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Citadel paint range changes


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Please forgive me if this is the wrong are of the forum. But paints in painting seemed apt.

Yeah everyone has a friend of a friend who knows a developer i know.

But as an ex gw staffer i still have a few decent friends via various boards who are really in the know and occasionally give me some nice little snippets about new stuff. Heres the lowdown on the paint range changes.


-Lots of renaming of colours, nothing is leaving.

-Different catagories now, Shades (washes) bases, layers, glazes (thin washes) and textures.

-Prices are unchanged.


- There are 144 paints (the current line is only 73), so the range is doubling in size.

- Broken down into Bases (foundations), Layers (normal colours), shades (washes), Dry (essentially goopy paint for dry brushing), Glaze (thinned washes for easier blending), Texture (sand + colour) and Technical (liquid green stuff).

- Bottles are unchabged.

- Every color is renamed, there will be a white dwarf with a comparison guide released. Blood red is now wild rider red, Ultramarine blue is Calgar blue, skull white is white scar etc etc. There is a big expansion in the greens. There are pinks again, and more purple.

- Foundation white!! Named Ceramite White

- New how to paint book that includes a 90 minute DVD

- Mega paint set available year round now, but is super expensive apparently. Prices are apparently the same (for now).

Paint Names


Ceramite White

Averland Sun

Jokaero Orange

Mephiston Red

Khorne Red

Naggaroth Night

Daemonette Hide

Kantor Blue

Macragge Blue

Caledon Sky

Stegadon scale green

Incubi Darkness

Caliban Green

Waaaagh! Flesh

Castellan green

Death world forest

Zandri dust

Steel Legion Drab

Bugmans Glow

Ratskin Flesh

Mournfang brown


Rhinox hide

Dryad bark

Mechanicus standard grey

Celestus grey

Abaddon Black (the only black in the range)

Rakarth flesh

The fang

Screamer pink

Leadblecher (metal)

Balthasar Gold (metal)

Screaming Bell (metal)

Warplock brown (metal)


White Scar

Yriel Yellow

Flash gitz yellow

Troll slayer orange

Fire dragon bright

Evil sunz scarlet

Wild Rider red

Wazdakka red

Squig Orange

Xereus Purple

Genestealer Purple

Warpfiend Grey

Slaanesh Grey

Alaitoc blue

Hoeth blue

Altdorf guard blue

Calgar blue

Teclis blue

Lothern blue

Sotek green

Temple guard blue

Kabalite green

Sybarite green

Warpstone glow

Moot green

Warboss green

Skarsnik green

Loren Forest

Straken green

Nurgling green

Elysian green

Ogryn camo

Ushabti Bone

Screaming skull

Tallarn sand

Karak stone

Cadian fleshstone

Kislev Flesh

Bestigor flesh

Ungor flesh

Skrag brown

Deathclaw brown

Tau light Ochre

Balor brown

Zamesi brown

Doombull brown

Tuskigor fur

Gorthor Brown

Baneblade Brown


Administratum grey

Eshin grey

Dark reaper

Thunderhawk blue

Skavenblight dinge

Stormvermin fur

Ulthuan grey

Pallid wych flesh

Russ grey

Fenrisian grey

Pink horror

Emperors Children

Ironbreaker (metal)

Runefang steel (metal)

Gehennas gold(metal)

Auric Armour(metal)

Hashut Copper(metal)

Sycorax Bronze(metal)

Brass Scorpion(metal)

Runelord Brass(metal)


Casandora Yellow

Fuegan Orange

Carroburg Crimson

Druchii Violet

Drakenhof Nightshade

Coelia greenshade

Biel-tan green

Athonian camoshade

Seraphim Sepia

Reikland fleshshade

Agrax earthshade (Devlan Mud)

Nuln Oil


Praxeti White

Hexos palesun


Lucius Lilac

Etherium blue

Skink blue

Hellion green

Underhive ash

Eldar Flesh

Tyrant Shell

Terminatus stone

Longbeard grey

Changling pink

Necron Compound

Golden Griffon


Lamenters yellow

Waywatcher Green

Guilliman blue



Mourn Mountain snow

Stirland Mud

Blackfire Eath


Armageddon Dust

Lustrian Undergrowth


Lahmian Medium

Ard coat

Imperial Primer

Liquid Green stuff

Im not entirely sure what my feelings on this are, same old pots but a big change in direction on the paint front. Feel citadel colours must feel threatened by the new paints other ranges are releasing.

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The good:

  • More colors
  • Texture media
  • No price changes (assuming the rumors I've been hearing are false- any idea where the 70 cent price increase rumor came from since you have inside contacts, ghostwalker?)
  • Instructional DVD could be a great resource
  • Liquid Green Stuff and Devlan Mud still in the range.

The bad-

  • Will likely lead newbies and the GW faithful to believe this new range is the only right way to paint, which is exactly what the execs want.
  • Price changes (if the rumors I heard are true- let's hope not)
  • instructional DVD could be more of a shill piece than actual instructions (I hope not).
  • Changing color names- OK, I get branding and all, but it's getting ridiculous.
  • Same paint jars leading to dryout.

Unless the formula changes to something awful (like when they changed from the original Coat d'Arms paints back in the day), this will probably be a winner all around. I'd love to see them add another couple of fluid ounces per jar, but I don't see that happening.

Sadly, I've heard several stories that Coat d'Arms paints are not as consistently good as they were back then (if anyone has their current ones and can refute, please do). I'll have to cherish my old GW paints and hope Vallejo can meet my needs when those are gone.

This also doesn't change my future paint purchasing plans- until I find a competitive product, Liquid Green Stuff is the only GW paint product I will buy.

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the new paint line is made in china

I'm assuming this is true and not rumor in my reply:

Made in China is not always equal to bad quality- it does come down to the company and the Chinese manufacturer they use. If "Made in China" always meant "shoddy product" then pretty much every computer out there would be a pile of junk.

This, of course, begs 2 questions: is whomever they contracted reliable quality-wise (show us a track record), and is GW's shifting manufacturing to China a cost-cutting move to avoid price increases (assuming no price increases) or is it a means of squeezing even more profit out of each jar no matter what (assuming what I feel is more likely, the usual price increase you mention below)?

the company has its annual price increase June or July look for it then. Im not going to say any more because of my seething hate towards GW. What id have to say is probably inappropriate for civilised conversation.

GW can do what it wants (within legal boundaries of course), and likewise, we are free to vote with our wallets and take our money elsewhere. I'll always have fond memories of old-school GW, but the modern incarnation is completely different (I realize some will disagree and say it's for the better). I have to admit I'd probably fold if they put out a new Blood Bowl set or new Necromunda gang figures, but that probably won't happen.

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I have to admit I'd probably fold if they put out a new Blood Bowl set or new Necromunda gang figures, but that probably won't happen.

You and me both, I have never understood why these were shelved by the company (they were great games). Even more confusing is the fact that Bloodbowl still has a thriving community (that the company has pretty much abandoned to secondary markets, which are great by the way) and the re-release of Spacehulk was well recieved.

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I've heard they intend to re-release Bloodbowl, similar to how they re-released Spacehulk and recently released Dreadfleet. On one hand, I'm super excited. On the other hand, it $$$$$$$$es me off as it will likely be a one-shot deal, a product GW has no intention of supporting beyond the initial cash grab.

Still. New Bloodbowl minis.

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being monochromatically colorblind, I usually rely on the names, it's the primary reason I use GW paints, no needing to work out wich one to use for blood, when blood is in the name. I'm hoping there'll be some reference comparing old names with what they're new names will be, or the new names will be similar enough

yeah, rereading, I'm going to have to ask someone with cones in their eyes what the hell color XV-88 is...

Edited by G. Footman
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being monochromatically colorblind, I usually rely on the names, it's the primary reason I use GW paints, no needing to work out wich one to use for blood, when blood is in the name. I'm hoping there'll be some reference comparing old names with what they're new names will be, or the new names will be similar enough

yeah, rereading, I'm going to have to ask someone with cones in their eyes what the hell color XV-88 is...

As i understand it, there will be a colour conversion chart in White Dwarf to cover the new range when its released. It wont help with all the new colour expansions that are coming in, but it will identify old colours and their natural highlighs/shades. Or atleast thats how i understand whats been said.

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I'm sorry, but I'm working my way away from GW. The quality of the paint is horrible, and it probably won't change any. Vallejo MC/GC all the way.

Though, liquid greenstuff seems pretty interesting, I'll have to give that a try. It may be smoother than standard modelling putty for filling gaps.

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I've heard they intend to re-release Bloodbowl, similar to how they re-released Spacehulk and recently released Dreadfleet. On one hand, I'm super excited. On the other hand, it $$$$$$$$es me off as it will likely be a one-shot deal, a product GW has no intention of supporting beyond the initial cash grab.

Still. New Bloodbowl minis.

Why wouldn't they re-release Bloodbowl way after the video game (Whats the old saying "Strike while the iron is cold")?

As for new Blood Bowl Miniatures there are plenty of those if you look around (they may not be "official GW product" but from what I have seen and purchased they are often times much better). At the risk of thread jacking here is probably one of the best "one stop shops" for all things Bloodbowl (and they sell Malifaux too!), Comixininos

I'm sorry, but I'm working my way away from GW. The quality of the paint is horrible, and it probably won't change any. Vallejo MC/GC all the way.

I hear this quite a lot about citadel paints, however haven't noticed it myself (though I do use the standard additives to thin the paints and keep them from drying out, rather than water). With that said Vallejos are nice (if somewhat more difficult to procure from most local game stores) however I prefer the Reaper Master Series line myself.

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I'm sorry, but I'm working my way away from GW. The quality of the paint is horrible, and it probably won't change any. Vallejo MC/GC all the way.

Though, liquid greenstuff seems pretty interesting, I'll have to give that a try. It may be smoother than standard modelling putty for filling gaps.

While I've moved to Vallejo myself and I like working with the paints better than Citadel range, quality-wise they are relatively close (bar the horrible pots Citadel uses and some very specific colors, such as the infamous "Bad Moon Yellow"). Let's not project our personal tastes on judgements which should be more objective. :D

As to the OP's rumor, I can believe everything except for the naming change. Why would they do that?!? The only reason companies use different but similar names for the same colors is because the names are trade-marked (colors themselves cannot be). Citadel surely owns the trade-marks to their own color range, so they have no reason whatsoever to rename colors. That would be very counter-productive. May be me being too disconnected from the reality though. :D

As for bloating the line by introducing thicker, textured, diluted and otherwise modified versions of the same color, that is very much like GW marketing strategy, so it sounds quite probable to me.

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Why wouldn't they re-release Bloodbowl way after the video game (Whats the old saying "Strike while the iron is cold")?

As for new Blood Bowl Miniatures there are plenty of those if you look around (they may not be "official GW product" but from what I have seen and purchased they are often times much better). At the risk of thread jacking here is probably one of the best "one stop shops" for all things Bloodbowl (and they sell Malifaux too!), Comixininos

The community has been keeping Blood Bowl alive, so there's obviously demand. Sure, Blood Bowl's base per-player cost is low, but what they seem to forget (and we Malifaux players know) is that when initial cost per force is low, many players will spend more money on multiple forces instead of just buying one. I don't know any remotely dedicated Blood Bowl players that only own one team- most that do play it as a third or fourth game. They wouldn't even need to do any playtesting as the community's done it for them.

Compared to Dreadfleet, a Blood Bowl boxed set is a no-brainer. The only high upfront cost is in getting the new sculpts done and cast. Space Hulk should still be available as a board/book/token set by mail order- that way people can get a legal copy and the company can't cry about cannibalized Terminator and Genestealer sales.

But to get back on topic...

As to the OP's rumor, I can believe everything except for the naming change. Why would they do that?!? The only reason companies use different but similar names for the same colors is because the names are trade-marked (colors themselves cannot be). Citadel surely owns the trade-marks to their own color range, so they have no reason whatsoever to rename colors. That would be very counter-productive. May be me being too disconnected from the reality though. :D

As for bloating the line by introducing thicker, textured, diluted and otherwise modified versions of the same color, that is very much like GW marketing strategy, so it sounds quite probable to me.

I have two hypotheses: either they felt the trademarks simply weren't strong enough (because "Iyanden Darksun" is something another company would totally steal :-/ ) or it's a ruse to sell more paint even though they've said the existing colors aren't changing. I have no idea why else they'd do it.

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