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Which model do you hate to paint

Huang Da Wei

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i'd have to say that i havent painted it yet.

there are a few models i dont like, shikome being one but now painted it looks great and funnily enough i dont hate it anymore, its just different.

same goes for my silurids, didnt really like the figs and now i cant believe i didnt!

got my showgirls commission painted and man he killed it'

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least favourite things to paint Napoleonic Austrians white coats white waistcoats white britches, white gaiters white webbing make me go snow blind... & Second world war German Pea dot cammo I did some on comision on some 15mm figures once never again as after sweating over the blasted things for hours I got something which looked really good but was practicable then had the guy complain bitterly because it was not under a 10x magnifier exactly the same as the flat sample picture in the Flames of war book he had given me as a source.

happy times.

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Dead Justice box, it has been sat on my table for 2 weeks now with the cloaks done and the flesh done, and i can not find the strength to paint the rest of their clothes or weapons or coffins because its getting to smaller and smaller areas and dry brushing becomes more difficult:(

I hate painting and dry brushing makes it so simple to do most the time. And it has to be done, as i know its so much nicer to play an opponent with a painted army/crew and dont like to be the one turning up always with unpainted stuff so.

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Canine Remains... not amazed by performance in game, not amazed by the models, and painting dead dogs that look "right" is proving to be a royal pain

Also really dislike painting Pandora, just not enthused by the mini at all and that's making it a real struggle to work on

it took me 2 cracks at getting the skintone/gore just right, but they're now my favorite painted mini's there was alot of guesswork involved tho

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Lilith, though its a love-hate relationship.

She was my first Wyrd miniature to paint. After painting about 100 more my skills improved, so I attempted to repaint her. This didn't turn out very well so I did it again and she sat for a while in white. I have recently stripped the paint and am about to paint her again; hopefully in a color scheme similar to the first but with a higher quality execution.

I have repainted all of my nephilim since starting at least 1 time and am finally happy with most of them. I have repainted a bunch of Guild, but am finally happy with most of them. The female guild guard needs to be redone again. I am not a perfectionist, but I feel I can do better. She is the bane of my painting efforts.

I ruined Ryle and a Peacekeeper because I wanted to add more to them, and made the paint job worse in the process. I wish I had a magic "undo" button with my painting. The Peacekeeper really annoys me because it looked really good to start with and now it needs extensive work. I tried to add some rusty weathering effects and they turned out bad. To repair this I repainted the armor a yellowish color but it didn't match the original well enough. I will eventually redo it.

LCB turned out fine but I don't like my dreamer very much. Copellius was a pain for me because I wanted him to match my guild guard and fit into my dreamer's color scheme. This was hard to do and the results are not great.

I recieved Nekima as a gift from my mother-in-law who was visiting for a few days. She wanted me to finish painting Nekima before she left so she could take back a picture. I just finished the repaint, which took a bit longer than the original.

Edited by micahwc
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I wish I had a magic "undo" button with my painting.

That would be soooo awesome...

The ones I hated the most, well, the Death Marshals. They turned out quite good in the end, but meh...it was so BORING to paint them. Also the same with the Judge, but it was even more annoying to assemble that guy.

Apart from those, I have a LOT of problems with the Showgirls crew, I kinda love painting them, but I can't achieve the level of paintjob they deserve, so, gonna repaint(and rebase) the Performers and Cassie...

Speaking of non-Wyrd things...Space Marines. I just can't get Power Armour to look right (especially with my friend's Black Templars, it sucks to paint black PA). Strange, but I have no problem with Terminator Armour...

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