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Doing Strategies with Ressers


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What are your basic plans when playing Ressers for each strategy.

Line in the sand

  • Necropunks, Night terrors, & Crooligans

Claim Jump

  • Store up Body parts on Rafkin and drop multiple Guild Autopsies last turn

Contain Power

  • Kirai is hardest to kill in shared
  • McM can summon a Rogue Necromancy next to opposing master
  • Take VonSchills

Deliver a message

  • Necropunk & Nurse: the nurse give reactivate to Necro punk, and you can deliver a message from 24 inches away
  • Fun taking aSeamus and getting huge terrifying number to force opponent to face terror first.

Destroy the Evidence

  • Necropunks, Night terrors, & Crooligans


Escape & Survive

Plant Evidence

  • Necropunks, Night terrors, & Crooligans



  • This usually is not our best strategy. spend an SS to reflip

Supply wagon

Treasure hunt

  • Necropunk & Nurse: the nurse give reactivate to Necro punk, lots of action to get there, and you can move it closer to you on turn 1 before end of turn.
  • Necropunk: if carrying the treasure can use slow to die action to pass treasure to another models.
  • Night terrors: The night terror carrying the treasure Moves, pulling the other night terrors in front of it, then passes the treasure to the one just pulled and not activated to repeat until out of night terrors.

Turf War

  • Store up Body parts on Rafkin and drop multiple Guild Autopsies last turn

Anyone else have ideas to share

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For the Treasure hunt. i tought that when you would do any other action then the move action you would drop the treasure. So you could'nt use flock to getter to get the other one in front.

Not 100% sure tought

That only applies if you change positon on the board. The night terror with the counter moves, flocks, then passes it.

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Any movement other than a basic walk action. So a push, charge, or lure will all make you drop the counter. You can still shoot, cast, and melee strike and take actions. This was a major snafu for my group when we first started playing because we thought you could only take move actions but hidden in the wall of text that is Treasure Hunt, there is the actual explanation.

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What he is saying is that the Night terror with the Treasure moves, calls other up, then hands it off, the next one does the same and then the next one does the same. Only terrors without the treasure are getting pushed but they whole unit is getting extra movement with the treasure

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Contain Power

Kirai is hardest to kill in shared

McM can summon a Rogue Necromancy next to opposing master

Take VonSchills

I find in a competitive environment Distract is the same as contain power. Your opponent can't have leaders in your deployment zone or half of the table if your opponent doesn't have leaders. I tend to run in kill the leader(s) and play the rest of the game hit & run.

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You cant really do this without knowing what faction you're playing against, your schemes and the table layout.

That said, basically every strategy in Malifaux is about board control, and the way you achieve board control is by removing your opponents' resources from the table. Malifaux is a game about killing models, pure and simple. You can win without doing so, of course, but if you deny your opponent VPs whilst removing his models you'll win pretty much every game that you play.

Malifaux is only really objective based insofar as it alters what you do whilst killing your enemy, but it is as much as or more of a game about killing stuff than most people would have you believe!

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Malifaux is only really objective based insofar as it alters what you do whilst killing your enemy, but it is as much as or more of a game about killing stuff than most people would have you believe!

On the most part I disagree, For slaughter/contain power/distract I agree, Firepower is the Key. But I've had 1 game where I won after I have 95% of my crew wiped out and my Nurse made it to a key point and earned me 6 VP by herself. I've had other games where I Earned 8 VP by Turn 3 and then sacrificed my entire crew for gloating rights. Most strategies in Malifaux I find you need to add a couple models for sole purpose of objective grabbing and positioning. The goal of this thread is to discuss what do you bring to the table for those strategies. Do you have any thing you bring to stop you opponent from stopping you.

For example: I bring Johan when I'm doing Supply wagon, With a 3 inch melee he can always keep the wagon in his melee range, and has enough reach to stay hidden so range attacks can't reach him. Also if doing shared Supply wagon, he hits hard enough to break it easily.

When building you crew knowing the strategies you need to have a couple tricks in store for each strategy. Whether its just 1 model, or your entire crew you need a plan going in. When you see your opponent you need to adapt.

My favorite adapt: Played a game shared Deliver a message, My Ophelia crew vs Zoraida & Collidi crew. They had also Steal relic (tournament with rule about using a scheme once per tournament). I Had my Totems kill Ophelia after she damaged and pulled the gremelin who gets better after losing half life. By killing my own master I denied my opponent 6 VP points. I would have been able to deliver a message turn 2 if I won INI and made a breakaway, but lost the breakaway and the game went down hill from there.

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Mm, I disagree as well. I've found that Malifaux is primarily a game of movement, not killing. If you can out-maneuver your opponent, you don't need to kill them to win. Alternatively, out-maneuvering them will make it much easier for you to kill their models. Killing their models also makes it easier to out-maneuver them, so I guess it's all the same sort of thing, really.

This may come from starting the game playing Colette and then moving on to other less mobile crews, and finding that despite the huge increase in killing power it was actually harder to win games.

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Mm, I disagree as well. I've found that Malifaux is primarily a game of movement, not killing.

Killing stuff is a tactic. Movement is a game function. They're different things. Movement can facilitate you killing things, or prevent your opponent from killing you (eg, Collette example).

Looked at in another light, killing models is the ultimate form of positional control; your opponent no longer has a position.

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This may come from starting the game playing Colette and then moving on to other less mobile crews, and finding that despite the huge increase in killing power it was actually harder to win games.

That definitely has something to do with it. I find it rough when moving out of your faction/playstyle. I'm normally a resser so I'm used to being durable but recently I have started playing with Ramos / Kaeris and I'm slowly learning that I can't take the same licking (and keep on ticking) that ressers can.

From what I know of Colette she doesn't do killy well & if you aren't used to it it will be a big jump. I guess it all revolves around your playstyle which for me is pseudo-attrition so if I tried to play Colette I'd probably do awful.

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I agree with a point that Dorian made, it is all about our personal play style really. There are some schemes I would never take no matter what models I had because with my play style, I could not pull them off. But I think the list is pretty good idea of the basic models that most Resurrectionist would take.

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