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TeeCee's Plog: 2 Many Minis... 2 Little Time


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Hi everyone!

So it’s been um… way too long since my last posting. I figured I should start again. Here’s hoping it lasts longer than… well… the last.

I have finally finished my Sorrows! Just in time for the new box set for Malifaux 2.0 to come out. At least I can play with colour combos. So I decided to stick with the purple theme of the Neverborn. Also, it is my favourite colour. I have one Sorrow I painted two years ago before GenCon just to practice my blending. There’s not much highlighting and shadowing on it. The second one I went a bit more extreme with a pink highlight; maybe a bit too much. The last Sorrow I used an additive to help maintain colour while I blended/layered the colours. I find that it worked really, really well. I will be doing that from now on.

So… what do you think? Too much? Not enough? I know I still need quite a bit of work/practice but I will have plenty of that to do with upcoming commissions I have taken up since I’m not working. I will be posting more when it’s done.

Please leave questions, comments, concerns, opinion, and suggestions if you like.

Until next time!


NB: My husband said the natural lighting was playing havoc with the focus so he'll try and take a better in door set in the next day or so.


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Hello again!

@ zFiend: Thank you, purple is actually my favourite colour so it worked out nicely.

@Lussuria: His is kinda cute, thx. It was my first attempt at undead things, was happy when it turned out.

I am continuing to paint! Hooray for me!<clapping>

My husband re took the Sorrow photos…andhas come to the conclusion they’re not very photogenic so gave up with thefollowing result lol.


Here, I have my poltergeist. I have kept the same colours as my Sorrows to keep it consistent and I have continued using my additive to help with the layering of colours. I decided to give it white hair after my husband suggested that it would make it real spooky. He was right.

Also, I wanted to draw the eye to the faces and mouths on the Geist which adds to its creepiness, so I lightened that area to make them pop. I’m happy with how the model turned out… not so happy with the base. I dunno what happened, but it just wouldn’t work. Doesn’t really matter though, since I will be getting the new box set and the fact that the new Poltergeist is now on a 50mm base. Gives me a whole new chance to paint it better!


As always, questions, comments, concerns,opinions, and suggestions are welcome.

I also have Candy on the go. Here is a workin progress shot of her instead of just the finished product.


Thanks for the support!

Sorry for the spacing issues, both between words and paragraphs...Wyrd forums doesn't like me today. I fixed what it would let me....:(

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@Wings and @Viruk: Thanks a lot you two! I put a few hours already into Candy. I'm not completely happy with the face but if I know me... I'll never be completely happy so I'm going to leave it as is. I'm still trying to figure out what colour to do her dress. Once that's done, the rest of her will be quick and I will post it immediately.

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Thank you and here is the final product of Candy and Kade; the Original Nerverborn Twins.

My husband had such a hard time getting the focus to work on our camera since they were so tiny. Unfortunately this is what we settled on. The Woes seem to be avoiding proper documentation


Next I'm working on Pandora herself and Retro Teddy (not pictured).

The WiP shot of her is from my cellphone hence the grainy quality. However its almost as good as our main camera with the tiny twins lol


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The bases on the two little ones came out lovely! Excellent effect on her hair too. I'm still struggling to paint blonde!

And can't wait to see Padora!! I'm not sure if it's what the camera has done to the colours but is the shading at the edges of her skin purple/pink? I'm very new to painting, may I ask what effect this has on her skin tone as you progress? (i.e makes her more pale etc)

Either way, she looks like she's started up great *grin*

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The bases on the two little ones came out lovely! Excellent effect on her hair too. I'm still struggling to paint blonde!

And can't wait to see Padora!! I'm not sure if it's what the camera has done to the colours but is the shading at the edges of her skin purple/pink? I'm very new to painting, may I ask what effect this has on her skin tone as you progress? (i.e makes her more pale etc)

Either way, she looks like she's started up great *grin*

Thanks Lussuria! I usually have such a hard time with hair, (I will be taking a class at GenCon to help) but for the blonde on Candy I used the blonde hair triad from Reaper paints which I found to be most helpful. I will be purchasing that triad (I borrowed some from a friend for Candy) as well as the redhead triad, which makes me happy :) As for Pandora, I did add a purple to her skintone for the shadows and lining to add that 'looks human but isn't' feel. I also did a very pale highlight on her to emphasize this even more. I'm quite happy with the way she turned out.

Segway into... Pandora and Teddy! Tada! The only regret I have on Pandora is for some reason I couldn't get her eyes quite right. I got to the point where it looked ok and I knew to just leave it alone. I have another 3 sculpts of her (alt sculpt, original avatar, new avatar) and will probably get the boxset (love the new Candy!) so if I didn't get her quite right, I have plenty of tries to do it. And I LOVE Teddy! It turned out better than I thought it would. I figured so many ppl have done the Care Bear version of him that I could play on that with a Malifaux spin and freehand of the Malifaux Mask, which was my second attempt. The first one was on Candy's base with the drawing of the Mask with Candy's signature, which I am quite proud. (if this contradicts a previous posting, it's cuz my husband has been posting for me :P)

Anyhow, as always, questions, comments, concerns, opinions, and suggestions are always welcome! Now back to finishing painting my Beckoner so I have a full crew to choose from when playing at GenCon. (btw, if anyone wants to play at GenCon, lmk, thx)



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Ooo, very nice Pandora. This is the first version of this particular mini that I think looks attractive, I mean you made her look like that with the eyes and mouth. Hair looks nice also and I like her creepy pale skin :Sad_Puppet2:

I'd go with a bit darker shade of blue on the Teddy, but I'm loving the freehand that's in his heart *heart*

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Completely agree! I love how the purple has made her skin look. I definitely want to try something similar when I go to paint up my Rasputina!

And Awesome work on the heart piece on Teddy! Not only is the free handing lovely and clean, but the white surrounding actually looks fluffy!! *grin* Jealooouuuss!

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Hi TeeCee. Pandora is lovely. Very well done. Great work. Bet Durek is pleased.


I am actually but these aren't for me; Teecee isn't only a good painter but a player as well. Pandi is her main crew, much to the friendly irritation of the local players.

Currently with exception of Collodi, I'm True Blue, Arcanist through and through.

Though with the upcoming new sculpts I do inherit Kade for my Collodi crew *wink*

Well done babe :)

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@Linus Mcmold & Wings: Thanks for the compliment! the first picture of Pandi that I took with my phone is much better then the completed picture. Don't know why. And thank you for finding her attractive :)

@Lussuria: Good luck on the skin effect. Can't wait to see it on Raspi. And thanks for the compliment on the fluffiness of Teddy's centre. It's what I was going for so I'm glad it worked out.

@daemonkin: Thanks for the compliments. and don't be hating Pandi; she's much milder in ME2.

@durek: I know u wanted Kade's teddy to have a blue eye and not purple. I wanted to tie it in with the rest of my crew. When you get Kade, you can paint it blue. But thanks for being supportive and helping around the house while I do this crazy painting spree.

and @ everyone: Thanks about the compliments on Teddy! I am very happy by the way he turned out and extremely happy that you all like it too *heart*

And now the last piece for my crew (for GenCon) is my Beckoner. She's not done yet and I only have a few hours to work on her, but I think I can do it. I am quite happy how she is turning out. Durek (my hubby) jokes that she kinda looks like me, which is a compliment but also kinda true. My hair is a bit different now, but I did look like her at one point in time. Is anyone else having a hard time painting the new plastic sculpts? I'm finding the paint doesn't stay as well as it did on the metal ones. Well, I guess there's no point in complaining since they're all going to be plastic now; just means I have to work harder.

Thank you all for the encouragement and the questions, comments, concerns, opinions, suggestions: keep them com'in! :1_Happy_Puppet2:


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  • 2 months later...

Hi everyone!

Sorry for the long posting delay. I took a break after the mad rush of Gen Con and took on my first commission; to paint a Collette crew. :1_Happy_Puppet2: Yay for me!

So yes I have been painting and here is the proof. Be forewarned our camera is still having problems with small object focus and the flash/ lighting is still plaguing us at times. They appear more shiny than they actually are due to the need for a flash to show detail.

Here are Colette's Doves. They took me the least amount of time to paint and were the most fun. I used glazes on the white smoke for the tallest dove to get the effect. The cards on one dove I free handed their faces; while the book was basic. To get the doves to look metallic and such, I used metallics and then used a black wash for detail. They were fun to paint.


Next up, the Performers and Mannequins. The client wanted the models to look like their cards so I did what I could. He wanted little better than table top quality, which was really difficult for my perfectionist self (not gloating I have a lot of room to improve; its just I want to layer more but it takes so much longer for that extra little bit the price would go up...). What's that saying, "higher highlights, darker shadows"... That was tough. But I did my best. Lots of feathering and blending to get the effects. The performer in the purple dress started off with gold metallic details but it looked like crap so I went over it with yellows and oranges to make it look better. The dress of the blue performer was done with lots of different shades of blue that were feathered. The mannequins were done with basic painting techniques: layering glazes to get the shades right.

It took me longer to paint these than I would have liked but it is going smoothly now. Next are the Corephees and Cassandra then finally all of the Collettes.



If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Comments are appreciated.

*Oops; will get back to that Beckoner soon.

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