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C. Hoffman conversion and crew


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Here's C. Hoffman and a crew I painted up for him just a little while ago. The magenta is thematic for the whole guild force- all of them have a little bit on them.

C. Hoffman was converted to make him look a little more like a frail little man being carried by the apparatus attached to him (client's request). Mostly, that just meant lengthening the legs and arms a little, and giving it a little bit stronger pose.

Well, here they are:






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The brasses are very sharp; I wish I could get mine to look that nice. Kudos on the Hoffman repose, too; it looks very natural, and his dangling feet do a surprising amount to add a bit of drama to what is otherwise a rather static pose.

Yeah, I agree. I can't take total credit for the conversion though. There's a thread on these boards showing how to convert Hoffman this way, and while I didn't follow it 100%, it did give me the idea.

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