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Through the breach - A tale of three gamers


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And along came Seamus....

Sometimes a model just appears (even if it has been standing on the shelf for quite a while) and I have to paint it. This time it was alt. Seamus. In the beginning I didn't really like the model, but while painting I grew to like it a lot. And I'm quite happy with the result. So much in fact that I decided that Seamus Crew is going to be my second Demo crew.

So here he is:


Hope you like the model and please drop a comment :1_Happy_Puppet2:

Edited by Balefirestorm
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  • 3 weeks later...

hello again everyone!

This weekend me and balefire played some malifaux and it really ignited the spark again so now im really motivated to complete my zoraida crew!

I started working on teddy again last night since he was the last mini i worked on but first let me show you my custom crew box i made yesterday:






I found this great box in an outlet store and thought i would be perfect for malifaux :)

Oh and sorry for the crappy photos :)

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I especially like Hamelin.

nobody likes the Hamelin... oh, you mean painting *grin*

Haven't posted in a while here, but I have been quietly following. As always, love your work and am a fan of your style.

also, I like the case! really nice - especially the Wyrd green windings on the cover.

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Another update!

I finnished teddy today so here are 2 pics:



hope you like him!

tomorrow im gonna clean the last mouldlines on the stitched together and im gonna start painting my convict gunslinger (the puppet wars on) and baby kade (also the puppet wars version) and if time allows in gonna start converting zoraida to a little more appealing version ;)

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in my oppinion there is not enough contrast on the OSL. You need to have darker tones in the receses and almost pure white on the top-most part of the eyes. and also have the OSL become more darker towards the edges (end) of the lighted area.

Just a couple more layers of carefully placed highlights would make the job perfect.

But I definitely wouldn't call your work crap :)

Edited by Demonn Agram
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in my oppinion there is not enough contrast on the OSL. You need to have darker tones in the receses and almost pure white on the top-most part of the eyes. and also have the OSL become more darker towards the edges (end) of the lighted area.

Just a couple more layers of carefully placed highlights would make the job perfect.

But I definitely wouldn't call your work crap :)

This! I also think the radius of the glow is too wide and the edge is too hard. That makes it look more like a beam of light is being shined on his face, rather than his eyes producing the light. More contrast, and a softer edge will pull it all together for you.

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Thanks for the tips guys, ive always had problems with osl so its nice to get some tips from people master the technique :) Im gonna see if i can work some more on teddy tomorrow.

i spent 3 hours painting yesterday though and managed to finnish kade to a decent standard (though i must say i really dont like the model so im gonna paint up the puppetwars version and use that instead) and the puppet wars version of the convict gunslinger, just to keep the puppet theme in the crew.

Here they are:

First up is Kade, im not really sure about the eyes though, i was trying to make them look like shark eyes but i dont think they look quite right.





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Nice, smooth highlights, I really like them. It's more difficult to achieve a good effect on such small minis but you definitely did that. My only suggestion would be to add a few brighter spots of red to the blood on Kade, it would make it look a bit more realistic and brighten the grayish look of the mini.

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Thanks a million for the great response and kind words =D

glad you think Kade looks creepy Spjuth, that was what i was going for ;) and go ahead and copy Demonn, just as long as you show me the results ;)

i havent been able to post here for a couple of days but i havent been lazy! I have finnished the whole crew now!

And here are the pics:

Lets start of with the 2 stitched together





i dont know how visible it is to you guys but i see it all to well, these two are covered in little white spots cause i had a little accident with the airbrush yesterday when painting them. It clogged and all of a sudden an explosion of paint came from it and hit my crew thanks to an open window and a sudden gust of wind that must have grabbed the paint -.-

You see it very well on the dice on the first stitched ones base, lucklily these two were the ones that was hit the baddest and the rest of the crew just got some smalls stains on them.

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Next up is my zoraida and as you all know and might have read in my earlier posts i dont like any of her scuplts so i converted mine to something that is more visually appealing and something that fits the theme of the crew more




I might go back and and some more voodoo dolls the her base at a later point but those little buggers was a pain in the @$$ to paint =)

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Here are two group shots of the final crew



And since the crew was done for now (though i have ordered collodi and some effigies) i started making some objective markers

Here is a wip shot of 3 evidence markers made from some gw parts, i imagine it being some of zoraidas forbidden lore and voodoo books =)


I am also working on a supplywagon marker.

Let me know what you guys think!

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First: no problem mate, as soon as I get round to painting my Collodi Neverborns where I'll use puppets, I'll post it in the Lair :)

Second (more important :) ):

Nice! Crew is looking more and more impressive! (although I personally wouldn't use those Stitched togethers as the sculpts somehow don't do it for me - I guess it's like you and Zoraida :-P )

Last: LOVING the markers! can't wait for the wagon... (do you have any Brettonian bits - the peasants have some rabbits and some chicken parts etc - that'd be totally cool for Zoraida's markers/wagon )

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