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Austringers have a role in the guild, although I agree that they seem to be more heavily valued than necessary. For me, Austringers are only really showing up on the table when Lucius is leading my crew. For Lucius, I tend to load up with 2 of them plus a Drill Sergeant to make them paired. Lucius can have them walk forward, or give them the ability to shoot again (and again and again) if there are targets within 12 inches.

Aside from Lucius, I think Austringers are very good models that have a place in crews, just not an always take.

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I don't get the greatness of Austringers.

I understand they can hit from far away without LOS but its a (2) action for the really long range and there damage profile(even with Critical strike) is not that great.

The problem is for most Strategies I can't afford to dedicate 5 or 10 stones to a model or models that are basically going to stand still in a little corner and put out a point or two of damage. Guild already suffers from a low model count to stone ratio(with no real way to summon more), I generally can't afford to leave so many points sitting in one place. Its honestly a similar problem I have with Nino.

Because the Austringer is the best minion in Malifaux. FACT

Start off the drill sergeant with shooting range to give them :+fate to their Cb

Then off Lucius to cast advance trianing to give them +2Cb before casting issue command 3 times or cast issue command 3 time gain reactivate and follow through with Advance training and issue command again

Two Austringers have four attacks between them

If your playing Perdita obey gets another attack with obey, a second obey with the enslaved Nephilim

Good luck achieving your strategies when their within range of a Cb9:+fate attack

Also range means nothing when your hiding behind a building

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Unfortunately, that doesn't work since they are both Ht2 models, she can still be seen.

Whoops......what was I thinking. I must be getting old!! Please ignore me.

I think Austringers are very good models that have a place in crews, just not an always take.


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A friend of mine uses his Austringers with Sonnia to great effect. They're damage output is not too high (like a lot of other minions) and he can get an enemy down to that sweet spot where Sonnia can turn them into a Witchling.......it makes me very sad sometimes.

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I don't get the greatness of Austringers.

I tend to agree. I run Perdita mostly and usually chuck one in but I have found to make them really effective requires 2 of them and the drill sergeant but that is 13 ss worth of my crew.

They are great for picking off the last wounds left on people but need to be moved up off the back line - otherwise their double strike at range 12 hardly gets used. And there is no inbuilt :rams in their cb :( :-(

I have found the best use of them is usually psychological. My opponents always cry "Broken" or "OP" when they come out so I use that to my advantage to mess with their plans but generally find they don't actually do too much damage.

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I rarely play austringers without Lucius. I also don't play them conservatively. Typically i move my Austringers into a central position on the board where they can target nearly any model. This also presents the Austringers as bait for the opponent's higher cost melee models since a low SS melee model will be hard pressed to get to an austringer and kill it in a single activation. If your opponent does not try to come after your austringers then you are playing them incorrectly.

Austringers should not be seen as nuisances that make a single, long range, low damage attack each turn. Rather, they should nearly always have targets within 12" so they can use both their AP for putting out damage. Usually this means foregoing some early chances at 18" strikes in exchange for better positioning. It is tempting to use that 18" range but it is frequently the wrong decision.

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So guys another question. I am debating on cutting the stalkers to run Hunters. The Hunters give me some nice combat tricks and movement shenanigans but the stalkers let me threaten my opponents control hand and provide some spell Cuddling but most the of the people in my meta don't really use casters. If I could get an opinion on what you guys think it would be cool

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You can't do this kind of micro-list building in Mali. For certain schemes / strats; the Hunter might perform better, but for others the WS will be better. All you can do is experiment with each and see what you like for what function.

You're also talking different points values so the overall list would be different. 2 Hunters is the same price as 3 Stalkers. So it changes table coverage / # of activations / etc.

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I find Austringers good but situational.

They are not an auto include but I find that they can really round out a crew depending on the strategy. I tend to use them when I am being defensive and looking at the posts that probably isn't the best way but I'm not running Lucius yet.

With hunters I really like the idea of them, love the fluff and the model but always find them a bit of a disapointment on the table top - don't think I'm getting the best out of them.

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Because the Austringer is the best minion in Malifaux. FACT

I cut the rest of your post for space but what you are saying is Austringers are the best minion in Malifaux FACT...If you take 12 stones more in models to support them.

---------- Post added at 05:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:26 PM ----------

So guys another question. I am debating on cutting the stalkers to run Hunters. The Hunters give me some nice combat tricks and movement shenanigans but the stalkers let me threaten my opponents control hand and provide some spell Cuddling but most the of the people in my meta don't really use casters. If I could get an opinion on what you guys think it would be cool

I have not gotten a great deal of good use out of Hunters. They just don't seem to work with my play style.

To be honest I am still on the fence between Stalkers and DMarschals. For damage out put DMs do a better job but Stalkers tend to work better given certain strategies, plus they do better in melee.

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Also just a general question if copelious paralyze one of my guys can I use the dispel from a witchling stalker to get rid of it or is paralyze a status effect and not a spell affect?

I don't think you can do that with Dispel magic from a stalker. Paralyze being an action modifier and not an actuall effect token/counter/marker. Same goes for Slow.

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Bringing along a Witchling Handler is also a choice, albeit one that does cost stones, if you want to buff up your Stalkers. I have had a few really good games with a Handler/Stalker build up.

As have I. I find that the Handler/Stalker list works much better with Lady J than with Sonnia even though Sonnia is able to generate more stalkers. Bringing a governor's proxy allow's you to make a couple stalkers melee experts every turn which, in combination with increased wk/cg and a 4" push from the handler makes them 4 stone nuclear warheads.

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As have I. I find that the Handler/Stalker list works much better with Lady J than with Sonnia even though Sonnia is able to generate more stalkers. Bringing a governor's proxy allow's you to make a couple stalkers melee experts every turn which, in combination with increased wk/cg and a 4" push from the handler makes them 4 stone nuclear warheads.

Brilliant! I haven't taken them with Lady Justice but it sounds like a great combo. I have also found that the Handler herself is pretty good on her own, especially in melee if you get a few good hits in. She even finished off a lightly wounded Chompy on her own.

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