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Heroscape-faux - 49 Custom Conversion Models for Your Enjoyment

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Over the years, I’ve gone through a many gaming fads. Malifaux is my most recent and is very high up there in my favorite game list. However, many years ago before poor marketing saw its downfall I played Heroscape (may she rest in peace): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heroscape.

Nowadays, yeah Heroscape’s still a good game and stuff, but… I’m into Malifaux now. And I unfortunately don’t have too many people to play Heroscape with anymore. So how could I possibly make use of my old Heroscape models while maintaining my Malifaux itch? The answer is simple: conversion.

I’ve spent the past couple of months converting 49 of my favorite heroscape models into malifaux, trying to get a good pool of models for people to use and enjoy. Given interest, I’ll do the rest, but this suffices for now. The idea is to take the limited rules and fun models of Heroscape and try to reproduce them in the Malifaux ruleset. Also, if you read through the card rules, you should be able to tell how much fun I had playing with the Malifaux universe. It’s one of the things I love about the game; there’s so much to the system that can be explored!

That said, I have not playtested any of these models (I will, but haven’t gotten to it yet.) Anyone willing to try a couple of them out? I’d appreciate as much feedback as I can get. This goes doubly so for any of the following:

· Models that you don’t think you would ever use because there is no point.

· Models that are entirely overpowered (use the term sparingly of course).

· Abilities that you don’t understand or are poorly worded.

· Abilities that you don’t think would ever get used.

As far as fluff goes, you can make whatever kind of story you want: there was a second breach, and the Kyrie warriors spilled into the Malifaux world, etc.

To make use of the rules, there are a couple of things you can do. The first is obviously to own the models. You can generally get them from ebay (I did not change the names of the models in the conversion), and I believe Hasbro still backs the game, even if it's not growing it. But there’s no reason to spend money on this (unless you really want to). What I advise you to do is proxy. Many Malifaux models are close enough to Heroscape models, and for those that aren’t, just use bases. Technically the Heroscape bases are 33ish mm, but this is just for fun. It doesn’t have to be exact.

For the model rules, go to my flickr album for the custom cards and download/screenshot/copy the ones you find interesting: http://www.flickr.com/photos/77932718@N06/sets/72157629956817507/ And if you have a flickr account, add me as a contact or leave a comment on individual cards that you like/dislike. Or you can comment on this thread as well, of course.

Flickr photostream tips: click on a photo icon to get to the medium-size, and you can use the arrow keys to navigate. Right click on the photo and choose a size to see the full size (though medium should suffice to view the rules). Click on the photo proper to go to slideshow (also not particularly necessary, but some people like it).

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Heroscape-faux rules:

Hiring crewsWhen you go to hire crews, players agree on a SS count as a normal malifaux game. However, a player can convert 1 SS into 3 points to spend on Heroscape models. If players wish, they can also agree on a minimum number of Heroscape points to use, which would be converted from the original SS cost.

For the first game of Heroscape-faux, I recommend a 35 SS game, with a conversion of about 10 of those SS’s into Heroscape pieces to give you an idea (resulting in no more than 25 SS Malifaux and at least 30 points Heroscape to spend).

Normal hiring abilities stay in effect (Marcus can hire any beast at no additional SS cost, Hamelin can hire any Ht. 1 or insignificant model at no additional cost, etc., and anyone can hire mercenaries at out-of-faction cost).

Additionally, a crew cannot hire more than one model of different factions unless otherwise stated (this rule is called the Heroscape Hiring Restriction).

Heroscape Model Characteristic – Most of these models have the characteristic Heroscape Model. All Heroscape Models are considered to be out-of-faction models, and therefore you must pay 1 SS in addition to the points to hire them unless otherwise stated. The Heroscape Model (Description) ability, dictates how they can be hired. For example, Tarn Viking Warrior model has the ability:

Heroscape Model (Warriors)
– This model can be hired in any crew where at least 2 models have the (+1) Nimble or (+1) Melee Expert abilities.

Base sizes and the Peanut Base – Heroscape models come in 2 sizes, single and double. These are converted to malifaux as 33mm and 33mm (x2), also called double base.

33mm bases are larger than 30mm bases for all effects that require that knowledge. However, they drop counters and are summoned (through effects like
) as though they were 30mm bases.

Double bases are equivalent to 50mm for all effects that require that knowledge, and drop counters and are summoned (through effects like
) as though they were 50mm.

New keywords:

– After the resolution of a dual where a tricky model cheats, you can take back the card you cheated with to cheat with another card of the same value or lower.

– Models with the Soulborg Characteristic are non-living and are immune to morale duels.

It’s Close Enough abilities: Some characteristics are similar, but not the same as malifaux characteristics. Soulborgs are not Constructs, Vipers are not Silurids or Beasts, and Guards are not Guardsmen. Most of them have abilities that give them the Malifaux version of those characteristics, either for a turn or the whole encounter, depending on what you are willing to expend. Some of the abilities are:

Unfamiliar Design
– A friendly leader can discard a control card at any time during its activation to give this model the
characteristic. When hiring, crews hiring this model can pay 1 SS extra to give it the
characteristic for the rest of the encounter.

Same Evolutionary Background
– A friendly leader can discard a control card at any time during its activation to give this model the
characteristic. When hiring, crews hiring this model can pay 1 SS extra to give it the
characteristic for the rest of the encounter.

For some models, you need to have them have specific characteristics for the encounter in order to hire them. For example, Marcus has not hired any silurids, but wants to hire a viper with the Same Evolutionary Background ability. A Viper can only be hired into a crew with at least 2 Silurids, but through the Same Evolutionary Background ability, Marcus spends an SS to give it Beast for the encounter, which allows him to hire them through his Beast Master ability. He can do that again to hire a second Viper. Each Viper thereafter, he will not have to pay extra because the Vipers he has hired count as Silurids, and fulfill the requirement for hiring the third Viper and successive Vipers.

Some models have other abilities when hired by a certain crew, such as Theracus. He has the ability Heroscape Model (Tourtured by the Neverborn) – Theracus can be hired in crews containing 2 or more nephilim at no additional cost, but it gains Easy to Wound 1 and suffers a permanent -2 Wds for the encounter. It’s cheaper for those crews, but it won’t last as long in combat.[/TD]



That’s it. Just play the game as you always have, and enjoy.

All model rules were designed by me via powerpoint, but the images are from: http://battleplan.mythacle.com/heroscape/. If you go there, you can see just how easy the a lot of the rule conversion were, as there are very similar concepts here, and just how much I was able to play with given the comparative complexity of Malifaux.

EDIT: I whipped up a list of all the masters/henchmen and which Heroscape-faux model could be used with it. This is all based around the first book (and what I could think off the top of my head with regards to the second and third books, but I don't own them), so it's incomplete, but it gives you an idea of who can use which model:

All are in the format:

• Heroscape Model, Other Heroscape Model, Other Heroscape Model (Can Be Used if Your Crew Has This/One of These Model(s))

• Heroscape Model That Can Be Used With Heroscape Models of Different Factions*

• Heroscape Model Able to be Hired Because of a Leader/Minion's Ability(Name of Ability Ability)

Lady Justice

• Templar Cavalry, Sir Dupuis (Elite)

• Sir Dupuis (Elite)

• Syvaris, Arubian Archer (2 Nino/Samael/Hopkins/Witchling Stalker )

• Charos

• Blade Grut (2 Lawyer)

• Obsidian Guard (2 Guardsmen)

• Zettian Guard, Warden 816 (2 Constructs/Guardsmen)

• Deathwalker 9000, Major X17 (2 Constructs)

• Shade of Bleakwood (Terrifying)

• Agent Carr (Francesco Ortega, Nino Ortega, Santiago Ortega)

• Braxxas

• Microcorp Agent (Peackeeper)


• Shiori*, Morsbane*

• Templar Cavalry, Sir Dupuis (Elite)

• Charos

• Blade Grut (2 Lawyer)

• Obsidian Guard (2 Guardsmen)

• Zettian Guard, Warden 816 (2 Constructs/Guardsmen)

• Deathwalker 9000, Major X17 (2 Constructs)

• Shade of Bleakwood (Terrifying)

• Agent Carr (Francesco Ortega, Nino Ortega, Santiago Ortega)

• Braxxas (aPerdita)

• Microcorp Agent (Peackeeper)


• Templar Cavalry, Sir Dupuis (Elite)

• Blade Grut (2 Lawyer)

• Obsidian Guard

• Zettian Guard, Warden 816 (2 Constructs/Guardsmen)

• Deathwalker 9000, Major X17 (2 Constructs)

• Shade of Bleakwood (Terrifying)

• Agent Carr (Francesco Ortega, Nino Ortega, Santiago Ortega)

• Microcorp Agent (Peackeeper)

C. Hoffman

• Templar Cavalry, Sir Dupuis (Elite)

• Blade Grut (2 Lawyer)

• Obsidian Guard (2 Guardsmen)

• Zettian Guard, Warden 816 (2 Constructs/Guardsmen)

• Deathwalker 9000, Major X17 (2 Constructs)

• Shade of Bleakwood (Terrifying)

• Agent Carr (Francesco Ortega, Nino Ortega, Santiago Ortega)

• Microcorp Agent (Peackeeper)


• Templar Cavalry, Sir Dupuis

• Zettian Guard (1 SS), Warden 816 (1 SS), Obsidian Guard (1 SS) (Special Forces Leader Ability)


• Zelrig (2 Showgirls)

• Templar Cavalry, Sir Dupuis (Lawyer)

• Dzu-The, Nilfheim (2 Frozen Heart)

• Nilfheim (Razorspine Rattler)

• Venoc Viper, Elite Onyx Viper, Venoc Warlord (3 Silurids)

• Syvaris, Arubian Archer (Myranda, Waldgeist, December Acolyte)

• Anubian Wolf , Khosumet the Darklord, Wolf of Badru (Shikome)

• Blade Grut (2 Beasts)

• Iskra, Rechet of Bogdan (3 Shikome/Night Terrors)

• Obsidian Guard (2 Smoldering Heart, 1 or fewer Frozen Heart)

• Zettian Guard, Warden 816, Deathwalker 9000, Major X17 (2 Constructs)

• Marrden Hound (Steamborg Executioner)

• Shade of Bleakwood (Terrifying, Hoarcat Pride)

• Agent Carr (Sabertooth Cerberus, Joss)

• Microcorp Agent (Ice Golem, Joss, Steampunk Arachnid Swarm, Steamborg Executioner)

Mimring, Krug (Beast Master Ability)


• Zelrig (2 Showgirls)

• Dzu-The, Nilfheim (2 Frozen Heart)

• Nilfheim (Razorspine Rattler)

• Syvaris, Arubian Archer (2 Myranda/Waldgeist/December Acolyte)

• Blade Grut (2 Beasts)

• Obsidian Guard (2 Smoldering Heart, 1 or fewer Frozen Heart)

• Zettian Guard, Warden 816, Deathwalker 9000, Major X17 (2 Constructs)

• Marrden Hound (Steamborg Executioner)

• Shade of Bleakwood (Terrifying, Hoarcat Pride)

• Agent Carr

• Microcorp Agent (Ice Golem, Joss, Steampunk Arachnid Swarm, Steamborg Executioner)


• Zelrig (2 Showgirls)

• Dzu-The, Nilfheim (2 Frozen Heart)

• Nilfheim (Razorspine Rattler)

• Syvaris, Arubian Archer (2 Myranda/Waldgeist/December Acolyte)

• Blade Grut (2 Beasts)

• Obsidian Guard (2 Smoldering Heart, 1 or fewer Frozen Heart)

• Zettian Guard, Warden 816, Deathwalker 9000, Major X17 (2 Constructs)

• Marrden Hound (Steamborg Executioner)

• Shade of Bleakwood (Terrifying, Hoarcat Pride)

• Agent Carr (Sabertooth Cerberus, Joss)

• Microcorp Agent (Ice Golem, Joss, Steampunk Arachnid Swarm, Steamborg Executioner)


• Zelrig (2 Showgirls)

• Dzu-The, Nilfheim (2 Frozen Heart)

• Nilfheim (Razorspine Rattler)

• Syvaris, Arubian Archer (2 Myranda/Waldgeist/December Acolyte)

• Blade Grut (2 Beasts)

• Obsidian Guard (2 Smoldering Heart, 1 or fewer Frozen Heart)

• Zettian Guard, Warden 816, Deathwalker 9000, Major X17 (2 Constructs)

• Marrden Hound (Steamborg Executioner)

• Shade of Bleakwood (Terrifying, Hoarcat Pride)

• Agent Carr (Sabertooth Cerberus, Joss)

• Microcorp Agent (Ice Golem, Joss, Steampunk Arachnid Swarm, Steamborg Executioner)


• Obsidian Guard

Agent Car, Agent Skahenr (Special Forces Leader Ability)


• Anubian Wolf , Khosumet the Darklord, Wolf of Badru (Shikome, Dead Rider)

• Blade Grut (2 Shikome/Night Terror)

• Iskra, Rechet of Bogdan (3 Spirits/Night Terrors)

• Zettian Guard, Warden 816, Deathwalker 9000, Major X17 (2 Flesh Constructs)

• Brunak (2 Canine Remains)

• Shade of Bleakwood (Terrifying, Gaki)

• Microcorp Agent (Flesh Construct)


• Anubian Wolf , Khosumet the Darklord, Wolf of Badru (Shikome, Dead Rider)

• Blade Grut (2 Shikome/Night Terror)

• Zombie of Morindan

• Zettian Guard, Warden 816, Deathwalker 9000, Major X17 (2 Flesh Constructs)

• Marrden Hound (Steampunk Abomination)

• Brunak (2 Canine Remains)

• Shade of Bleakwood (Terrifying, Gaki)

• Microcorp Agent (Desolation Engine)

• Microcorp Agent (Flesh Construct)

Iskra Esenwein/Rechet of Bogdan, Shade of Bleakwood, Marrden Hound (1 SS), Sudema (Undead Master Ability)


• Anubian Wolf , Khosumet the Darklord, Wolf of Badru (Shikome, Dead Rider)

• Blade Grut (2 Shikome/Night Terror)

• Iskra, Rechet of Bogdan (3 Spirits/Night Terrors)

• Zombie of Morindan (Rafkin)

• Zettian Guard, Warden 816, Deathwalker 9000, Major X17 (2 Flesh Constructs)

• Brunak (2 Canine Remains)

• Shade of Bleakwood (Terrifying, Gaki)

• Microcorp Agent (Flesh Construct)


• Anubian Wolf , Khosumet the Darklord, Wolf of Badru (Shikome, Dead Rider)

• Blade Grut (2 Shikome/Night Terror)

• Iskra, Rechet of Bogdan

• Zombie of Morindan (Rafkin)

• Zettian Guard, Warden 816, Deathwalker 9000, Major X17 (2 Flesh Constructs)

• Brunak (2 Canine Remains)

• Microcorp Agent (Flesh Construct)

Shade of Bleakwood (Detached Ability)


Marrden Hound (1 SS), Shade of Bleakwood (Special Forces Leader Ability)


• Venoc Viper, Elite Onyx Viper, Venoc Warlord (3 Silurids)

• Brunak, Theracus (1 Nephilim)

• Syvaris, Arubian Archer (2 Terror Tot Nephilim/Doppleganger)

• Charos

• Blade Grut (2 Silurid/Wadlgeist)

• Iskra, Rechet of Bogdan (3 Nightmares)

• Shade of Bleakwood (Terrifying)

• Runa (Woe)

• Braxxas

• Microcorp Agent (Bad Juju, Teddy, Hooded Rider)

• Major X17 (2 Bad Juju/Teddy/Hooded Rider)


• Venoc Viper, Elite Onyx Viper, Venoc Warlord (3 Silurids)

• Syvaris, Arubian Archer (2 Terror Tot Nephilim/Doppleganger)

• Blade Grut (2 Silurid/Wadlgeist)

• Iskra, Rechet of Bogdan (3 Nightmares)

• Brunak, Theracus (2 Nephilim)

• Shade of Bleakwood (Terrifying)

• Runa (Woe)

• Microcorp Agent (Bad Juju, Teddy, Hooded Rider)

• Major X17 (2 Bad Juju/Teddy/Hooded Rider)


• Shiori*, Morsbane*, Runa*, Agent Skahen*, Microcorp Agent*

• Syvaris, Arubian Archer (2 Terror Tot Nephilim/Doppleganger)

• Iskra, Rechet of Bogdan (3 Nightmares)

• Marrden Hound

• Brunak, Theracus (2 Nephilim)

• Shade of Bleakwood (Terrifying)

• Runa (Woe)

• Microcorp Agent (Bad Juju, Teddy, Hooded Rider)

• Major X17 (2 Bad Juju/Teddy/Hooded Rider)

Retiarius, Valguard, Dzu-The, Tarn Viking Warrior, Nilfheim, Venoc Viper, Elite Onyx Viper, Warrior of Ashra, Arubian Archer, Anubian Wolf, Khosumet the Darklord, Arrow Grut, Blade Grut, Krug, Marrden Hound, Brunak, Wolf of Badru, Braxxas (Enthrall Ability)


• Venoc Viper, Elite Onyx Viper, Venoc Warlord (3 Silurids)

• Syvaris, Arubian Archer (2 Terror Tot Nephilim/Doppleganger)

• Blade Grut (2 Silurid/Wadlgeist)

• Iskra, Rechet of Bogdan

• Brunak, Theracus (2 Nephilim)

• Shade of Bleakwood (Terrifying)

• Runa (Woe)

• Microcorp Agent (Bad Juju, Teddy, Hooded Rider)

• Major X17 (2 Bad Juju/Teddy/Hooded Rider)


Hm... Kinda dropped the ball on this one. Can't really find anything that's Doll-Themed in Heroscape though. I'll keep pondering.


Iskra Esenwein/Rechet of Bogdan, Obsidian Guard, Zettian Guard, Warden Guard 816, Deathwalker 9000, Marrden Hound (1 SS extra), Shade of Bleakwood, Dund, Major x17, Sudema (Pariah Ability)


• Crixus, Retiarius, Spartacus

Mimring, Charos, Zelrig (For Money Ability)

Som’er Teeth

• Shiori*, Morsbane*, Runa*, Agent Skahen*

• Arrow Grut, Blade Grut, Grimnak (2 or More Gremlins)

• Krug (Gremlin)

• Marrden Hound

• Shade of Bleakwood (Terrifying, Eat Your Fill)

• Shiori*, Morsbane*, Runa*, Agent Skahen*, Microcorp Agent*


• Brunak (2 Canine Remains)

• Dund, Sudema (1 Soulless)

Blade Grut, Arrow Grut, Wolf of Badru, Dund, Sudema, Venoc Viper, Microcorp Agent (Lure of Emptiness Ability)

Von Schill

• Crixus, Retiarius, Spartacus


• Crixus, Retiarius, Spartacus (2 Mercs, Bishop)

• Shiori, Morsbane, Runa, Agent Skahen, Microcorp Agent , Dund (Tricky*, Misaki*)

• Valguard, Dzu Teh, Tarn Viking Warrior, Nilfheim, Arrow Grut, Blade Grut, Krug, Braxxas, Sudema (Killjoy*, Convict Gunslinger*, Wild*, Hans*)

• Zelrig, Charos (Any, 2 Showgirls, No Undead, Marro, or soulborg)

• Mimring (Any)

• Templar Cavalry, Sir Dupuis (Jandar Faction, No Graverobber)

• Eldgrim (Jandar Faction, Dwarf)

• Venoc Viper, Elite Onyx Viper, Venoc Warlord (Dragon)

• Theracus (No Flying/Float/Spirit, Elf)

• Syvaris, Arubian Archer (Elf, 2 Scout/Hunter)

• Ulginesh, Warrior of Ashra (Tricky, Elf)

• Anubian Wolf , Khosumet the Darklord, Wolf of Badru (Ruthless)

• Shade of Bleakwood (Terrifying)

• Nakita Agent (Misaki, Ten Thunders Brother)

• Agent Carr (Renegade Steamfitter Johan)

• Major X17 (2 Constructs)

Edited by brdparker
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I bought Heroscape to introduce my kids to miniatures games, and wound up loving it. Wish I could get that castle set here in the UK.

I had some good times with the game (and the castle set was pretty neat too). The problem I found was the setup time; it would take about twice as long to make the terrain than actually play the game (could have just been my gaming group). It probably would have been different if I had a table in my house that I could just dedicate to having a perpetual terrain setup on. But it died out in my area, leaving me with all of the pieces left over. But I am glad to hear other people here play(ed) it.

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Yeah, Heroscape was not a bad games. I am not a fair of the dice mechanics, but the story was pretty cool. Friend of mine really got a lot of people into the game, he even went to a few tournaments. To this day, I think I still have about 3 or 4 full starters. In the world of gaming, all good things must come to an end.

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Wow this just made me look up Heroscape on ebay. I got into it early on and apparently some of the sets I have can go for 200+ dollars even opened with standard play wear.

Now the question is do I hold on to them for another 2 or 3 years till my son is old enough to play or do I start selling some of my collection off?

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Well, I was hoping to get a playtest of this in Saturday, but was unable to get the game in unfortunately. However, thinking about it alone made me think of some issues.

I was set up to play:

- Marcus

- Lawyer (7 SS)

- Templar Cavalry (13 pts)

- Sir Dupuis (13 pts)

- Nilfheim (39 pts)

And my opponent was going to play:

- Kirai

- Iskra Esenwein (13 pts)

- x2 Shades of Bleakwood (13 pts)... apparently I like to value things at 13 pts. Hadn't noticed that before

- Anything else he wanted from there.

Thoughts from this:

I wanted to get rid of the out-of-faction cost for this, as an additional SS per model is too much. I will have to ponder this a bit over this week and find a good response. I'll figure it out.

Iskra's summoning of the Rechets was too difficult (as that's his whole point), so I lessoned it to giving a friendly non-insignificant spirit or nightmare slow instead of saccing it.

Shade of Bleakwood's summoning was also too difficult, so I did the same thing for Kirai and gave them a nifty little second trigger. Should be fun to play out.

Otherwise, I uploaded some new wordings, but it's definitely ready for a playtest or fifty. Now I just need to find some damned time...

Edited by brdparker
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I would say the only problem I see in your rules would be that masters would end up with very few soulstones.

Yeah, I'm working on a way around that. Since some of the models can be hired "at no additional cost" in certain crews, I want to keep that benefit for them. What I may do is get rid of the "out-of-faction" SS cost (and allow each crew to hire from one Heroscape Faction), with certain models getting point discounts or model buffs/debuffs in certain crews. Would make for some nice asymmetry.

But thank you for the comment, Requirement. I am looking for exactly that sort of critique. Keep it coming!

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