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push to base contact, with path?



EDIT, it should read "WICH PATH"

hi, i have make a search for more than an hour and get no answer so ill try here now.

when a model A is pushed to base contact of other model B, wich path takes?

1)the sorther way?

2)the way he want as long as it end in base contact?

3)if there is not a way the model can arrive to the spot he want by walking/normal move(all the paths are bloked), can he go there anyway?

the thing is this, if hoffman can chose the path he can go arround and get all the scrap counters, if not he have to move the construct he rides a lot more carefully.

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so if i can use whatever path i like i can go arround all the table and get all the scrap counters and retunr to my peacekeeper?

feels like buging the game

I don't think it's specified but one should play "shortest safest route ish", in that yes it's prouably perfectly legal to cover the entire board when pushing into base contact, but one should prouably use womething close to the shortest safe route, and end the push touching any point of the base that you want.

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"Push directly towards" means that you move in a straight line towards something and stop if there's an obstruction in the way (impassible terrain or other model).

"Push towards" means that you move in a straight line towards something unless there's something in the way, in which case you may modify your move to become the shortest possible one which still lands you in base contact. Additionally, you may steer clear (by the shortest possible margin) of hazardous terrain or other damaging effects.

So unless the table is covered in terrain and/or models, you won't be able to go all aorund the table before landing in base contact

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I have a similar question about pushing into base contact then.

I have models "A" and "B". "A" needs to push into base contact with "B". Example is two night terrors. "B" uses "Flock Together" and "A" is within the 6 inch range.

Starting positions:


Is it legal to push A so that the ending positions are: ("X" is former position of "A")


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"Push directly into base contact" would not allow you to do that:


Would give you


"Push into base contact" allows you, as you ask, to do:


In essence, you'd be considering the model you're pushing towards as an obstruction to your movement and pushing around it to your destination, i.e. base contact to its other side.

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Actually toward is the key word. If it says push into base to base then you can go anyway you like. If it says push A towards B until it is in base to base then it must be as straight a line as possible.

If it says directly towards then push it in a straight line until it's in base to base or hits impassible impassible terrain.

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The way I've always interpreted "push into base-to-base" is that I pick a final destination for the pushed model, then I move as directly as possible towards that destination while accounting for rough terrain or hazards. For "push directly into base-to-base", I go in a straight line directly to the closest possible position for the target model while sad-facing as I walk through fire, acid and sharp pokey death but not trees or walls.

Is that a reasonable interpretation?

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That's true, CunningStunt. I'm glad you caught that one :)

DeusInnomen, Pushes don't care about severe terrain; you treat it as if it were normal, i.e no movement penalty. So while you can't push directly through an impassible tree, you can freely push through a severe forest.

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DeusInnomen, Pushes don't care about severe terrain; you treat it as if it were normal, i.e no movement penalty. So while you can't push directly through an impassible tree, you can freely push through a severe forest.

This isn't true the RM specifically states that pushes do not ignore terrain penalties. This only matters when you are told to push a specific distance however. So for instance lure distance will be reduced if luring through trees.

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Additionally, if it says "directly" the movement can be blocked by impassable terrain too... or you may fall into the chasm or from the roof... as you have to move on the straight and shortest possible route.

If there is no word "directly", just "towards" you take the shortest route, but you are given an option to avoid coming in touch with terrain (any terrain). The condition is you end closer to the target than your starting position (and you are still limited by the distance, so you may end up not reaching the target).

The same applies, in reverse, to movement "away".

If the movement is just to base contact, without "towards" or "away", then indeed you can take a walk around entire table. The models which use it the most are linked models - Sorrows, Mannequins, Grave Spirit (IIRC). For example if you Link a Mannequing to a Showgirl, and then teleport the said Showgirl 18" away, into a 2nd floor of a building, the Mannequin can go all the way around the building, through the doors (if they are open), up the stairs and end the movement in b2b contact with the Showgirl. The distance is unlimited.

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