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Sonnia Vs. McMourning...Need a little help


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Hey all. I'm part of a league and I just played a game against McMourning and lost horribly. For some reason I just couldn't keep up with McMourning. I never thought of him being all that fast of a Master, but when I went against him I completely got slaughtered. At the time I was playing Lady Justice, but I don't think that things would have gone much better with Sonnia instead. I'm going to be playing this same guy again soon and don't have any clue as to what I should do. Know this, I'm still pretty new to Malifaux in general, so some obvious things might not be that way to me as of yet. Any help that you could offer would be greatly appreciated.

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I am a McMourning Player and the best thing for us to help you is to know what your opponent is fielding.

In general if you are facing McMourning trie and kill him in a single activation or not let him activate after because of his healing ability and his 6inch push that let him get out of melee range.

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Throughout the game he also summoned 3 Rogue Necromancies, those really hurt.

Wow, you might want to check this--

First, that isn't very easy to accomplish, since it requires decently high cards and things going well in general to have that many body parts.

Second, it's rare 1, so only one should be on the table at a time-- were you killing them that quickly?

If all of that is the case, I'd suggest taking a decently ranged list and obliterating his resources, since he's clearly relying on them a lot: each canine remains can reasonably yield 6 body parts if he kills it, but only 2 if you do.

Edited by SpiralngCadavr
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So that's why I struggled so much. Nope he had all three out at one time. I was wondering about whether that was allowed, but didn't know the rules well enough to call him on it. Truthfully, just that right there would have been a huge changer in the game. Now I feel stupid lol. Oh well. Another thing I just found that he was doing wrong: For You, Master. He was using it across the entire table. I'm realizing that I just ended up getting beat because a lot of rules were completely skewed in that game.

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So that's why I struggled so much. Nope he had all three out at one time. I was wondering about whether that was allowed, but didn't know the rules well enough to call him on it. Truthfully, just that right there would have been a huge changer in the game. Now I feel stupid lol. Oh well. Another thing I just found that he was doing wrong: For You, Master. He was using it across the entire table. I'm realizing that I just ended up getting beat because a lot of rules were completely skewed in that game.

oh... you got cheesed... do you have the mini rule book? best $15 you can spend on Malifaux.

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Yeah I have it. The problem is the guy I was playing against has been playing for a long time so I just expected him to know his rules. Guess I'll be studying that little book again lol


I get that experience with Warmachine/Hordes players... ;)

But one game I played, I "cheesed" my opponent by using Hoffman's Linked In ability incorrectly... I still activated my Linked In target model...

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I get that experience with Warmachine/Hordes players... ;)

But one game I played, I "cheesed" my opponent by using Hoffman's Linked In ability incorrectly... I still activated my Linked In target model...

Off topic-- I play WM against someone where, every game, he incorrectly cites Eyeless Sight, Cover, and Concealment. Guess which army he plays?

On topic, yes, Malifaux has tricky rules-- I'm sure I'm still playing something wrong. If something seems off, ask on the forums. Alternatively, learn the book-- it can be hard to find things, but if you start to understand how the layout is designed, it becomes a lot easier than you'd expect.

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Off topic-- I play WM against someone where, every game, he incorrectly cites Eyeless Sight, Cover, and Concealment. Guess which army he plays?

On topic, yes, Malifaux has tricky rules-- I'm sure I'm still playing something wrong. If something seems off, ask on the forums. Alternatively, learn the book-- it can be hard to find things, but if you start to understand how the layout is designed, it becomes a lot easier than you'd expect.

As a fellow Legion of Everblight player, I find it hard to mess up eyeless sight, cover and concealment. But sometimes, it can get tricky.. hehehe...

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Yeah, but it's probably not quite so fun when he calls it wrong, and I point out that it's wrong, and he (repeatedly) ends up loosing the game because of it. I can't tell if he's a poor learner or a poor cheater, but army-specific rules are the ones you should know backwards and forwards (like the summoning example for a resser player).

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Yeah, but it's probably not quite so fun when he calls it wrong, and I point out that it's wrong, and he (repeatedly) ends up loosing the game because of it. I can't tell if he's a poor learner or a poor cheater, but army-specific rules are the ones you should know backwards and forwards (like the summoning example for a resser player).

I usually learn because i was once on the receiving end of army-specific rules... like Kirai's Instinctual and Spirit summoning spam...

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As a Sonnia player who goes against McMorning with frequency... Kill the hell out of him. *grins*

He is a seriously hard matchup for her. I would definitely suggest an Executioner, Exorcist, or ranged models. If you can figure out a companion chain to take him down (Austringer's have the Deliver Orders to pseudo-companion.) It takes a lot of energy and resources to take him down but it's just about your best shot.

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I feel really sorry for the guy if he has bought those three Necromancies...

1- his fault for gaming the system incorrectly-- that's the sort of thing I'd check, but, then again, I've always been a big opponent of spamming (I can't get myself to paint 20 of the same dude, and it's boring to play against)

2- he could always make them look different, for some project, or if he wanted to do something cool, like make his RN look different each time he summoned it.

3- he could patiently await the "Malifaux: Super-Duper Big Games!" expansion, where you can give Wyrd all of your money for corner-case advantages in bloated games play characterful, large forces, with your whole collection. All the cool companies are doing one!

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Sonnia's blast ability should be great at taking the canine remains down? Cheat in to trigger placing them further away to kill more in one casting, then cast again:1_Happy_Puppet1:

This should reduce the good doctors ability to scapel sling around.

Use the stalkers to get in close (they can handle themselves in melee), activate their anti-magic bubble to reduce the effectiveness of his casting.

Hope this helps.

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Thanks all for the help. I'm actually playing against Marcus tomorrow and was planning on running something along the lines of:

Sonnia - +7

aSonnia - 2

Samuel - 8

Guild Austigar - 5

Witchling Stalker x2 - 8

Death Marshal - 4

Watcher - 3

Desperate Merc - 2

What do you all think? Originally I wouldn't have taken the DM but I decided that I could use a little more ranged threat, as well as the ability to bury things :)

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I agree Ned you would that is why suggest Santiago. Though executioner does well against a marcus crew.

Agreed, given a choice i would take Santiago over Samael nearly every time. Paired pistols are too good to pass up, as well as frequently having an additional AP, +2 CB and :+fate on damage flips. Can't forget that he is a stone cheaper and has trigger happy either!

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So when I went into my local game store to play the Marcus opponent today guess who didn't show. Instead I was put up against our #3 ranked Kirai player. Ouch. In the end I just ran the list I had written, but with the Executioner instead of Samuel. This guy is a lot more experienced than me, he's been playing years instead of my months, so going into this game I expected to lose. Then mistake happened that I never expected an experienced player to do, he grouped up his spirits. Guess who was holding both the 12book and the Red Joker :) Well needless to say I killed all but 4 of his models with one spell and then killed Kirai the the second cast. We called it there, turn 2.

Not sure if that will ever happen again, but oh well. I'm happy that it did. So my decision is, NO SAMUEL :) He just doesn't make back his points well enough. My Executioner killed both Ikiryo and Bete.

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Red joker only bumps damage for initial Target, it makes no difference to those under a blast. Good going, Sonia is a capable caster.

Also sounds like a crap(I say it light heartedly since you said he was #3) Kirai player since sac a seishen couldve made turtle crew immune to blasts. He just has to sack seishen moment Sonia is declared to activate.

Edited by Mr. Bigglesworth
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