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Zoraida advice

Huang Da Wei

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I have finished painting the pretty lady and will play a 25ss game.

I am going for 3 silurids and 2 stitched together to make up the points plus have voodoo etc.

anyway, I want to know a little more about her obey.

lets say I cast it on someone who can shoot. 1 can get that character to blast away at someone in Zoraidas activation? and I do it as though it was one of mine, ie I flip my cards, I can cheat and add a stone if I so wish?

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great, shame there isnt a 1ap called 'aim gun at own head' , would help no end.

my next opponent will run Leveticus crew from the box set. If I obey Alice and get her to shoot waif that would be a result as the silurids gang up on Levi and then checkmate in 2. oh, I do like dreaming

She is my fav master. Remember that you cannot kill a model, or rather cause a model to kill itself, only other models.

The stitched will work well, especially with Collodi in larger games (35ss+ I almost always take a henchmen). Obey your stitched (twice, as once with Voodoo doll too) and use repulsive to run up the board. When you are near the enemy Collodi can give them his (2) action buff "fill with stones" and willpower boost and they become a wp 9 tank...!

My fav use of obey is to get dopple-schill (my pet name for the big man when running neverborn crews) into the right place, or to make free extra shots which he CAN boost using a ss.

I have also used the voodoo doll to conduit the judge before now and slice up half of lady J's crew before it even hit, and another game conduit kept hopkins out of the game (who I have alot of respect for) till I could triple team him with coppelius, a tot and the hooded rider.

Obey is a great spell, and its use will depend entirely on the crew you take. She is great with alot of minions, but I thoroughly recommend using von schill in games you think might be tight. I have also had some success using Jack Daw (but who doesnt!) Terror tots, hooded rider, brutal effigy, sue and any doll are also worth noting.

Enjoy playing with her mate- she's awesome!

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sounds like fun, I only got the model cos it looks awesome.

Well great pick! I usually run 1 of the 2 following 35ss crews:

Zoraida(+avatar) Cache 7

Brutal Effigy



3 Marionettes

Stitched Together

Zoraida (+avatar) Cache 6

Von Schill

Hooded Rider

3 Terror Tots


I obviously have variants, and always have wicked dolls, nephilim, JD etc to hand

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I was thinking of using Zoraida instead of Lilith as a master, simply because i want to use Nekima and it's not fluffy with her sister...so i had some silliness in mind:



Young Nephilim / two terror tots?


Stitched together

Doppleganger gets initiative goodness and copies Zoraida Wp 10 and Stitched together's Gamble your life.

Nekima gets obeyed by Zoraida (and or Doppleganger if need be) to tackle melee stuff.

Not sure if i should take two tots or one young. Tots would give more speed with Nekima, and they can still flay bits, but young is more combat ready.

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I was thinking of using Zoraida instead of Lilith as a master, simply because i want to use Nekima and it's not fluffy with her sister...so i had some silliness in mind:



Young Nephilim / two terror tots?


Stitched together

Doppleganger gets initiative goodness and copies Zoraida Wp 10 and Stitched together's Gamble your life.

Nekima gets obeyed by Zoraida (and or Doppleganger if need be) to tackle melee stuff.

Not sure if i should take two tots or one young. Tots would give more speed with Nekima, and they can still flay bits, but young is more combat ready.

If your intention is a grow type list you will need fodder for your babes. A desperate Merc is always good for this.

I have run grow and Neph lists with Zoraida and they can work well, but can lack that "anvil" in the middle we call Lilith....!

I usually favour a BBS for this as it is a grave robber. Try this:

Zoraida: Cache 8

Voodoo Doll: (summoned)

x3 Terror Tots: 9ss

x2 Desperate Mec: 4ss

BBS: 6ss

Nekima: 13ss (I would take a mature but know you are going for theme!)

I know some people think this list is cheese, but, to continue the metaphor, many people enjoy the occasional bit of parmesan, blue stilton or wenslydale...just don't over do it!

You could have 3 Young in turn 1 (just from their attacks, drain blood and grow) and you BBS/Nekima would have 2 blood counters from blood sense and the x2 corpse counters (make sure they are in base to base). If you activate nekima or the BBS first, you can even take wounds for blood counters then heal them back. Put Zoraida behind them in base to base and she can repulsive them all 6" away to make up for lost movement.

The BBS can also give a model fast for a turn...looking at you avatar Z!!! Thats when the bonus blood counters come in handy!

Of all goes well you have Nekima and matures running round munching stuff, with the pretty formidiable BBS usually ignored. Take avatar Zoraida and thats some SERIOUS target priority...!

I have tried "hybrid" variants which included von schill, dopple and stitched as well a Nephilim but found they dont work as well as they exploit less of the Nephs advantages. If I want to get first activation avatar Zoraida is cheaper (and if the +ve flip is a great card i can bayou 2 card it-hooray!) and If I want a gamble your life tank I will take Collodi instead to go with the stitched..

Hope some of this helps. She goes with everything so you may find what you take works-these are just some of my findings!

Edited by McDoogle
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I always find that its cheaper to use Taelor when you opponent is kind enough to hire one :D

Its funny because its true! And there might even be a chance that they have painted theirs!

I played a slaughter the other week against a friend, Viks v Zoraida. I was trying a hybrid grow list and he took a pretty standard ronin+taelor list which also included Sue, which messed with some of my shennanigans. We also both took avatars.

Turns out that Taelor was the only pts I got until turn 5. I wiped up his entire crew in the last 2 turns, but he still thrashed me due to his scheme selection and excellent playing: I had grown terror tots and flung them at his master (which eventually died in avatar form), which ate them all, while every time I got a model down to its last few wounds he either seppuku-ed it or shot it in the back of the head, meaning I didn't kill it or gain points...! Frustrating in one sense (to some-not me) but hilarious fun and great gameplay all round!

The reason I have digressed off at a slight tangent is to illustrate that while I WHOLE heartedly agree with Undisclosed's point (and humour epeciallly :) )there are risks to JUST relying in opponents bringing the hitters.

I only ever used to take objective grabbers and tricksy minions. This game, and games against immune to influence models (enter Buckdog's new love for the Hoff....), have now lead me to always take at leat one durable heavy hitter in the form of either a collodi-boosted stitched, von schill, sue etc, as you cant always rely on those obeys on enemy models, particularly with the rather awesome Sue rocking about!

Edited by McDoogle
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