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Custom Fate Decks for sale


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Just sent the payment, now to actually paint up a crew.

Edit: Noticed that I was sloppy in my copy/pasting. My email address should be a gmail.com account, not email.com if that's critical. If there are multiple boxes going to Sweden I'll clarify in a PM.

Edited by Arlaharen
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Hey Folks -

Just a heads up - I'll be placing the manufacturing order this weekend, so I'll need to have orders finalized with payment submitted by Saturday (say, by 9:00 Pacific time).

Thanks for all of your support and interest so far. It's totally gratifying to see how much people enjoy what we've done!


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Well this is just an idea, you may be able to convince JMGraham to share the art files with you and you may be able to print another run of the decks somewhere more local to the UK(to save on shipping).

Just an idea, not sure if everyone is down for that but if you really want one of those decks it may be the only way.

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OK folks, I'm getting set to place the production orders - orders are now officially closed. Thanks for everyone's support!

Hopefully, I'll have the final cards in my hand within a couple of weeks and can get them sent off in advance of the tournament. At the latest, it should be a day or two before the 28th (though, if it gets that late, I'll get really nervous!).

Because of the interest generated, I was able to get the fate deck plastic-coated. The scheme deck should still be good quality (similar to Magic cards), but the fate deck should be extra-durable to stand up to lots of shuffling.

Now, all that's left for the tournament is to write the scenarios, the narrative, and maybe (likely not) get a bit more terrain done.

Given the interest, I'll plan on putting together a more detailed post for folks interested in producing their own cards for tournament give-aways and the like. Once the dust settles, that is!

I'll update this post as stuff comes in!

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Just got some tracking info: the fate decks are on their way, and should be here by next Wed.

The scheme decks are due next week as well, but I haven't received any tracking info or status updates.

Can't wait! Super excited. Hope they arrive before the King of Nova Tournament on May 12th! :)

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Damn, I guess I will be writing down my schemes at Adepticon like some sort of commoner :)

BTW I finished my Graveyard board, thanks for all the advice. Its very similar to yours but with a few twists of my own. I'll get pics of it up after Adepticon finishes up.

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Fate Decks arrived yesterday, and their gorgeous! USPS tracking says the scheme decks are out for delivery today. Barring a horrible travesty (misprint!), I should get them packed up this weekend and in the mail on Monday for delivery no later than Wednesday or Thursday for state-side folks (bit longer for folks who are abroad).

Walpurgis is next weekend, and I've got that pesky tournament pack to finish!

@Nilus - I hope Adepticon goes well, and I'm excited to see your graveyard board.

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