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Star Theater Logo


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OK, please bear in mind that the base concept (master/sub-faction specific tokens) is a really cool idea, so I'm trying not to be too harsh in my criticism here. I think you could redo this into something that fits better- if I didn't I wouldn't bother posting about it.

This is about 90 years too modern. Showing that much skin (as in the silhouette) would be completely unheard of in anything but an actual whorehouse, and even then, only behind closed doors and drawn shutters. A silhouette of Colette's art or even of one of the Performer minis would be a better fit, I think.

I'd also use a nice deep blue (Arcanist, plus even at the turn of the 20th century purple dyes were still slightly more expensive, IIRC) instead of the purply-pink. Maybe even a blue curtain to frame it, though just a night sky background would work too.

The fonts are too modern- this is more of a nitpick but fonts that were used back then would add a nice touch of authenticity.

Now, all that said, the poker chip idea is great. I could absolutely imagine some card playing off in side rooms or when there's no show going on. Consider adding different colored chips to represent normal soulstones and Colette's artificial one- that could be double-sided to indicated whether or not it's been spent.

I think you're on to something here- I just think it needs to be dialed back in time about a century *wink*

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OK, please bear in mind that the base concept (master/sub-faction specific tokens) is a really cool idea, so I'm trying not to be too harsh in my criticism here. I think you could redo this into something that fits better- if I didn't I wouldn't bother posting about it.

This is about 90 years too modern. Showing that much skin (as in the silhouette) would be completely unheard of in anything but an actual whorehouse, and even then, only behind closed doors and drawn shutters. A silhouette of Colette's art or even of one of the Performer minis would be a better fit, I think.

I'd also use a nice deep blue (Arcanist, plus even at the turn of the 20th century purple dyes were still slightly more expensive, IIRC) instead of the purply-pink. Maybe even a blue curtain to frame it, though just a night sky background would work too.

The fonts are too modern- this is more of a nitpick but fonts that were used back then would add a nice touch of authenticity.

Now, all that said, the poker chip idea is great. I could absolutely imagine some card playing off in side rooms or when there's no show going on. Consider adding different colored chips to represent normal soulstones and Colette's artificial one- that could be double-sided to indicated whether or not it's been spent.

I think you're on to something here- I just think it needs to be dialed back in time about a century *wink*

I agree. Try looking into the old Victorian newspaper fonts.. since most printing during that time would be in a letter press-style and the caligraphy would be more of the handwritten style.

I suggest looking at the Moulin Rouge marquee or even the movie poster. That's how I imagined the Star would look like.

I hope this helps.

All in all, good work.. I like the poker chips... perhaps the card decks would resemble the fate decks?

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hey guys. Thanks for the comments. I mostly just showed the logo at original size because it was a little hard to see on the counters.

And the only place it really appears is on the counters.

That being said, I was kind of looking for a modern type of design and to be honest a "strip club" logo was my intent.

Doing a Victorian style placard would be a cool idea. And something that I will try in the future!

Thanks for the suggestions.

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They look a lot of fun and will be really useful in the game.

Heck if you like them - that's basically all that matters.

Have you thought about getting them printed on actual poker chips - that could be very cool.

yeah, those tokens can be prizes for local tournaments.. or at least a nice souvenirs.

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They look a lot of fun and will be really useful in the game.

Heck if you like them - that's basically all that matters.

Have you thought about getting them printed on actual poker chips - that could be very cool.

yes, actually. But when I messed with shrinking the logo down a little more to actually fit in the middle of the chip, the resolution got off.

It's just my unfamiliarity with graphic design programs that hinders me here. I had planned on fiddling with it a little more once I had more time.

BUT they are extremely useful for me. Especially with the ones for Cassandra. Until I used them I used to forget to use her (0) action abilities.

I made another sheet of them as well, but they are a bit boring because they just have large negative (-) or double negative (--) on them to remind me when I am imposing that on an opponent or on one of my models.

I printed them out on some very heavy cardstock and laminated them. They've held up pretty well so far.

Definitely a WIP though, I can see fine tuning them a bit to be more "polished" looking.

thank you for the nice comments!

---------- Post added at 05:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:50 PM ----------

yeah, those tokens can be prizes for local tournaments.. or at least a nice souvenirs.

I thought of making a lot of non-faction-specific ones to give to my opponents.

I would love to be able to make a personalized deck for my Colette crew. Something along the lines of those "naughty" card decks you see in novelty shops. Of course I'd have to have them be at least PG-rated. but it would be fun. And different.

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I like the logo and think it does actually fit fairly well with the "Over the Top" Star Theatre that Colette owns and operates.

According to the fluff (Rising Powers pages 28-29, 82-85 & 142) the Star is a Burlesque show, it may not have had prostitution (at least on the respectable public portion of the theatre) but would have featured really bawdy comedies, female stripteases, and Cabarets. Movies like Moulan Rouge, All That Jazz, Cabaret and to a lesser extent Young Guns II show what these shows may have been like (though with a heavy does of censoring for the general public). Colette and Casandra may put on a high class public appearance but their show definately appeals to the low class miners and union workers.

New Orleans was a major center of this particular style of "show" format, so provides Oathborne with a lot of real historical advertisements for these types of shows. You would be surprised how "upfront" most of those adverts actually were (after all when you are competing for patrons, the place with the "best" promised entertainment wins out out over the more prudish).

To make it a little bit more historically acurate though, I might add a Bustle to the waist of the silhoutte and perhaps a lace and feather fan across her chest.

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