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Why would you take a henchman to lead a crew?


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Hi guys, I'm still trying to learn this game, and am currently going through the rules and reading about henchmen leading a crew vs a master.

What I'm seeing is, if a henchman leads a crew, it essentially acts the exact same way as a master, except that you get a smaller starting soulstone pool....

My question is - why would you take a henchman over a master if you're going to take that extra hit to your crew? Is there something I'm missing?

I REALLY like Collodi and his puppets, and would love to run him. But, want to make sure I'm all smartened up on this whole henchman thing.

Thanks guys!

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Henchman actually provide a bit more versatility when run as the master of a crew. Sure they may only have a maximum number of SS in their cache = to their reserve but they can also use those to hire more models (Masters can't do this with their Cache's).

For example Some'r Teeth can hire 30 SS worth of models but will have no cache, Ophelia on the other hand could hire up to 36 SS of models (or 30 SS and have a 6 SS cache).

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I find it particularly useful as an outcast player in tournaments. In a limited pool, one faction tournament, outcast players are often restricted to one master since they can not create a pool with enough versatility to cover the multiple masters. Von Schill gives mercs another choice besides Vikis, and Ophelia does the same for Gremlins. The other Factions don't really get as much from this as they can often design a crew pool to work with multiple masters.

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It's also a special forces thing and as the game continues to expand, that may become more important. As it stands, the only way to have more than two models with the Special Forces rule in your crew is to also run that Henchman. If you hire the Henchman, it's 8-10 ss or you could take him as your master for free.

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