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Painted models and stuff

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Well the lead mountain has been growing in recent months so time to start a proper painting log in an effort to motivate myself.

A small list of malifaux models outstanding include:


Alternate Zoraida


Ophelia & her crew

3 Slurids

Bad Juju

Collodi and his crew (arriving shortly)

aLilith (on order)

As well as the Malifaux mini's there will no doubt also be some Legion popping up which will mostly involve p & eLylyth and a bunch of big monsters.

Anyway, on with the first pics.

aZoraida is well under way now, here is the first WIP shot.


I decided to extend the roots to give the tree a bit more of a presence on the base. I have actually added a couple more small ones to the side since taking the picture, making sure to leave space for the big monster thing.

Any and all feedback as the thread progresses will be welcome.


Edited by Chucklemonkey
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Thanks, it was actually a lot worse than that before and I had to tone it back slightly.

One question to those that frequent the miniature showcase forums more than I, that I meant to ask in my original post:

I am going to add water effect to the base and almost want it to look like there is a carpet of fallen autumn leaves just under the water. Will painting assorted blotches of red/orange/yellow to the base before adding the water effect do the trick or is there some other tips/tricks when using the stuff?

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Well, after one very limited attempt at using water effects I decided it was time to just jump in and get it done. After doing some initial mixing and putting the stuff where it was needed the model looked like this.


It's safe to say I was a little worried at this point but now that it has dried I am actually pretty pleased with the results


and from the front...


A few little touches to clean up, and I will probably add some sort of hanging moss to the tree.

In addition, I have also painted up the voodoo doll but cant seem to take a decent picture of it, together with a pack of Silurids including the first attempt at water effect (with some top up). I will need to figure out how to base these guys up properly though.


Next up will either be Ophelia, or a custom Neverborn supply wagon for an upcoming tournament. For that I am looking to snip off the ball from the ball and chain on the enslaved nephilim model, reposition said chain so it's attached to a cart being ridden by a number of the little dolls that came with the Zoraidas.

Again, any painting advice or criticism most welcome.

Thanks for looking.

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Well having this log is proving to keep my motivation up, that and wanting as many options as possible painted for a tourney at the end of May.

First up is Raphael Lacroix


And whilst I wait for basing materials ordered from Warlord a couple of WIP's, Zoraida, still missing painted shoes


And a Legion of Everblight Shredder for a local slow grow league about to start.


Thanks for looking.

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Another update, although this is fast becoming me just talking to myself. Rather here on the internet right enough than on a bus or train where it might start to scare people.

Anyway, Ophelia


Think I need to re-work her base a little. Have to say I'm not so sure about the metal wyrd base inserts. Have used some resin micro art ones in the past and they just seemed easier to paint for me.

Also, work has finally started on my supply wagon for the end of May. so a couple of WIP shots of the enslaved nephilim



This is just with the weighted ball removed (and turned into the Crystal Ball in the earlier zoraida pic) and the chain repositioned slightly. He will be pulling a water (Juju) cart rdden by Big Z's dolls. That is when the cart together with my basing materials finally arrive from Warlord. Wherever I order from seems to develop stock issues.

Anyway, as always, thanks for looking. Tips and hints welcome.

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Man, I love your Ophelia! So many people put her in earthen tones and the like and I just love that you put her in pink. Absolutely great!

As for her base, it's good but not exceptional? I'd say that one's all personal taste.

Really looking forward to the end result of your Lilu. Until then, you're just teasing us.

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At least you don't look like someone talking on a bluetooth device ;)

I like the color choices for Raphael (though it's a little out of focus-- as a note, I find that zooming in from a further distance will tend to get crisper results than trying to photograph closely).

Ophelia is fun, but I think the pink could use another highlight and/or shade...

Nice work! looking forward to seeing more.

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I like the pink on Perdita more, maybe it was just the lighting?

Just expanding a bit on the zooming thing-- how focusing works, there's a pretty narrow range in front of and behind the ideal focus distance (focal plane, for the technically minded) that is also in focus, which decreases as you get further from the plane. This range is proportional to the distance between the lens and the plane, meaning that the further away you are, the more stuff around your subject will be in focus: this is why, for instance, telephoto shots will tend to have a wide range of stuff in focus, while you might only get half of a mini in focus.

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Well I finally got my hand on some basing materials so just a quick shot of Zoraida and her voodoo doll


The Silurids are all done now too but they seem to be impossible to get even a halfway respectable photo of.

Next up Rami Lacroix (subject to actually getting any models delivered by Maelstrom/Warlord/Private trade).

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Awesome work! I somehow missed this thread even through all my lunch hours spent trawling the forums looking at pretty pictures.

I love the matching Ophelia, Perditta. Makes me think maybe Perditta thought she was being shown-up and had to change her outfit to stay one step ahead!

The water affects on aZoraida came out really well, they're something I've always wanted to try but have bee a bit too scared of ruining a model, plus they're usually just expensive enough to make me think twice. Did you mould the ripple effetcs i, or is that just how it set? Either way, it looks really good pooling around the roots.

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Thanks Ninjabreadman.

The ripples don't look quite so good in the flesh but any goodness was a happy accident except for the small ripples beneath Zoraida herself. Wanted to make it look like the water was still effected by her moving/floating above. Pretty happy with the way that turned out.

It will probably be a while before another update now as every order/trade I had ongoing seem to have logjammed. Options for May are not going to be as extensive as I hoped.

Edited by Chucklemonkey
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Thanks for the kind comments.

I am enjoying putting it together so much it is stopping me from progressing my Hordes mini's at the moment. I got in from work today and immediately set to work.

Some of the barrel needs re-done as the superglue needed for the banner poles played merry havoc with it, but they are nice and sturdy so will take that result. Also, the first passengers are now attached. I will probably ony add 1 more doll rider as don't want to take it too far.


Not too much to do with it now.

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Thanks all, much appreciated.

It's now complete. I stuck with just the 2 dolls as thought it might get too busy and while it couldn't pass for height 4 I feel satisfied that it's now close enough.




Now it's ready I can get back to other things, which is just as well as I think aLilith, Sue and Tuco are now sitting at the post office.

I may be a bit excited about that. *grin*

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A productive weekend was had.

3 wicked dolls done as well as 3 shredders for the Warmachine Journeyman league (although they felt more like a chore).

More importantly though aLilith was indeed waiting for me.



Still not getting great photos so apologies for that. I am delighted by how her skin turned out though. A happy purple wash accident that I will probably try and do all my skin with now.

Starting to run out of time for the May 26th tournament and still have the following on the table:


4 Marionettes




With Waldgeist and a Brutal Effigy still to buy.

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