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Airship Escape Strategy


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So I've recently gotten into papercraft and decided to delve in headfirst with this set.

As I was toiling away (~7 hours of work into that...) I began to think about uses for this in Malifaux. Sure it could be a cool terrain piece, but why not something else? I got the idea for an "Airship Escape" strategy. The basic rules would be:

Perform a (1) Interact action while in the airship then perform a flip that is not affected by any modifiers or use soulstones and cannot be cheated. The airship cannot escape on the first turn, it is still powering up. Starting on the second turn the ship can escape with a 13+. The required flip for escaping goes down by 2 each turn. (13+, 11+, 9+, 7+, 5+, etc.)

2 VP: Have your master escape.

4 VP: Have your master and X models escape.

Insignificant models do not count towards escaping.

X would probably be variable since The model you use for an airship can vary in size and the size of a crew/size of models in the crew would have to come into effect. My airship can fit four 30mm bases, six if I ripped out the optional steering wheel I added.

For the sake of balance I would probably not allow the escape flip to be cheated, but maybe it could be. I'm not sure if the flip requirements are quite right yet either. I was thinking of allowing the ability to cheat/use soulstones on the 5th/6th turn but it's kind of complex as it is.

Comments? Criticisms? Concerns?

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Looks intresting. Dont think the airship thing fits malifaux all that well. If it was get a train running would be better far as fluff goes.

There are airships of sorts in Twisting Fates (but I seem to recall them being more like a dirigible crossed with a gondola).

I think its within the scope of Malifaux's technology level/theme.

After having a look at the model you'll be using, I would suggest making the majority of the board representative of an airship terminal/station. Otherwise, maybe base the tower/tether on a 50mm+, and require B2B interact by certain models/certain number of models. Forget realism. Keep the requirement the same for everyone regardless of base size, for consistencies sake (maybe prohibit 50mm passengers).

Balance-wise, there may be a reason why Wyrd didn't create any schemes that requires you to leave play. For one, you're outright denying your opponent the ability to complete any strategies/schemes that require them to kill/sacrifice your models. But for fun, I say go for it. :)

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Balance-wise, there may be a reason why Wyrd didn't create any schemes that requires you to leave play. For one, you're outright denying your opponent the ability to complete any strategies/schemes that require them to kill/sacrifice your models. But for fun, I say go for it. :)

Well The balance would be in that you would be unlikely to leave within the first few turns. Slower masters would have even more trouble. But as long as the airship is still on the board, the opposing crew could take out anyone on it, or even leave with them.

I don't know about making a whole airship themed board. I was thinking just a mooring tower out in the bayou/forests around the outskirts put up by some mercenaries or something. I kinda like the idea of excluding 50mm bases, and I suppose the minimum for 4 VP would be 3 crew members? Maybe add that if the escape flip is a black joker the airship explodes or something like firing into melee can blow the airship up.

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Yeah, that would work fine. I was more concerned with slow models getting stuck hanging in mid-air, right out in the open. Could create some interesting new idioms though.

"Like shooting Ramos' hanging from a ladder!" :)

I thought a larger platform playing area l(evel with the airship or multiple airships) would even things a bit. Also it would add richness to the character of the Strategy. You could create a whole airstation/tower high up in the clouds. There'd be opportunities for models falling to their death! You could even leave some of the board as open air, giving the opponent a chance to shoot down the dirigible as it slowly makes its escape toward the board edge. I mean, its already homebrew, you might as well go all out and make it a story encounter.

As a general strategy/scheme that would allow you to use the model, Stake a Claim effectively achieves what you're trying to without making up any new rules. The dirigible platform is the terrain piece on you opponent's half of the table. Insignificant models don't count. If you have at least one model in b2b with the tower at the end of the encounter you score 1VP (they get extracted, pilot the airship to safety, etc). Announced: +1 VP.

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Maybe if it was a "shared only" strategy? Then each crew would be trying to do the same thing, and would have to choose their schemes accordingly. That could work for a "leave the board"-type strategy.

This is kinda what I was originally thinking, slower crews might be at a disadvantage but I think it would be fun as raspy to drop some pillars by the ladder and nuke the hell outta anyone that wanted to get up.

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This would easily be best as a shared strategy, otherwise I imagine people just breaking the piece of terrain with a bruiser model to make it impossible. Unless you make it unbreakable, of course.

Also, I think it might be just a little skewed in favor of ranged masters like Perdita. Putting them up on a tower with such a great LOS on the board for a strategy may be a dangerous thing. Actually, you know what? Disregard this point. It's late and I totally wasn't taking into consideration the way that Malifaux is played (namely, picking crews and masters after seeing your strategy).

Either way, though, you've given me inspiration for a new terrain piece that'll give me something to do with all these bottles.

Edited by GamerGaeth
I realized one of my points was stupid
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This would easily be best as a shared strategy, otherwise I imagine people just breaking the piece of terrain with a bruiser model to make it impossible. Unless you make it unbreakable, of course.

Also, I think it might be just a little skewed in favor of ranged masters like Perdita. Putting them up on a tower with such a great LOS on the board for a strategy may be a dangerous thing.

Either way, though, you've given me inspiration for a new terrain piece that'll give me something to do with all these bottles.

Glad I was useful!

As I said though, this is just the bare bones. Obviously I haven't playtested or polished yet. Height counts with range anyway right? So it might not be THAT great for rangers. Besides, it also leaves them vulnerable. I think a rule about possibly exploding the airship would be a good addition, gunpowder and magical fire can be unstable, after all. About breakable... I just assumed the ladder would be unbreakable, didn't think about that.

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Glad I was useful!

As I said though, this is just the bare bones. Obviously I haven't playtested or polished yet. Height counts with range anyway right? So it might not be THAT great for rangers. Besides, it also leaves them vulnerable. I think a rule about possibly exploding the airship would be a good addition, gunpowder and magical fire can be unstable, after all. About breakable... I just assumed the ladder would be unbreakable, didn't think about that.

Actually, I redact my statement about ranged masters, as I realized that I wasn't taking into account the way crews are hired in Malifaux, specifically that they are hired after you see your strategies.

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Interesting idea ...

It's funny that the first thing I though of when I read the topic's title wasn't "getting on" an airship but rather "getting off". Instead of making a run for an escaping airship I though of paratroopers dropping from the skies. You know, like the "deep strike" deployment in WH40k.

I know this wasn't your original point but tell me what you think on crews actually having the ability to not deploy with the rest of the crew (kinda like buried maybe I am not super-familiar with rules yet) but can drop at any point of the battlefield. The more turns pass before actually "jumping in" the more accurate the jump is as a trade-off for waiting. Say you can't jump at all turn 1, on turn 2 you get :-fate:-fate:-fate for the jump flip, turn 3 :-fate::-fate:, turn 3 :-fate:, turn 4+ no penalties.

This could be an ability some special-corps units (Gremlin Daring Boys) have. Or it could be given to each model in a crew for a scenario with a special deployment.

It's just the vision of a Malifaux version of Space Marines dropping with their jetpacks. Imagine Gremlins with ragged bed-sheets (witch patches of various size and color) for parachute. The airship is certainly an neat idea.

Edited by VaeVictus
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Yeah there are a few masters that can summon models to the board already. But rather than a separate mechanic, maybe some models like Gremlin Daring Boys that could jump down. Also could be a certain neverborn minion that can manifest itself in the shadow of an enemy model, or an arcanist model that could appear from a "magical anomaly" or something. (These wouldn't be summoned by a master, but they would have to try to "deep strike" every turn.)

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Thanks for the link to that aircraft model - it is terrific, and I am sorely tempted to give it a go. If it had a cover on the gondola it would be just like I imagined the smaller aircars in Book 3.

It wasn't too bad to build. As I said it was the very first paper craft model I've ever made. The biggest problems were doing the end caps on the bladder and the cone for the furnace. I ended up just reverting to my modeling skeelz and using superglue for some bits.... Well part of the reason for that would have to be my impatience. $6.00 is a pretty good price for it I would say.

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This could evolve into a mini campaign.

2nd scenario: Airship Pursuit

One crew is attempting to flee with stolen (or confiscated for the Guild) goods via airship. Another crew managed to get to their own to stop them. This might require finagling the models a bit to make them bigger if you use the Fat Dragon kit.

The fleeing crew wins if they keep the airship going until it reaches its destination, and gets bonus points for taking down enough of the pursuing crew's models (playtest with 50%, maybe?).

The pursuing crew wins if they can stop the airship, and gets bonus points for stopping it sooner. Maybe give an extra point for Steal the Relic if they succeed at that.

3rd Scenario: Rescue or Run!

If the pursuers won the previous game, the fleeing crew on board the ship starts as their prisoners. The remainder of their crew is there to pick them up and escort them off the board.

Meanwhile, the rest of the captured crew's allies show up to try to free them. They might get extra stones since their arrival would be randomly determined.

Captors get points for escorting a certain number of captives off the board, and the prisoners get points for being rescued.

If the fleeing crew won the previous encounter, they hastily disembark with the stolen item(s). Their allies are waiting to rendezvous and get the goods off the board.

The pursuers are hoping their allies get there in time to stop the fleeing crew from making good their escape. They would have the random arrival mechanic instead.

Granted, I just cobbled this together from who knows how many old Necromunda scenarios running around in my head, but I think there's a lot of potential for scenarios on a moving airship (or train, for that matter).

Edited by Dustcrusher
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irc Malifaux does have Airships on rail running through it. The guild uses them because it's too dangerous to use ground rail through certain parts. Often it's unlucky to get assigned at an "outpost" station in the forbidden zone or ruins because the guardsman their often disappears or is killed.

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irc Malifaux does have Airships on rail running through it. The guild uses them because it's too dangerous to use ground rail through certain parts. Often it's unlucky to get assigned at an "outpost" station in the forbidden zone or ruins because the guardsman their often disappears or is killed.

Could make the zone around the base of the airship tower hazardous. Or require willpower tests because of sanity issues with people running off into the bayou.

The campaign idea sounds pretty neat.

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