to find that something terrible is going on and she's in big trouble.

1. I equally agree with that statement and I think it's best if the spell functions with a similar mechanic to Worthlessness.

2. Well they're 2 Pt models and Paralyze is a VERY powerful effect, it should be difficult and not something specifically aimed for, but more of a "Holy crap, my opponent CAN Paralyze me if I put my model there, I'd best stay away from those otherwise pansy 2 point models."

3. I have, and they fit very well versus the two biggest banes of Resurrectionists, High Speed and high Synergy crews that will just run circles around your crew while they shut you down every which way (Pandora, Colette, Collodi, C.Hoffman).

4. I honestly forgot all about these kids, so I'll whip up a story real soon like, I'll keep you posted. :)

And again, thanks so much for the interest you're showing!

Edited by Sandwich
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