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Convert me - also, question


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Okay so, I currently play a lot of Warmachine/Hordes, and am loving it. Don't plan on dropping the game.

But, what I would like is a nice, faster paced game, and Malifaux seems to fit that bill for me.

I seem to have impossible chances of obtaining any of the materials though (models, books, etc). No stores in my area, even outside my area, seem to carry Malifaux (I live in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada).

Is this game dwindling on the tight rope of succeed/fail right now? I have yet to find a source to purchase from that isn't online, which is difficult for me to work with. What are some good options to obtain models/rulebook? I know there's a pdf, but I'd prefer hardcopy with fluff.

Also looking to see what it is, to you, that makes this game worth playing? What makes it tick?

Not 100% on how it plays yet, so would like to hear some comments.

Thanks guys!

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Wow. Lots of questions.

First off, I haven't played Warmahordes in a long time, but I'm not sure Malifaux is significantly faster. A 30ss game, which I've been playing a lot of (most people do 30-40) will run you about an hour and a half if both sides know what they're doing. If that is faster for you, great!

Second, the game is not, as far as I'm aware, anywhere near the line of fail. All indicators point to Wyrd doing very well. I recall them having to shift to bigger facilities a few times, and they are hiring more people. I don't think there's anything to worry with the company going away.

Third, I'm not sure what options there are if no stores carry it and you don't want to order online. I originally ordered everything direct from Wyrd, then got a LGS to start carrying it, and now I get everything there (except during certain specials). Talk to your local stores to get copies of things. You want the Rules Manual (mini rulebook with all the rules). The bigger books have model stats (and outdated rules), but aren't necessary to playing the game.

That said, all the fluff is in the bigger books. So its your call there. I know Book 1 can be really hard to find at this point, and I'd guess (and it's only a guess -- I have no inside knowledge) that they're rereleasing it sometime with their updated rules (basically just including errata).

Finally, the game is worth playing because it is interesting. I've played many games. The fate mechanics (twists of fate, etc) with the cards (being able to "cheat") really makes the game shine. You will feel like you have a control over your own destiny you haven't in other games. Yes, sometimes you'll get unlucky. But because you have a hand, you'll often be able to plan a little more.

I tend to think of Warmachine as a "combo" game because you move all your models at once and try to pull off the perfect combination of moves. Malifaux alternates between players by model, so it's more about synergizing and being able to adapt. I find the people who do best at Malifaux are able to switch between small picture happenings (i.e. "What can this model do?") and big picture plays (i.e. "How does this model fit into my overall game?"). I don't think many other games do that as well as Malifaux.

That's my like twenty cents. I hope it helps, and I hope to see you playing the game soon!

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I concur that Malifaux is a great game. If none of your local stores are carrying it then it will fall to you to try to get an interest up in it. I managed with just my two initial crews of Seamus and Kirai to get 6 new players from a base of zero during my summer gig last year. If you can get people interested it makes more sense at that point for your FLGS to then start stocking the models.

One of the additional perks of Malifaux is that having playable crews is very cheap comparatively to other miniature wargames. For the cost of what 1 full force would cost in most other wargames you could have a number of your own personal crews, so if you happen to like the game enough you can supply all that is necessary to play, which is why my two crews came last summer. Being able to supply all the pieces often ensures you can at least play from time to time, and does wonders for driving interest in the game when there is no initial risk for potential players.

Good luck!

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Not sure if you've asked your LGS if they'd be able to order stuff in for you. we don't have any stores in Vancouver that stock the whole game, though a few now carry the books and a selection of crew boxes/blisters. However, all the game stores have been happy to order anything from Wyrd even if they don't stock it.

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As a current Hordes player, I can tell you they are two very different games. The model count is much lower, even if you just ran all beast/jacks, you will still be using less models. Hordes always felt to me like a game based on 3d6 stat with 2d6 rules, in other words, not all that balanced. Units didn't seem to do much to the beast and the caster kill rule is one of the biggest rule that really kills the game for me. On the other hand, Malifaux is much smaller, very cheap to get into, all the models have some use against other models or the objectives. It is also very character driven, you have models that have proper names but are not over powered. Using cards and a control hand really makes it feel like you are in control of the game, not just putting all you got into a model and hopeing for the best. In my area, Malifaux was a no show also until Dec of last year. One of guys at the shop I host games got some Malifaux, one player got into it, I tried it and now, the whole gaming group plays it. This is including the guys who said they would never play or didn't like the rules. With it's cheap start up, characterful models, and card driven mechanics you really can't go too wrong. Plus, if you really wanted to (and don't tell anyone) you could easily proxy models and try it out, war machine using the same base sizes. That is all I got.

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Thanks a lot guys, that helps a fair bit! I'm very interested in the game, I love the style of the models, and the way activation alternates. Seems like that alone before factoring in card play makes the game play a lot differently than other games.

Also, really good to hear the company is doing well - maybe in the future I can tell new guys "Yeah, that model was super overpowered back in Malifaux 1.0" ;)

I've contacted my local Henchman, hopefully he can help me sort out model hunting.

Also, to Mach_5 - I just came back from living in Vancouver, and have been keeping an eye on my local game store from out there (One Stop Shop Cards and Games). It looks like they just recently stocked almost EVERYTHING in the line. Wish I still lived there! Check it out, they're an awesome store.

Thanks again guys!

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I started playing Warmachine after Malifaux, but I just don't enjoy it as much.

Primarily, because in Malifaux it's always your turn - or at least you always have something to do.

I began to feel with Warmachine that after my turn, I could hand my cards and a marker pen to my opponent and explain I was off for a coffee and would be back in about 30 minutes. I still see the appeal of the game, and there are many other aspects which are great, but as has been described above during a game of Malifaux, you are rarely in a position where you don't have a choice to make.

Even 40k allows you to make saves occasionally!

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