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After a long break


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Hey all.

After a long 4 or 5 year break from painting, I discovered Malifaux. So...I sold all my warhammer stuff and bought a crap load of Wyrd figurines. I finally got the inspiration to paint again, but still a wee bit rusty. I definitely don't have the "eyes" I used to have, (I'm pushing 43 now) but,... I'm slowly getting my painting groove back.

my 1st 2 crews are Lilith and the showgirls. After that...who knows. Collodi and Hamlin?

Any ways, here's a few of the models I've completed so far.

Comments and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism are welcome~!




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Wow; I love Collette's stream of cards. How in the sam hill did you do that?

I orinally was going to use some super thin flowering wire that I used a long time ago for my wood elves, and arc it from her hand and attach cards and tiny stars to it. But i decided to simply super glue the cards 1st to see if that works. And it did~!

The cars are very light in weight. I used the thinnest polystyrene that I had.


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Magnificent ! The cards on Colette are fantastic. Seems you still got your eyes to me. I'm going to "permanently borrow" that card thing if you don't mind. I love the Lilith crews color scheme Shadow grey basecoat?

Thank you~!

and yes, shadow grey is the basecoat, adding white to lighten and highlight. One of my favorite colors to work with.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Small update.

The bare Cassandra model is not quite the way I would personally prefer. I have a few alt models in the waiting, but I decided to see what I could do. As you can see, I swapped out the sword with a GW cross-piece, and a plastic card blade.

I had a whole bunch of spare feathers. NOW,.... This is more showgirl like to me.

Comments, critz, and suggestions as always welcomed.





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