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Holy peacekeeper, Hoffman!


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Hi all I finally figured out how to take photos with my phone so i can once again post my newest army.

So as the name implies I felt a connection to batman when to make this this list, i will have to buy a 2nd Hoffman and watcher to paint to match the army, possibly when the alt Hoffman comes out, With no further adieu the dynamic duo!

Note click on photos to get a better sized view.






And for the normal crew. this is what my next hoffman and watcher will look like as well,






This army was crazy quick to paint, I beat a personal best, i painted in two nights, the first i spent assembling and

priming, the 2nd painting.

So what do you think? I am trying a more distressed look to the constructs with a time warn feel since they seemed battle damaged (the peacekeeper and the Guardian have scratches already.)


Andrew Haught

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The watcher/Robin looks awesome, nice idea! The bases look really good too, are they scratch built?

Thanks, yeah it is scratch built, I used 3 things to make the base dense cork board, CA and vinyl spackel. Simple yet effective.

Dsmiles - we should start a thread latter on on super hero conversions i know there is alot of the it would be fun.

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Just finished the perfect Warden proxy till the real ones come out!




Here is my wagon marker in theme,


And a group shoot


I figured that the dalaks invaded earth and were defeated, these sneaked away into malifaux. The colors are classic dalek colors so if you think they need to be gold or power ranger colored I assure you these came first.

I painted the daleks battle damaged, since they were defeated and went though the rift. I think they are working with the guild till there evil plan is ready.

So what do you think the best proxy ever or the most awesome one ever... can you tell im a doctor who fan?

Once the real wardens come out I will have to come up with house rules for running a dalek army.

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Nice Daleks and Tardis. Takes all the wind out of my sails, though. :( I looked up this thread to post my Levi as Joker wip, an idea that I'd been procrastinating far too long. Seeing your Bat-Hoffman and Watcher-Robin had made me renew the project.

I'd seen McMourning as Joker before, but he just didn't look right to me for some reason. Then when I was watching a slideshow of Joker pics, it just clicked. Levi looks more like Joker than McMourning does. Then a pic of Harley looking suspiciously like Alyce sealed the deal. I still have to finish painting her (and later modding another copy of her to look more like the drawing), but here they are, my Levi as Joker and Alyce as Harley work in progress:

Edited by i_was_like_you
Photo links came up as broken.
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Nice Daleks and Tardis. Takes all the wind out of my sails, though. :( I looked up this thread to post my Levi as Joker wip, an idea that I'd been procrastinating far too long. Seeing your Bat-Hoffman and Watcher-Robin had made me renew the project.

I'd seen McMourning as Joker before, but he just didn't look right to me for some reason. Then when I was watching a slideshow of Joker pics, it just clicked. Levi looks more like Joker than McMourning does. Then a pic of Harley looking suspiciously like Alyce sealed the deal. I still have to finish painting her (and later modding another copy of her to look more like the drawing), but here it is, my Levi as Joker work in progress:


Got enough of Alyce done to post a pic:


Looks awesome I can't wait to see them finished

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  • 3 months later...
Just finished the perfect Warden proxy till the real ones come out!




Here is my wagon marker in theme,


And a group shoot


I figured that the dalaks invaded earth and were defeated, these sneaked away into malifaux. The colors are classic dalek colors so if you think they need to be gold or power ranger colored I assure you these came first.

I painted the daleks battle damaged, since they were defeated and went though the rift. I think they are working with the guild till there evil plan is ready.

So what do you think the best proxy ever or the most awesome one ever... can you tell im a doctor who fan?

Once the real wardens come out I will have to come up with house rules for running a dalek army.

Let me guess, your favorite Scheme is Extermination.. EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!

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  • 7 months later...

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