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Mcmourning List - 35 SS


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Ok thinking 'bout getting a new crew and Mcmourning seemed like a good choice! I've made a 35ss list but don't know if it'l work!




Flesh Construct

Canine reamins X2

Crooked Man X3

Is it ok? what else does it need?



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Ahh ressers! Really it depends on what you are going for. Is this list supposed to be an all comers list? A competitive list? A fun and thematic list?

If you are going competitive, what strategy are you planning on using it with should it come up, and what schemes are you going to be attempting with it?

Just some quick observations:

You aren't using the Zombie Chihuahua? I'd add him as he is the most efficient way for McMorning to get BP.

Nurse: I'd drop her, she offer's nothing at all useful to this list as she is too slow to keep up with, and position effectively to use for her defensive abilities. And you don't have either enough disposable models to justify her cost in making throwaway missiles, and you don't have any models with Shrug Off to take advantage of her buffs and then throw the off to avoid the consequences, and you aren't using McMorning's avatar, to give him reactivate once he has the requirements, as his manifesting will shrug off the bad effects.

Flesh Construct: Drop it from hiring list, keep it around for the summon. The Flesh Construct on turn 1 is slow, resources intensive, and exceptionally easy to kill. Popping it out when you want, where you want would be more efficient.

Please keep in mind this advice is only from a competitive standpoint. From a fluffy standpoint you might be ok. =)

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Not a bad list, but i'd probably ditch the Flesh Construct as you can quite easily summon one on the first turn (check out http://pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com/McMourning for how to do it!!)

I'd probably run 2 necropunks or desperate mercs instead of the construct, and definately think about using his totem.

maybe try:

Dr. Douglas McMourning -- 7 Pool

Zombie Chihuahua [1ss]

Nurse [5ss]

Canine Remains [2ss]

Canine Remains [2ss]

Canine Remains [2ss]

Canine Remains [2ss]

Necropunk [3ss]

Necropunk [3ss]

Sebastian, Morgue Assistant [6ss]

Crooked Man [4ss]

Crooked Man [4ss]

You could switch Necopunks with Desperate Mercs, or ditch 2 Canine Remains to take Rotten Belles (to combo Lure with the Crooked Men)

McMourning is a great fun master to use, hope you enjoy!!

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I'm moderately competitive (not very, and would always rather have a fun game than a win), and have gotta say, you really will be summoning the flesh construct every game. Pick something else you like to add instead-- most games will involve summoning a flesh construct(s) and/or rogue necromancy.

Characterful things you could try include:

-more canine remains

-necropunks (thematically closer, but I think the bats are way more fun)

regarding a budget, having not played a ton of games, Taelor is a great addition to your list and around the most punch per dollar that you'll find, though I'm not sure what the rationale for her being there would be.

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Thanks guys!!! I've updated the list! Hows this?


Zombie Chhuahua


Rotten Belle X3

Crooked Man X3

Canine Remains X2

Sooo the tactic really is Mcmouning summons the flesh construct and the belles go round in pairs with the crooked men and lure mini's into their traps!!


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I've had mixed success with belles- if your opponent's heavy hitters are immune to influence, you're in trouble (since McM's longest range is also WP-based). That's why I started looking to outcasts for a little ranged support (I often bring along a Convict Gunslinger now).

Similarly, I've had mixed success with the crooked men. sometimes my opponent can basically ignore them, but I also had one take out Bad Juju with a joker, so, a bit hit or miss.

It probably won't be that competitive, but will be enough for a while. I'd probably swap out some of them for more direct attackers, eventually.

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Ok so I've updated the list once again!! It now has the needed flexibility that Taelor and the Gunslinger give the the crew combined with the nastiness of McMourning!!

Dr. Douglas McMourning SS Pool 8

Zombie Chihuahua - 1SS

Canine Remains 2SS

Canine Remains 2SS

Crooked Man 4SS

Crooked Man 4SS

Convict Gunslinger 6SS

Sebastian, Morgue Assistant 6SS

Taelor – 9SS

(Flesh Construct)

Total – 35SS

An improvement??


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What you are asking is like asking which individual build the empire state building, or who invented the Macbook Pro, it's not a very precise question. Will it work in what sense? If you are asking if you will have fun with it, I'd say that depends on who your opponent is, but certainly you could have fun with the list. I'm certain there are people that have fun using the Copy Cat Killer, although I find him useful pretty much only as a Corpse Counter waiting to happen.

I'm not trying to disparage or look down on your list at all, it's just the way Malifaux is played, with 1-13 (or 26 if you include shared) random strategies, and then the 2 self picked schemes, it makes it hard to judge a generic all comers list outside of the Power Masters who can just do everything well, and McMorning isn't one of those.

It also depends on how good a player you are. While I see much in the composition of your list I would never use, that isn't to say I'm right. You could certainly be a way more skilled player than I and see things in how to utilize something that I just don't see. To me it sounds like you are not an especially competitive player, and so I would say that asking "will it work" is entirely the wrong question. "Will I have fun" is still way to generic a question but at least would be a little easier to answer.

From that perspective sure you'll most likely have some fun with this list. I personally think most Resser models, while they look cool, are just flat out sub-par for what you pay for them, and lack powerful synergies with other models in there faction with only a few exceptions. I don't personally think Sebastian or Crooked Men are very worthwhile models, but you shouldn't take my word for it. I know several people who swear by Crooked Men, I've just never found them to bring anything to the table that is worthwhile for 4SS.

You should just pick-up your initial models and play, and make up your own mind about what works and what doesn't. If you have questions about why certain individuals like or dislike models most folks on the board would be happy to explain their positions on any particular model.

GL and happy Raising!

Edited by Fetid Strumpet
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I'd agree with Fetid, for the most part.

I find that Malifaux is a game where I play about 1/2 of the list prefab, and the other half whatever I feel like/what suits the scenario.

For instance, my McMourning lists have almost all begun along the lines of:



2-3 canine remains

1-2 SS to add to the pool.

That's at most 9 of your points.

After that, I'll probably tailor my list to suit. This typically means 1+ ranged elements, 1+ fast elements, and 1+ pure damage elements, for me

So, basically, I'd say, try things out, get the models you like, then proxy them as other stuff to try them out, too. $15 is about the most an addition will cost, except when changing masters or getting a big kit.

Regarding "will I have fun" vs "will it work," personally, I find that I like middle of the road lists with a bit of variation. That means I typically don't clean the table with my opponent, nor do I get shut down because I took the wrong list vs. my opponent. All of the lists you've listed would have a fighting chance, and none of them have minis I'd say you'll never want to take once you get better, so, pick whatever you like best, and start there.

And, for the record, I love Sebastian. You'll never get the first with him, but, for his cost, he hits like a ton of bricks and can take a lot of damage: he's a very competent counterattacker/deterrent.

Edited by SpiralngCadavr
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I tend not to like Sebastian because of two reasons, he's slow, with a Walk of 4,and for 6 SS he really needs paired or a higher CB to fulfill his intended function, that of hitter and dmg dealer. 5 CB is to low to make certain you will hit against things with a good Def. He's also a living model, which in an of itself is a drawback given how many things affect living models. It also means Nicodem can't bolster him and he can't attach the Grave Spirit for extra protection. Sybelle and he share the same number of wounds and the same Def, and Sybelle drops insanely fast when she's focused on, and she dosn't offer anywhere near the threat that Sebastian does.

On the positive side he does have Melee expert, which is something he has a leg up with over almost all other Resser Models, he has an action modifier. I feel you should try him in any case.

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Ok different question -

Am I likely to have fun playing this list while still having a chance to win a game? What are the weaknesses in my list? What schemes and strategies should I avoid? Which ones should be an auto take option for me?


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You will most likely have a good amount of fun playing the list. You will have a chance to win your games, depending on what your opposing master is and the strategy is that chance % ill go up and down.

I think you'll have difficulties with some strategies, and some schemes, but you should play out the game and see what your local meta is like because it's very difficult to say "This will work" or "This will not work".

For example I love Rotten Belles, but I think your list has too many. I don't really rate Crooked Men, and your list has three of them. I don't rate Sebastian, and he's in the list. But I feel the best way to get a feel for what you like is to get the stuff on the table and throw down.

A friend of mine plays McMorning a good deal, and his 'basic' list looks something like this:

Ressurectionists Crew - 35 - Scrap

Dr. Douglas McMourning
7 Pool

Zombie Chihuahua [1ss]

  • Canine Remains

  • Convict Gunslinger

  • Sebastian, Morgue Assistant

  • Night Terror

  • Night Terror

  • Night Terror

  • Canine Remains

  • Rotten Belles

  • Rotten Belles

He changes certain models in it depending on scheme and strat.

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