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indoors/outdoors and special terrain features...

Shank Seamus!

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Hi all,

So me and my ever expanding group have been playing malifaux for just over a year. We've had our rules disputes and grudge matches, the same, I imagine as everyone. But something we've not been doing, entirely due to having little to no malifaux scenery. is any of the random scenery/indoor/outdoor stuff.

Now as more people are flocking to the 'faux banner from my LGG were looking at making it, so my questions:

How many of you are limited in what scenery they play with, those of you who arent, does it effect the way the game plays at all? What have you made? What have you bought? Etc etc..

And discuss..


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I usually just make whatever I want to play on. When I bought Waldgeists I made trees, lots of trees, many many trees. When I get ALilith I will make more trees.

I justify this by saying that nothing stops my resurrectionist playing opponent from making a graveyard.

I played on a water themed board 1 time with sillurids. They became much more valuable, almost broken, when played this way. We havnt played on that particular board since.

When I first started we played a lot of indoor games, which had a noticably negative effect on my Nephilim's diving attack ability. Though Lilith's ability to swing her sword through walls offset this a little.

Buildings and three dimensional terrain make abilities which cause pushes much more capable of killing enemies. Gravity is way broken in this game. Knock aside, toss, and even lure all get good damage potential. This has been most noticable with terraclips as there is now no lack of 3 dimensional terrain to fall off of.

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When I first started we played a lot of indoor games, which had a noticably negative effect on my Nephilim's diving attack ability. Though Lilith's ability to swing her sword through walls offset this a little.

I haven't played this game in a while and the last time I checked I couldn't find any errata that would prevent the Mature Nephilim from using Diving Attack to charge "through" walls. Has this been changed?

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I can't really do much in the way of indoors (at least not until my terraclips arrives, stupid back order) but I have paking material that works for buildings, some barrels and crates, some plants, some rocks, and various miscellaneous things (dinosaur skeleton, a swamp idol that cracks me up, ruins and obelisks, stuff from heroscape, etc).

I really need to make some forests but I don't like making them. I have an insane idea for a stranded paddleboat made out of a washtub, but I have no idea when I'd find the time to make it.

I avoid waldgeists since I have no forests for them. I can do water for silurids and those are the only two minions I can think of that really need a particular terrain.

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You have to define the walls. It's possible that they cannot be flown or floated over, nor ignored in any way along those lines.

Unless they're destroyed.... or walked through by a spirit. I guess the players could always say that spirits can't walk through walls to create a little more parity.

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I don't think terrain makes much of a difference when playing two crews that are similar (i.e. melee crew vs melee crew or ranged vs ranged). The issue comes up when you mix them. In an open environment the ranged crew completely dominates, in a too compact environment (indoors) melee crews do a lot better and spirits dominate. Having a moderately dense (ability to draw los long ways while still maintaing cover options) amount of scenery creates a far more balanced game.

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